Title: Using Blended Online Instruction to Enhance
1Using Blended Online Instruction to Enhance
High School Opportunities Renee Jesness, Ed.D. -
Online Learning Coordinator Presented Oct. 6, 2
005 in Brainerd, Minnesota at Minnesota Associati
on of Career and Technical Administrators
2Types of Online Learning Distance Education -
learning done at a distance. Online Learning -
students and teachers interact online to varying
degrees. Blended Online Learning - blend of the
traditional face-to-face and online learning.
Minnesota Association of Career and Technical
Administrators, Jesness
3The Mission of MPS Online is to
increase options for MPS high school students
for electives, provide a vehicle for accelera
ted credit makeup based on student work not seat
time, meet special needs of students or need
s of students who have schedule conflicts.
Minnesota Association of Career and Technical
Administrators, Jesness
4The Mission 1 Increase Elective Offerings
Districtwide 2003-04 2004-05 200
5-06 Art History Art History Art
History AP Writing
AP Writing German Forensic Sc
ience French Germa
n Spanish
Minnesota Association of Career and Technical
Administrators, Jesness
5Mission 2 - Accelerate Credit Make Up and Base it
on Student Work, Not Seat Time
2003-04 2004-05 2005-06
-- 84 credits at MPS Online --308 credits at MPS
Online --All high schools --3 additional hig
h schools will use blended
used blended model
model this year --MPS Online teachers
will train colleagues
Online teachers teach face-to-face and online.
They are also training other teachers in online
delivery and emphasis in 21st century skills.
Minnesota Association of Career and Technical
Administrators, Jesness
6enGauge 21st Century Skills
Inventive Thinking Adaptability and Managing
Complexity Self-Direction Curiosity Creativit
y Risk Taking Higher-Order Thinking and Sound Re
Digital-Age Literacy Basic Literacy Scientific
Literacy Economic Literacy Technological Litera
cy Visual Literacy Information Literacy Multicu
ltural Literacy Global Awareness
Effective Communication Teaming and Collaborati
on Interpersonal Skills Personal Responsibility
Social and Civic Responsibility Interactive
High Productivity Prioritizing, Planning, and M
anaging for Results Effective Use of Real-World T
ools Ability to Produce Relevant, High-Quality Pr
enGauge, NCREL, 2003. http//www.ncrel.org/engaug
Minnesota Association of Career and Technical
Administrators, Jesness
7Mission 3 - Meet Special Needs of Students or
Needs of Students Who have Schedule Conflicts
2003-04 2004-05 2005-06
--health --health --health
-- special education --physical
education --physical education
--advanced placement --advanced placement
--ELL --Art in Engineering
--Health in Career Tech
Minnesota Association of Career and Technical
Administrators, Jesness
8Project Based Learning Global Competition D
oors to Diplomacy - A Team Based Project
Oral History http//henry.mpls.k12.mn.us/I_
Am_Hmong.html http//henry.mpls.k12.mn.us/I_Am_
Hmong2.html Credit By Assessment
Minnesota Association of Career and Technical
Administrators, Jesness
9What Kind of Change Does this Mean for Students?
Self Directed Learning Is Online Right for
Me? Using digital tools not to play games bu
t learnthis is a skill students may or
may not have. Pew Internet Study - Digital
Disconnect Having to demonstrate learning in
visible and public ways - Efolio Minnesota
Margo Raynor Quyen
Minnesota Association of Career and Technical
Administrators, Jesness
10What Kind of Change Do You Think This Has Meant
for the Organization of Minneapolis Public
Schools? What are the Implications for the Stud
ents? What are the Implications of the change f
or Teachers? What are the Implications of the c
hange for Principals and Leaders?
Minnesota Association of Career and Technical
Administrators, Jesness
11What Kind of Change Do You Think This Has Meant
for the Organization of Minneapolis Public
Schools? Minnesota law in 2003 opened distr
ict borders to anywhere in the State with revenue
stream following students. School Organizati
ons seriously have to ask if teachers and
students have robust enough access to the
Internet. - Technology infrastructure.
School Organizations must figure out how to
retool and train their teaching staff on the
Minnesota Association of Career and Technical
Administrators, Jesness
12 What are the Implications of the change for Teac
hers? Teachers work can become more publi
c in an online environment. Teachers dont
have the same radar about how students are
mastering the work when they cant see how they
respond. Teachers in essence must retool for an
online environment. Teachers change the time
of the day and week that they must be responsive
to students and parents. Rob David
Minnesota Association of Career and Technical
Administrators, Jesness
13 What are the Implications of the change for Prin
cipals and Leaders? Principals may not be a
ble to staff a high school a year in advance.
Principals and Leaders must be able to build
the scenarios around digital learning and project
the next crisis.
Minnesota Association of Career and Technical
Administrators, Jesness
14In What Ways Does Providing Online Learning
Opportunities Enhance High School?
Students have more opportunities for differe
nt types of classes. Students will use self-d
irected learning and demonstrate through
performance their knowledge and skills much like
in the work place. Students use high end tech
nology for information gathering purposes which
exercises their 21st century skills.
Minnesota Association of Career and Technical
Administrators, Jesness
Minnesota Association of Career and Technical
Administrators, Jesness
It is not a question of Should high school stud
ents be taking online courses? But rather, should
they get out of high school without having taken
Minnesota Association of Career and Technical
Administrators, Jesness
17Resources enGauge, NCREL, 2003. 21st Century S
kills http//www.ncrel.org/engauge/skills/skills.
htm Global School House - Doors to Diplomacy P
roject http//www.globalschoolhouse.org/GSH Je
sness, R. (2005). High School Online Learning.
Encyclopedia of Distance Learning. Idea Group.
Levin, D. and Arafeh, S. (2002) Digital Discon
nect. A PEW American Internet Project
Minnesota Association of Career and Technical
Administrators, Jesness
18Resources Minnesota State Colleges and Univers
ities (2002). eFolio Minnesota.
Range of Use, NCREL, http//www.ncrel.org/enga
uge/framewrk/index.html Watson, J. , Winograd,
K., Kalmon, S. (2004). Keeping Pace With K-12
Online Learning A Snapshot of State-Level Policy
and Practice. NCREL. http//www.ncrel.org/tech/p
Minnesota Association of Career and Technical
Administrators, Jesness