Title: Introduction to neuroscience
1Introduction to neuroscience
- By David William Harper
- Illustrations adapted from Biological
Physiology 7th edition by J. W. Kalat - Text adapted from notes by SJN
2Recommended Text
- J. W. Kalat, Biological Physiology, Edition 7,
Wadsworth - Bear et al, neuroscience
3The Major Issues
4The mind-brain relationship
- It is to try to understand what we think
- understand human thinking
- why we are different from robots
- Its fundamental to understand the principle of
how it works because it is the base of all
physical biological methods - Our view will be biological
5Biological explanation of behaviour
- Most scholars agree that the mind does not exist
independently of the brain - Biological physiology the study of the
physiological, evolutionary and developmental
mechanisms of behaviour and experience - Physiological explanation relates behaviour to
the activity of the brain - Ontogenetic explanation influences of and
interactions between genes, nutrition and
experiences producing behaviour - Evolutionary explanation relates behaviour to
the evolutionary history - Functional explanation describes why a
behaviour involved in a particular way (different
areas etc.)
6The brain and conscious experience
- What is the mind and how it affects body (brain)
- philosophers tried to answer that question for
many years - Its important to understand different positions
and how our minds the affect our bodies
7mind-body problem
- what is the relationship between mind and the
brain? - Potential views
- Dualism
- Body is one material
- Mind is another material
- They are not necessary to be extremely different
but they are different properties - Not necessary to be completely different
- Monism
- The universe consists of only one type of
existence, either - materialism - everything is physical
- mentalism - only the mind really exists
- identity position the mental processes are the
same as some brain processes - Solipsism
- the problem of other minds
- Chalmers
- He said that we can separate the problems into
two classes - easy problems
- Neuroscientist has a link between 3rd person and
1st person - Collecting empirical information
- New technology with advances
- We can answer easy questions in a definite
manner - Each function of easy can be indentified to a
particular area/mechanism - hard problems
- Cannot be resolved
- Subjective - smell of roses
- Different experiences between people
- qualia, i.e. particular qualities, subjective
experience cannot be explained in mechanistic
terms - consciousness is a fundamental property of matter
it cannot be explained
- Dennett
- no hard problems - once all the easy problems are
explained then there will be nothing left - Disagreed with traditional carthage theatre of
mind - Different processes compete with each other for
the spot light or access to consciousness - multiple draft theory of mind
- Multiple processes running like a river
- Continually being revised/changed by joining
river - Churchland
- consciousness may have conventional physical
10Nature and Nurture
- Genes
- units of heredity maintaining their structural
identity throughout generations. - fragments of DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid)
- used by organisms to code for different proteins
- they consist of a series of so called nucleotides
and have generally a similar general structure - They come in pairs because they are parts of
chromosomes. - Chromosome
- A double-strand of DNA (i.e. strands of genes)
- Contained in the cell nucleus
- In the process of transcription, information it
encodes is used to form RNA. - Chromosomes also come in pairs
- RNA (ribonucleic acid)
- transported from nucleus to the ribosomes
("protein factories") where it's "programme" is
translated into a sequence of aminoacids - a
protein. - DNA gt RNA gt protein synthesis
- (structural proteins and enzymes biological
catalyst regulating body biochemical reactions)
- Homozygous individual
- one which has a pair of identical pair of genes
on the two chromosomes - Heterozygous individual
- has unmatched pair of genes
- Genes can be either
- Dominant
- shows a strong effect in both hetero- and
homozygous condition - Recessive
- shows effects only in the heterozygous condition
- Genes influence behaviour directly by changing
chemicals in the brain and indirectly by
affecting the body - However Genes are not the full picture because we
are continuing to develop subject to external
circumstances / environment
14History of Neuroscience
15A history of neuroscience
- Before Hippocrates, people associated different
organs with thoughts/feelings - Theories are reflective of their time and the
knowledge available then. - Egyptians did not consider that the brain
mattered and did not preserve it with other
organs for mummification
16A history of neuroscience
- Hippocrates
- first to ascribe sensation and intelligence to
the brain (before him people thought that the
mind was located in a hart or in the gut) - Galen
- humors (fluids) theory
- personality traits are due to different
concentration of humours - Descartes
- tried to explain the relationship between mind
and the body - The brain was material and fluid-mechanical (like
a hydraulic system of pipes) and supposed to
communicate with the mind via pineal gland, the
only asymmetrical organ in the brain - pure reason - emotions and the logical mind are
separate from each other - Galvani
- considered nerves as wires
- discovered that brain is using electricity for
17A history of neuroscience
- Gall
- invented phrenology (the study of correlating the
structure of the head with the personality
traits) - Broca
- proposed localisation of function
- each cognitive function had a corresponding
region in the brain that generated it - Golgi
- proposed nerve net view of the brain
- considered all the neurons to form a single
connected system - Discovered method of staining neurons to see the
structure which helped to establish Gajals ideas - R. Y Cajal
- discovered that neurons act as functional units
and are actually disconnected from each other
18Neuroscience Today
- Levels of Analysis
- molecular neuroscience
- cellular neuroscience
- systems neuroscience
- behavioural neuroscience
- cognitive neuroscience
- Research methodology
- predominantly experimental
- some mathematical and computational modelling
19Neural System Disorders
- Alzheimers disease (degenerative disorder)
- Cerebral palsy (motor disorder)
- Depression (mood disorder)
- Epilepsy
- Multiple sclerosis
- Parkinsons disease
- Schizophrenia
- Stroke
20Animal Testing
- Animal nervous systems similar to Human
- Many neuroscience discoveries were found using
animal nervous systems. - Question are experiments on animals necessary?
