Title: Student Readiness
1Student Readiness Online Learning
- Diane Miller, Peoples Education
- John Whitmer, California Virtual Campus
- TATA Learning Forum
- Chicago, IL 10.14.2008
2A View from Californias Community Colleges (CCC)
- 110 colleges, 72 districts, 2003-2004 2.8M
students (1.1M FTES) - Incoming Tidal Wave 2010 714K more students,
535K in CCCs - Hidden Tidal Wave? 1M 18-24 year olds with
less than high school diploma - 50 students minority ethnic groups
- Strong regional variation 6 of 7 high growth
areas rural, some declining enrollment predicted
other areas
All statistics courtesy of Bob Gabriner,
Research and Planning Group for California
Community Colleges, cited in Environmental Scan
California Community College System Strategic
Plan, Parts 1, 2, 3, 2006
3Entering Student Preparation
Source Research and Planning Group for
California Community Colleges Survey, April 2005.
4Enrollment in Basic Skills Courses
Aggregate Growth over Time
5Budget and Facility Restrictions
- California currently ranks 40th out the 50 states
for per-student funding at community colleges. At
4,350 per student, California community college
funding is approximately 3,000 per student below
the national average. - Between 1971 and 2000, per student revenue
improved 23 and 24 percent for UC and CSU,
respectively, while community college revenue
increased a mere 4 percent (revenues adjusted for
inflation). The State has consistently placed a
much higher priority on 4-year schools. - Between the 1989 and 2002, K-12 went from
receiving 24 more to 44 percent more than
two-year colleges, in terms of state funds. This
disparity is significant because under
Proposition 98, K-12 and community colleges
actually compete for the same resources a
relative increase for K-12 amounts to a relative
decrease for community colleges. It is a zero-sum
game. - Facility enhancement projects are largely funded
through local bond measures requiring 2/3 voter
approval often include only bricks and mortar
costs, no support, maintenance, staffing costs
allowed. Increasingly difficult to pass in tight
economic times.
6Effectively Using Network-Enabled Technologies
- CAHSEE Preparation (California High School Exit
Exam) - Online Tutorial, Hybrid Learning,
Interactive exercises with real-time tutors - eFolio CA online electronic portfolio
initiative, building on eFolio Minnesota - Basic Skills Initiative IV Chancellors Office
Grant for professional development network,
includes online learning activities and virtual
7Questions? Contact Information
- Diane M. Miller
- Executive Vice President and Chief Creative
Officer Peoples Education - 800.822.1080 -
- dmiller_at_peoplesed.com
- John WhitmerDirectorCalifornia Virtual