Title: Introduction to Computer Vision
1Introduction to Computer Vision
2Richard Szeliski Guest Lecturer
- Ph. D., Carnegie Mellon, 1988
- Researcher, Cambridge ResearchLab at DEC,
1990-1995 - Senior Researcher, InteractiveVisual Media
Group, Microsoft, 1995- - Research interests
- computer vision (stereo, motion),computer
graphics (image-based rendering), parallel
3What is Computer Vision?
4What is Computer Vision?
- Image Understanding (AI, behavior)
- A sensor modality for robotics
- Computer emulation of human vision
- Inverse of Computer Graphics
5Intersection of Vision and Graphics
6Computer Vision TruccoVerri98
7Image-Based Modeling
8Related disciplines
- Image Processing
- Scientific / medical imaging
- Pattern Recognition
- Computer Graphics
- Learning
- Artificial Intelligence
- Visual Neuroscience
- Applied Mathematics
- What kinds of mathematics are used?
- Signal and image processing
- Euclidean and projective geometry
- Vector calculus
- Partial differential equations
- Optimization
- Probabilistic estimation
- What we will be covering in this course
- Image Transforms / Representations
- filters, pyramids, steerable filters
- warping and resampling
- blending
- image statistics, denoising/coding
- edge and feature detection
12Image Pyramid
Lowpass Images
13Pyramid Blending
14Parametric (global) warping
- Examples of parametric warps
- Optical Flow
- least squares regression
- iterative, coarse-to-fine
- parametric
- robust flow and mixture models
- layers, EM
16Image Morphing
- Projective geometry
- points, lines, planes, transforms
- Camera calibration and pose
- point matching and tracking
- lens distortion
- Image registration
- mosaics
18Panoramic Mosaics
- 3D structure from motion
- two frame techniques
- factorization of shape and motion
- bundle adjustment
203D Shape Reconstruction
Debevec, Taylor, and Malik, SIGGRAPH 1996
21Face Modeling
- Stereo
- correspondence
- local methods
- global optimization
23View Morphing
- Morph between pair of images using epipolar
geometry Seitz Dyer, SIGGRAPH96
24Z-keying mix live and synthetic
- Takeo Kanade, CMU (Stereo Machine)
25Virtualized RealityTM
- Takeo Kanade, CMU
- collect video from 50 stream
- reconstruct 3D model sequenceshttp//www.cs
26Virtualized RealityTM
- Takeo Kanade, CMU
- generate new video
- steerable version used for SuperBowl XXVeye
vision system
- Tracking
- eigen-tracking
- on-line EM
- Kalman filter
- particle filtering
- appearance models
- Recognition
- subspaces and local invariance features
- face recognition
- color histograms
- textures
- Image editing
- segmentation
- curve tracking
29Edge detection and editing
Elder, J. H. and R. M. Goldberg. "Image Editing
in the Contour Domain," Proc. IEEE Computer
Vision and Pattern Recognition, pp. 374-381,
June, 1998.
30Image Enhancement
- High dynamic range photographyDebevec et
al.97 Mitsunaga Nayar99 - combine several different exposures together
- Image-based rendering
- Lightfields and Lumigraphs
- concentric mosaics
- layered models
- video-based rendering
32Concentric Mosaics
- Interpolate between several panoramas to give a
3D depth effect - Shum He, SIGGRAPH99
- Geometric reconstruction modeling, forensics,
special effects (ILM, RealVis,2D3) - Image and video editing (Avid, Adobe)
- Webcasting and Indexing Digital Video (Virage)
- Scientific / medical applications (GE)
- Tracking and surveillance (Sarnoff)
- Fingerprint recognition (Digital Persona)
- Biometrics / iris scans (Iridian Technologies)
- Vehicle safety (MobilEye)
- Drowning people (VisionIQ Inc)
- Optical motion capture (Vicon)
- Lets look at what students have done in previous
years - Stanford http//www.stanford.edu/class/cs223b/win
ter01-02/projects.html - CMU http//www-2.cs.cmu.edu/ph/869/www/869.html
- UW http//www.cs.washington.edu/education/courses/
cse590ss/01wi/ - GA Tech http//www.cc.gatech.edu/classes/AY2002/c