- Question Is it right?
21Nerve cells, Action Potentials and Synaptic
22Nervous system
- Nervous system consists of a vast quantity of
interconnected cells organised in various
structures. - Major part in information processing in the
nervous system play neurons, cells receiving
information and transmitting it to other cells. - Cannot separate the neurons metabolic process
from the process of information processing,
functional processes
23Distribution of neurons
Cerebral cortex 12-15x109
Cerebellum 70x109
Spinal cord 1x109
24The neuron structure
- Neurons share many features of other cells but
also have some distinct features - Cell body (soma)
- Contains cytosol fluid in which float cell
organelles - Membrane
- Phospholipid bilayer actively regulating
cell-environment interaction - Dendrites
- Input
- Axons
- output
- Nucleus
- Contains chromosomes (DNA)
- Involved in hereditary control
- Blueprint
- Rough endoplasmic reticulum
- Contains ribosomes
- Responsible for synthesis, isolation,
modification, and transportation of proteins - Smooth endoplasmic reticulum
- Protein 3D folding
- Regulations internal concentration of calcium
- Golgi apparatus
- Protein sorting
- Mitochondria
- Metabolic activities
- Energy production
- Gives identity to the structure which we call a
cell - Isolation from external environment
- Protects the cell
- Controlled communication
- Gets rid of waste
- Allows input
- Ion channels
- Open and close selectively to control flow
- Sodium and potassium channels affect membrane
27Ion channel
Protein ion channel
Phospholipid molecules
- Main information sender
- Thin fibre constant diameter
- Extend for long distances
- Axon collaterals
- Branches to intervene with several other cells
- Presynaptic terminals or boutons
- At end of axon collaterals
- Junction for communication
- Axoplasmic (anterograde) transport
- Delivery of neurotransmitters to presynaptic
terminals - Makes possible the interneuron communication
- Main information receivers of the neuron
- Branching fibres
- Taper away from cell body
- The cytoskeleton is a cellular "scaffolding" or
"skeleton" contained within the cell - Microtubials
- transport of organelles within the cell
- Neurofillaments
- Microfilaments
- resists tension and maintains cellular shape
31Neuron Classification
- Main neuron classification
- Morphological
- Dendrites
- Connections
- Axon length
- Chemical
- Neurotransmitter type
- Important cells of the nervous system
- They do not convey information over long
distances - Exchange chemicals with neighbouring neurons
- Astrocytes pass chemicals back and forth between
neurons and blood and among various neurons in
an area
34Schwann cell
- Axon isolation in periphery nervous system
- Myelin sheaths
Schwann Cell
- Axon isolation in central nervous system
Myelin sheath
36Myelin sheaths
Myelin sheath
Node of Ranvier
37Resting potential
- The membrane maintains readiness for response
- Creates slightly negative resting potential
(-70mV) - Difference in voltage across membrane between
inside and outside of neuron - Negative due to negatively charged proteins
- Neuron membranes ion channels allow selective
ions to pass - Selective permeability maintains electrical
gradient - At rest sodium channels tightly shut and
potassium channels open
38Resting potential
- Sodium potassium pump
- Active transport system
- Uses energy to push 3 sodium ions out and 2
potassium ions into cell - Differential concentration gradient
- Na insideoutside 110
- K insideoutside 201
- Electric gradient pushes potassium ions inside
the cell, whereas the concentration gradient
pushes them out of the cell. -
- Resting potential results as a dynamical balance
between concentration gradient, electric gradient
and active transport by the sodium-potassium pump
39Resting potential
Movement of ions
Distribution of ions
Sodium potassium pump
K leaves cell because of concentration gradient
K enters cell because of electrical gradient
40Net Results
- Steady state 70mV
- Dynamic equilibrium lots of activity to achieve
this - erratic stochastic random but a bias a
propensity for one state sodium closed,
potassium open
41Action Potential
- If membrane potential is slightly perturbed it
quickly returns to the resting potential. - However if the disturbance (depolarisation) is
sufficiently large (reaches threshold) an action
potential starts a massive and rapid
depolarisation followed by a slight reversal of
the polarisation.
