Title: Interior Enterprise Architecture Overview
1Interior Enterprise Architecture Overview
2IEAs intent is to leverage its analysis to
support the businesss desire to move from its
current state, to a more efficient effective
target state.
Blueprint Transition Plan
Target Architecture
3The IEA program provides architecture services
that yield multi-dimensional business
transformation Performance, Process, Data,
Systems, Technology.
4The IEA has an extensive methodology for
creating, implementing, and maintaining
Modernization Blueprints.
Create the Blueprint (6-12 months)
Implement Business Transformation(1-5 years)
Maintaining Architecture (continuous)
5FY2004 was a landmark year for IEA as results
were achieved, awards were won, and the
groundwork was completed for future year
- Developed a Modernization Blueprint Methodology
(IRB approved) The methodology includes
performance, business process, data, systems, and
technology analysis and is intended to deliver a
Blueprint for modernization. - Developed Four (three approved by IRB)
Modernization Blueprints (Financial Management,
Recreation, Wildland Fire Law Enforcement)
Each blueprint provides a detailed plan for
improving internal efficiencies, minimizing
security and privacy risks, and reducing
Interior's total cost of ownership. Combined,
the four modernization blueprints have identified
approximately 100 redundant systems that DOI will
retire within the next 1-3 years. - Developed the Department Enterprise Architecture
Repository (DEAR) The repository is "mined"
throughout Interior to identify cross-cutting
solutions, reduce redundancies and identify
reusable and sharable service components that
ultimately drive down Interior's infrastructure
The IEA was recently awarded the prestigious
Excellence in Enterprise Architecture award
from the e-Gov Institute.
6One of the cornerstones of the IEAs success is
its supporting Governance Structure.
- An Integrated Governance Structure that Supports
all EA Layers - All Teams Provide Inputs into Modernization
Blueprints - IEA Governance Structure Linked to E-Gov and CPIC
Validated Systems Inventory and Services
Validated Data Models
Validated Tech Reqs.
Validated Business Models
DOI Modernization Blueprints
Consolidated recommendations To E-Gov, IRB MIT
7The Modernization Blueprint is a valuable
decision support tool for CPIC coordinators that
are evaluating IT investments.
The Blueprint Supplies CPIC Coordinators With
- A DOI-wide roadmap from the current to future
state for a business area. - Business processes that should be
transformed/re-engineered prior to investment - Technologies that should be used in the target
state - Services (from other business areas) that should
be used rather than re-purchased - A schedule of all modernization investments and
dependencies for the business area
8Once the Modernization Blueprint is delivered and
IRB approval is obtained, the Blueprint then must
be implemented.
Implementing the Blueprint Steps (align with Step
7 in the Federal CIO Council architecture cycle)
9- The method of the enterprising is to plan with
audacity and execute with vigor. - - Christian Bovee
10After IRB approval of the Blueprint, there are
defined tasks to move from Blueprint through
planning, investment, and implementation.
11During the Blueprint implementation steps, some
items will be implemented through OM funds while
others will require an investment.
12A variety of skills are necessary to successfully
implement the Blueprint recommendations.
Modernization Implementation Team Supplied
Skills (bureau/department resources)
OCIO, IEA Supplied Skills
- Guidance on blueprint recommendations
- Governance on existing DOI architecture
- Guidance on DOI data standards
- Business process reengineering expertise
- Guidance on scoring criteria and CPIC support
- Executive sponsor
- Project management expertise (certified)
- Technical implementation specialists
- Business owners / decision makers
- System owners / decision makers
- Change management, organizational impact
expertise - Regulatory experts
- Acquisitions expert
13The IEA rating and ranking criteria v.1 was in
place for rating and ranking Ex. 300s for FY2006
Here is a sample of the feedback received on v1.0
- There shouldnt be a higher EA score to
departmental/cross-cutting IT investments vs.
bureau unique investments. There are Bureau
specific systems that shouldnt be penalized. - Some investments are not designed to produce
annual performance improvements. Measuring an
annual increase in performance may not be
accurate. - There is criteria that requires adherence to the
Data Reference Model which has not been fully
deployed and communicated. - The data analysis skills required to adhere to
the data criteria are not within the skill set of
most LOB managers. - There needs to be published guidance on who
should be performing the assessments and what
process should be used. - There needs to be published guidance on how the
assessment scores will be used.
14The IEA rating and ranking criteria for grading
Ex. 300s continues to evolve as Bureaus provide
feedback to v1.0 of the criteria.
The DOI Chief Architect will work with IAWG to
refine the criteria, based on Bureau feedback,
for the FY2007 budget cycle
- Move to ensure fairness in evaluating Bureau
specific systems. - Address incremental performance improvements
versus annual performance improvements. - Increase the amount of data standards
communications to the LOB Business Managers. - Offer IEA guidance when Bureaus are performing
data analysis portions of their 300s. - Publish guidance on the process for conducting
this assessment in FY2007 as well as the
necessary skills of the evaluators. - Publish a more broad process for how the
assessments will be used as well as how they will
impact investment decisions. - Move to work on a more business friendly use of
wording throughout the assessment criteria.
15In Conclusion
- IEAs mission is to provide services that help
spur business transformation (performance,
process, data, systems, technology) - In FY2004, four Blueprints were created from the
IEA program - The four Blueprints were constructed under the
scrutiny of the IEA governance teams. - These four blueprints provide valuable guidance
to CPIC Coordinators - In FY2005, IEA will be supporting the
implementation of the Blueprints and the
associated investments - Request feedback from CPIC community on DEAR and
reports. - IEA will also continue to work with the Bureaus
to revise the rating and ranking criteria to be
used for FY2007 budget.