42Action Potential
- Action potentials constitute a basis for the
information encoding by single cells. - Generation of action potentials or spikes has
molecular basis, it depends on voltage gated
channels. - Action potential is binary all or none
- amplitude does not depend on the level of the
initial depolarisation which triggered the spike. - Synaptic responses (axon dendrite join) is not
43Action potential
- When the depolarisation reaches a threshold level
- sodium channels start to open very rapidly
- sodium current flows into the cell leading to
quick further depolarisation. - At the peak of depolarisation sodium channels
close - Making it impossible for sodium to flow into
cell. - Meanwhile the potassium channels open more slowly
and reach peak opening when sodium channels are
already closing. - The flow of potassium is in the opposite
direction and drives the membrane potential down
(hyperpolarizes it). - As potassium channels close slower than sodium
channels, the imbalance of the ion flows leads to
membrane hyperpolarisation.
44Action potential neuron action
Rate of sodium into neuron
Rising phase
Rate of exit of potassium from neuron
Falling phase
1 msec
1 msec
After hyperpolarisation state refractory period
45Ion channel states
- main factor affecting state of channels is the
membrane potential the sodium channel will be
affected by the membrane potential - potassium channels 2 states, open and closed
- sodium channels 3 states, open, inactive and
closed - (underlining above indicates no ion flow)
- Potassium at rest is slightly open
No flow
46Cybernetic analogy
- Feedback
- Closed loop system
- Common variable is membrane potential
- 2 systems sodium and potassium
Opening of ion channel
Flow of ions
47Refractory period
- When things calm down, the Sodium/potassium pump
(working in the background) restores the
concentrations and therefore the membrane
potential to resting state. - This is the refractory period.
- Absolute not going to see any reaction (most of
sodium channels in a particular state inactive)
shortly after peak of spike - Relative depends on the amount of stimulus you
receive (re sodium ion channels are closed but
could be opened if action exceeds / undershoots)
requires higher stimulus due to
48Propagation of Action Potentials
- Membrane of a neuron is an active medium - It may
sustain and propagate the initial membrane
potential - Chain reaction
- In an extended segment of the axon
- Nearby action potential related sodium entry
depolarizes membrane above threshold - Chain reaction
- Leads to generation of an action potential in a
neighboring patch
49Propagation of Action Potentials
- Spikes
- Unidirectional propagation due to refractory
period - Depolarisation spreads bidirectionally
- Due to membrane behind current spike being in the
absolute refractory period, only the membrane in
front can generate another action potential
50Propagation of Action Potentials
51Propagation of Action Potentials
- Action potential is slow in unmyelineated axons
because it depends on diffusion of sodium ions
(up to 10 m/s) - In axons with myelin sheath
- Myelin sheath acts like an insulated
- Saltatory conduction between nodes of Ranvier
(gaps in myelin) speed up propagation up to 120
m/s - This is due to there being no sodium channels
under myelin and so propagation can occur without
continuous spike regeneration
52Propagation of Action Potentials
- Point of communication between two neurons
- Pre-synaptic and postsynaptic neurons do not
actually touch messages must transmit across
narrow gap - Gap between pre- and postsynaptic membrane is
called a synaptic cleft - Synaptic transmission takes the form of chemical
diffusion of neurotransmitters
54Synapse transmission
- A single stimulation at a synapse produces graded
potential at the postsynaptic cell rather than a
full action potential - Excitatory synapse
- excitatory postsynaptic potentials (EPSP)
produced - Sodium gates are opened
- Inhibitory synapse
- Inhibitory postsynaptic potential (IPSP) produced
- Potassium or chloride gates are opened
55Synapse Transmission
- Synaptic stimulation (graded potentials) on the
dendritic tree can be integrated in two ways - Temporal Integration summation of stimuli at
different times - Spatial Integration summation of different
56Synapse transmission
Synthesis of neurotransmitter and formation of
Transport of neurotransmitter down axon
Action potential travels down the axon
Action potential causes calcium to enter, evoking
release of neurotransmitter
Reuptake of neurotransmitter to be recycled
Vesicles without transmitter transported back to
cell body
Neurotransmitter attaches to receptor, exciting
or inhibiting postsynaptic neuron
Separation of neurotransmitter molecules from
- Some neurotransmitters are produced in cell body
and are actively transported to the presynaptic
terminals - Transport is relatively slow due to neurons
needing time to replenish larger neurotransmitters
- Synaptic transmission is triggered by an action
potential arriving along the axon terminal
collateral towards the bouton - Causes depolarisation of bouton membrane leading
to opening of the voltage-gated calcium channels - Calcium flows into presynaptic terminal and
triggers exocytosis - Neurotransmitters released into the synaptic
cleft - Neurotransmitters diffuse across cleft and are
attached to receptors on the postsynaptic
membrane, triggering a response
- Each neuron releases the same (limited)
combination of neuron transmitters from al the
axon branches - This increases message complexity
- Neurons can respond to different
neurotransmitters at different synapses - There are two types of neurotransmitters
(dependant on the results of attachment to
postsynaptic receptors) - Ionotropic
- Metabotropic
- Ionotropic neurotransmitters attach to receptors
resulting in opening of certain ion channels - Effects are rapid and short
- Action localised to immediate vicinity of the
membrane patch with the receptors - Examples
- glutamate opens sodium channels (excitatory)
- GABA opens chloride channels (inhibitory)
- Acetylcholine allows sodium ions in (excitatory)
- Metabotropic effects initiate a sequence of
metabolic reactions - Slow and longer lasting
- Use second messenger systems
- E.g. cAMP
- Carry messages to areas within a cell
- Open/close ion channels, alter protein synthesis
or activate a portion of the chromosome - A metabotropic synapse may affect activity in the
entire postsynaptic cell (nonlocal effect)
62Anatomy of the nervous system
63Anatomy of nervous system
- Brain
- Spinal cord
- Hindbrain
- Midbrain
- Forebrain
- Peripheral nervous system
- Somatic conveys information from sense organs
to CNS and controls voluntary muscles - Autonomic nervous system organs and involuntary
muscles - Sympathic expenditure of energy, flight or
fight - Parasympathic conserving energy and vegative
64Nervous system
Corpus Callosum
Cerebral Cortext
Spinal cord
Pituitary gland
Peripheral nervous system Somatic
(blue) Autonomic (red)
65Autonomic nervous system
66Anterior plane
Sagittal plane
Coronal plane
67Anatomical directions
68Spinal cord
- Part of the CNS within spinal column
- Responsible for communication with muscles and
sensory organs below head - Each segment has a pair of nerves on both sides
- Dorsal roots enter spinal cord carrying sensory
information. Sensory neurons bodies are located
in the dorsal root ganglia. - Ventral roots exit spinal cord and carry motor
information to the muscles - Grey matter consists of densely packed cell
bodies and dendrites - White matter consists of myelineated axons
69Spinal Cord
White matter
Grey matter
Sensory nerve
Central canal
Dorsal root ganglion
Motor Nerve
70Brain Stem
Olfactory bulb
Optic nerve
Figure 4.7 three major divisions of the
vertebrate brain In a fish brain, as shown here,
the forebrain, midbrain, and hind brain are
clearly visible as separate bulges. In adult
mammals the forebrain grows so large that it
surrounds the entire midbrain and part of the
71Brain Stem
- Consisting of parts of
- Hindbrain
- Midbrain
- Some structures of forebrain
- Hindbrain
- Medula
- Extension of spinal cord involuntary reflexes
- Pons
- Reticular formation motor areas of spinal cord
and controls arousal and attention by projecting
output to the cerebral cortex - Raphe system projects to the forebrain and
modulates the brains response readiness to
stimuli. - Cerebellum
- Lots of neurons, more than forebrain
- Control of movement, balance and coordination,
shifting attention between auditory and visual
stimuli, timing
72Brain stem
- Midbrain contains pathways between the forebrain
and the hindbrain or the spinal cord - Consists of
- Tactum
- Tegmentum
- Supperior colliculus
- Substantia nigra (dopaminergic system)
73Brain stem
- Forebrain largest part of the brain in mammals
- It is divided into two hemispheres connected by
corpus callosum and anteriror commisure - Contains
- Cerebral cortex
- Thalamus
- Limbic system
- Basal ganglia
- Limbic system set of structures around the
brain stem - Olfactory bulb
- Hypothalamus
- Motivated behaviours (e.g. feeding, drinking,
temperature regulation, sexual behaviour or
fighting) - Pituitary gland
- Endocrine gland responsible for the synthesis and
release of hormones - Hippocampus
- Stores certain kinds of memories and involved in
memory consolidation - Amygdala
- Expression of fear as well as aggressive behavoir
- Cingulate gyrus
- Thalamus
- Relay station of sensory information between
sensorium and cerebral cortex - Olfactory system not handled by Thalamus
olfactory bulbs - Consists of many nuclei group of neurons to
achieve some function - Some receive input from one sensory system (e.g.
vision) and project to a single cortical area - Others have multiple connections with several
sensory systems, other nuclei and many cortical
- Basal ganglia
- Makes connections to the frontal cortex
- Involved in several functions
- Contains
- Caudate nucleus
- Putamen
- Globus pallidus
- Deterioration causes
- Impaired movement
- Depression
- Memory and reasoning deficits
- Attentional disorders
82Cerebral cortex
- External layer of grey matter
- Contains neuron bodies
- Neurons communicate with other cortical neurons
- Sending axons forming white matter of the
forebrain underneath the cortex - Laminar structure
- 6 layers of neurons
- Neurons in cortex are arranged in columns
- Cells in the same column have similar properties
- Most of cortical areas are involved in many
different functions but to varying degrees of
83Cerebral Cortex
84Cerebral Cortex
85Cerebral Cortex
86Cerebral Cortex
- 4 lobes
- Occipital
- Located at back main target for thalamic
projects with visual information - Contains primary visual cortex perception and
imagery - Parietal
- Contains somatosensory cortex somatosensory
representation of the body (damage leads to
neglect cannot control or sense a particular
body part) - Temporal
- Auditory information involved in hearing and
spoken language understanding as well as vision,
emotional and motivational behaviours - Frontal
- Primary motor cortex fine movement control
- Prefrontal cortex working memory, memories of
current stimulus, movement planning, regulation
of emotional expression
87Cerebral Cortex
88Binding problem
- The brain is neither
- a collection of completely independent subsystems
each with a very specialised function - or a homogenous system with all its parts
contributing equally to the functionality of the
whole - If there is some degree of specialisation and
different sensory information is processed in
different brain regions then how is it put back
together into a coherent unitary experience of
89Binding problem
- Fundamental problem with deep philosophical
implications - There is no homunculus which would collect and
interpret all the information processed by
different regions - There is no single area in the brain where it
all comes together
90Binding Problem
- Proposed solutions
- Synchrony of activity in different brain areas
(gamma waves) may be responsible for binding of
information - Information is encoded (mean rate of neuron
firing) in the temporal structure of massages and
this richer information may allow for binding.
91Plasticity of the Brain
92Development of the vertebrate Brain
- In vertebrate embryos the CNS starts as a fluid
filled tube - Fluid is cerebrospinal fluid (CSF)
- Proliferation of neurons
- Cells lining the ventricles divide
- Cells that become neurons glia migrate to their
target regions in the brain - Initially they are just like other stem cells,
but they begin to differentiate and develop first
axon and later dendrites - Location of neurons affects their shape and
properties - The glia cells start to wrap around axons of some
neurons create myelin sheath around them
(myelination) - Myelin forms in humans in the spinal cord, then
the hindbrain, midbrain, and in the forebrain - Maturation of the brain is accompanied by both
maturation of neurons as well as by the
development of brain areas.
93Development of the vertebrate Brain
94Development of the vertebrate Brain
95Development of the vertebrate Brain
- Initially the number of neurons is much greater
than in later stages. - Neurons make contacts with neurons sending nerve
growth factor (NGF) and other neurotophins - Only neurons receiving neurotrophins survive
- If insufficient neurotrophins are received, its
axon degenerates and the cell dies (apoptosis
programmed cell death)
96Development of the vertebrate Brain
97Axon Pathfinding
- During connectivity development, axons navigate
to specific targets - Pathfinding is very precise and ensures the
nervous system can send signals to the right
targets - Chemical navigation
- Axons follow different chemicals over different
parts of their pathway - Become sensitive and insensitive to certain
chemicals as they pass through the regions - In the target area the amount of neurotrophins
determines the extent of axonal branching - Attach to target area by arraying over chemical
98Axon Pathfinding
99Axon Pathfinding
- When the target is reached, the axon form many
synapses on the target neuron - With time some of the synapses are removed
- General principle axonal competition
- Neural Darwinism natural selection where more
successful synapses are retained at the expense
of less successful ones
100Experience and dendritic branching
- Development of connectivity in the brain is
dependent on the experience of the individual - Enriched environments enhance axonal sprouting
and dendrite branching - In humans, the extent of education correlates
positively with the increased dendritic branching
101Generation of new neurons
- Traditionally believed that neurons do not
regenerate in the adult brain - Recent evidence suggest that this is not entirely
correct - Immature cells in the nose divide and replace
olfactory receptors - Stem cells (undifferentiated cells) lining the
interior of ventricles generate cells migrating
to the olfactory bulb replacing the neurons and
glia - Also new cells develop in the hippocampus and
some parts of the cortex, although their
functional role is unknown
102Role of action potential in development
103Brain development
- Although there are many factors affecting the
brain development they seem to affect equally
different brain areas. - In mammals the size of the brain correlates very
well with the size of its major components
104Impediment of Brain Development
- Genetic abnormalities
- Malnutrition
- Chemical environment
- Foetal alcohol syndrome
- Exposure to alcohol during prenatal development
- May result in
- Decreased alertness
- Hyperactivity
- Mental retardation
- Motor problems
- Hearing defects
- Facial abnormalities
- Neurons in affected individuals have shorter
dendrites with few branches. In adulthood, they
are more susceptible to alcoholism, drug
addiction, depression
105Brain damage
- Causes
- Strong or repeated blows to the head (e.g.
boxing) - Strokes or cerebrovascular events (occurs mostly
in older brains and kills neurons by
- Neurons die in two stages
- In the immediate vicinity of the stroke, the
neurons die quickly - In the penumbra (region surrounding immediate
damage) may did in next few days/weeks after the
stroke - Two stroke types
- Ischemia results from an obstruction of an
artery by a blood clot. Afterwards the penumbra
dies by lack of oxygen and glucose - Haemorrhage rupture of an artery. Penumbra is
flooded by an excess of oxygen, calcium etc
- Both stroke types share a number of similar
mechanisms leading to extensive damage. - The waste products from dead and dying cells
flood penumbra. Due to breaking of bloodbrain
barrier forms oedema (accumulation of fluid). - Lower levels of energy lead to slowing down of
sodium-potassium pump and consequently to
accumulation of potassium outside neurons. - This causes glia to dump their stores of
neurotransmitters including glutamate
(excitatory) causing over-excitation of neurons. - This leads to accumulation of positive ions (Na,
Ca, Zn) in neurons, which is likely to
trigger their death. In the final stages glia
cells remove waste and dead neurons.
- Recovery depends on
- learned changes in behaviour using remaining
skills - Increase of activity in neurons remote from the
site of injury, which became less active due to
decreased input (diaschisis) caused by the damage - Diaschisis treaded with
- Stimulant drugs e.g. amphetamine, combined with
the physical therapy - Physical therapy
- Recovery Mechanisms in the nervous system
- Axonal regrowth in mammals axon do not
regenerate far due to growth-inhibiting chemicals
produced by central myelin - Sprouting axons take over vacant synapses after
death of a neighbouring axon. Neurons may become
responsive to other axons if axons innervating it
become inactive or die.
- Supersensitivity
- Denervation supersenitivity heightened
sensitivity of postsynaptic neuron to a
neurotransmitter after destruction of an incoming
axon - Disuse supersensitivity increased sensitivity
in response to inaction by an incomming action - Supersensitivity results from increased number of
receptors on the postsynaptic neuron and from
their increased effectiveness
113Sensory changes
- The brain is able to reorganise its sensory
representations in response to permanent changes
in incoming information - Example limb amputation
- Sensory neurons from limb no longer contact brain
- Areas reorganise
- Areas representing parts/limbs are not static but
are in dynamic equilibrium due to cell
competition and constant influx of information. - Amputation terminates influx of sensory
information leading to reorganisation of
somatosensory cortical areas, where neighbouring
areas invade the area correspond to the amputated
limb. - Phantom limb areas responsible for limb are
114Sensory Changes
115Sensory changes
117From senses to sensations
- Senses provide us with information about the
environment - Exchange of information involves the exchange of
energy between the environment and the organism - Three stages for sensation to occur
- Reception absorption of energy by receptors
- Transduction conversion of physical energy into
electrophysical pattern in neurons - Coding creation of correspondence between the
stimulus and some brain activity (e.g. mean rate
coding, spike interval coding) - One of the fundamental and as yet unresolved
problems in neuroscience is the labelled lines
problem or colours of waves - We do not now how the action potentials
propagated along particular nerves somehow code
the same kind of information to the brain
118The Eye
- Reception and transduction of visual information
- Oval shape
- Light progression
- Enters through the pupil
- Concentrated by the lenses
- Travels through the vitreous humour
- Hits the Retina
- Layer of photoreceptors
- Macula
- Area of heightened acuity
- 3-5mm area
- Fovea
- central part of macula and has highest density of
photoreceptors - Receptors have an almost one to one connection
pattern with postsynaptic neurons (bipolar cells) - Periphery
- Each receptor has higher coverage
- Sums the inputs lower acuity but higher
sensitivity to week stimulus (e.g. faint light)
- inside out organisation
- Light has to pas through layers of axons, cells
and blood vessels in order to reach the
photoreceptors - The receptors make connections onto the bipolar
cells, which are connected to the ganglion - Axons of the ganglion cells bundle together and
form an optic nerve - The blind spot does not contain any receptors and
is completely insensitive to light. It is the
place where the optic nerve leaves
121The Eye
122The Eye
- There are two types of receptors
- Rods
- 120 million
- Increases towards periphery
- Very sensitive responds to faint light (even to
single photons) - Cones
- 6 million
- Concentrated mainly in the fovea and macula
- Different types of cones each broadly tuned to
different wave lengths of light - Involved in colour vision
- Photopigments
- Chemicals contain in photoreceptors
- Absorb photons and release energy
- Stimulation of photopigments leads to activation
of 2nd massagers responsible for closing of
sodium channels resulting in membrane
hyperpolarisation - Inhibition of photoreceptors causes inhibition of
synapses onto bipolar cells - This results in excitation of bipolar cells
- Light stimulation of receptors leads to
activation of neurons and sending electrical
signals down the optic nerve
126Colour Vision
- Complex patterns of responses by many neurons and
comparison of responses across different cone
types - Although most vertebrates have some cones in
their retina, only those with different cone
types can discriminate colours (e.g. rats cannot
they only have one cone type)
127Theories of Colour Vision
- If we assume that neurons encode information in
their firing frequency then only one property can
be encoded at once (e.g. luminance or colour).
Patterns or activity across different neurons
must be responsible. - There are three main theories
- Trichomatic theory (Young and Helmholtz)
- Opponent process theory
- Retinex theory (Land)
128Theories of Colour Vision
- Trichomatic theory (Young and Helmholtz)
- A given wavelength of light stimulates a
distinctive ratio of responses of 3 types of
cones - Although stronger light results in stronger
responses, the ratio remains largely the same - Can explain encoding of both brightness and
colour at the same time - Predicted existence of difference cone types
- It does have problems explaining negative colour
129Theories of Colour Vision
- Opponent process theory
- Colours are perceived on continuous scales,
red-green, yellow-blue, white-black - Emphasised involvement of other cells than
receptors - Neurons other than receptors increase activity in
response to one colour and decrease activity to
indicate the opposite colour - Suggests specific neural connectivity between
cells in retina - It cannot account for colour constancy the
ability to recognise correctly colours in varying
lighting conditions it requires comparison of
colours across different areas.
130Theories of Colour Vision
131Theories of Colour Vision
- Retinex theory (Land)
- Can explain colour constancy
- Cortex compares the responses of different parts
of the retina to determine the brightness and
colour of each area - Responsibility for colour perception is in the
132Mammalian visual system
- Receptors make contacts onto the bipolar cells
- Bipolar cells make contact with amacrine and
ganglion cells - Ganglion cells axons form an optic nerve leaving
eyes - Optic nerves from both eyes meet at the optic
chiasm, where some of the axons from each eye
cross to the other side of the brain (50 in
133Mammalian visual system
- Majority of axons then enter lateral geniculate
nucleus - Part of thalamus involved in processing of visual
information - LGN makes projections to the visual cortex in the
occipital lobe - Small number of the axons goes to another
structure called suprachiasmatic colliculus and
few to the part of hypothalamus responsible for
the wake-sleep cycle.
134Mammalian visual system
135Mammalian visual system
136Mechanisms of processing
- Receptive field
- Part of the visual field to which a neuron
responds - The receptive field of a receptor is the area in
space from which light arrives - The receptive field of a ganglion cell will be a
combination of the receptive fields of receptors
it is connected to. - The receptive field becomes more complex in
consecutive stages of the visual system
137Mechanisms of processing
- Lateral inhibition
- Contrast enhancement
- Stimulation in one area of the retina inhibits
the responses in the neighbouring areas - Visual pathways
- Organisation of neurons
- Starts at the level of retinal ganglion
138Mechanisms of processing
- Parvocelluar
- Neurons concentrated around fovea
- They are smaller and have smaller receptive
fields - Involved in processing colour and fine detail
- Magnocellular
- Neurons evenly distributed
- Respond to depth, movement and large patterns
- Two neuron types make connection with the
correspond types of neurons in the LGN. Thus both
pathways remain distinct
139Cerebral Cortex
- LGN makes projects to the primary visual cortex
(V1) - the first stage of processing
- V1 sends projects to V2
- Further stages of the visual processing
- Makes feedback connections to V1
140Cerebral cortex
- The two pathways originating in the retina form
three pathways in the cortex - The mostly magnocellular pathway branches into
the ventral part involved in motion perception
and the dorsal part involved in integration of
vision and action - The mixed magnocellular and parvocellular pathway
is responsive to colour and brightness - The parvocellular pathway is involved in fine
shape analysis
141Cerebral cortex
- Ventral stream
- Mixed m/p path mostly p path
- Visual paths in the temporal cortex
- what pathway
- Object identification
- Dorsal stream
- Magnocelluar path entering parietal cortex
- where pathway
- Shape perception
142Shape analysis pathway
- Cells in V1 and V2 are classified according to
their receptive field type - Simple cells
- Mostly in the primary visual cortex
- Fixed excitatory and inhibitory parts in their
receptive fields - Complex cells
- Found in V1 and V2
- No fixed excitatory/inhibitory zones
- Respond to preferred stimulus orientation
regardless of the position within the receptive
field - Cells in the visual cortex are grouped in columns
in which cells with similar properties cluster
143Shape analysis pathway
- V1 and V2 feature detectors or frequency filters?
- Hubel and Wiesel classification of cells suggest
that cells might be simply feature detectors - There is however evidence that they may be
responsive to gratings rather than to bars - This would mean that cells are frequency filters
tuned to different spatial frequencies and the
visual system performs some form of Fourier
analysis - This is still open to debate
- Cells in higher order systems (e.g. inferior
temporal cortex) have big receptor fields - Provides no additional positional information but
seem able to respond to specific shapes (shape
144Disorders of shape recognition
- Certain damages to the brain results in
impairments of visual perception - Visual agnosia
- Inability to recognise objects
- Prosopagnosia
- Inability to recognise faces but able to
recognise other objects
145Colour perception pathway
- Colour perception pathway involves the
parvocellular path - Cells in V1 (sensitive to the colour) form blobs
- Neurons from V1 blobs innervate V2, V4, and
posterior inferior temporal cortex - Particularly V4 was implicated in colour
constancy perception
146Motion and depth pathways
- Areas involved in motion perception
- Magnocellular pathway
- MT (V5)
- MST (cells are sensitive to the motion velocity)
- Patients with certain brain damage suffer from
motion blindness - Intact object recognition
- Cannot determine object movement or its speed and
direction of movement
147Hearing, Somatosensation, Chemical Senses
- Sound
- Amplitude intensity perception loudness
- Frequency perception pitch
- Structure of the Ear
- Pitch perception
- Localisation of sounds
- Vestibular system
149Structure of the Ear
- Outer ear
- Pinna
- External auditory canal
- Middle ear
- Eardrum
- Hammer, anvil and stirrup
- Inner ear
- Oval window
- Cochlea 3 fluid filled tunnels, hair cells lie
between the basilar membrane and tectorial
150Structure of the Ear
- When sound waves strike the tympanic membrane
- They cause it vibrate three tiny bones the
hammer, anvil and stirrup that convert the
sound waves into stronger vibrations in the
fluid-filled cochlea - Thos vibrates displace the hair cells along the
basilar membrane in the cochlea - A cross section through the cochlear. The array
of hair cells in the cochlea is known as the
organ of Corti - Close-up of the hair cells
151Auditory Cortex
- Cells tuned to different tone frequencies
- Cells responding to a given tone cluster together
(tonoptic maps) - Ventral path (type of sound)
- Dorsal path (localisation of sound)
152Auditory Cortex
153Pitch Perception
- Frequency theory
- Basilar membrane vibrates in sync with a sound
causing the auditory nerve axons to produce
action potentials with the same frequency - Place theory
- Each area of basila membrane is tuned to a
specific frequency and vibrates if that frequency
is present
154Pitch perception
- Currant theory combination of the two
- Low frequency sounds frequency of action
potentials in the auditory system - Intermediate frequencies volleys of responses
across many receptors can lead to the encoding of
sounds of frequency of up to ca. 5000Hz in the
who auditory nerve even though no individual axon
can fire with that frequency - High frequency sounds area of greatest response
along the basilar membrane due to location of
peaks of the travelling wave in the basilar
155Pitch perception
156Localisation of sounds
- High frequency
- Loudness difference between ears
- Low frequency
- Differences in phase
157Vestibular System
- Vestibular organ
- adjacent to cochlea
- Detects position and acceleration of the head
- Consists of 2 otholit organs and three
semicircular canals (in three planes) filled with
a jellylike substance and lined with hair cells - Head tilts are detected by the otholit organs
(otholits calcium carbonate particles push
against the hair cells) - Acceleration is detected by the canals
158Vestibular System
- Many senses in one
- Depends on a number of receptors sensitive to
different kinds of skin and internal tissue
stimulation - Each receptor contributing in some degree to many
somatosensory experiences
- Function
- Trasmitted by axons releasing glutamate for
moderately painful stimuli and a combination of
glutamate and substance P for strong pain - Many kinds of pain are dependent on unmyelinated
or thinly myelinated axons carrying information
to the spinal cord and releasing there a
cotrasmitter substance P - A chemical capsaicin (jalapenos) produces a
transient pain by enhancing release of substance
P and stimulation of the moderate heat receptors.
This pain is followed by the relative
insensitivity due to need for restoring the
neuronal supply of substance P and weakening of
heat receptors.
163Pain relief
- A harmful stimulus may evoke varying feeling of
pain depending on the other current and recent
stimulus - Experience of pain is related to the activity of
cingulate cortex (emotional response) and
somatosensory cortex - Gate theory some areas of the spinal cord
receive stimulus from pain receptors and from
other receptors in the skin as well as axons
descending from the brain these stimuli can
close the gates and block the trasmission of
pain. - Opioid Mechanisms opioids bind to the receptors
concentrated in the same brain areas where
substance P is concentrated they reduce pain
because they attach to the endorphin receptors
164(No Transcript)
165Pain relief
- Analgesia some painful stimuli activates
neurons releasing endorphins in the
periaqueductal area - Axons from exited cells in medulla and the
periqueductal area send messages to the spinal
cord and block release of substance P - Endorphins
- Act on small diameter pain fibres they relieve
slow dull pain ineffective for sharp strong pain - Release of the endorphins (decrease of pain
sensitivity) can be triggered by both pleasant
and unpleasant experiences
166(No Transcript)
167Pain relief
- Both morphine and pain transiently impair the
immune system - Pain impairs it more so the net effect of
relieving pain with morphine is enhancement of
the immune system - Tissue damage activates the immune system, which
released chemicals (e.g. histamine) repairing the
damage but also makes the pain receptors over
responsive to further pain or even a mild stimulus
- Sensory information can be coded using labelled
lines or across fibre coding - Taste receptors
- modified skin cells (life cycle of 10-14 days)
- In taste buds located in papillae on the tongue
- 5 kinds of taste receptors
- Salty receptors detect sodium ions crossing the
membrane - Sour receptors respond to the stimulus by
blocking potassium channels - Sweet, bitter and umani receptors response
similar to the metabotropic receptors,via a
second messengers system