Title: Animation
- Animated GIF
- Javascript
- Java
- Vector animation Flash, SVG
- Shockwave
- 3D
2Raster vs Vector
- Vector items drawn with lines
- Smooth
- Scaled very well
- Cannot be filled with multiple colors
- Raster pixel based
- 3D shading
3Raster vs. Vector
4Raster vs. Vector
5Informing the User
- Provide information to user
- Inform of potential load/play times
- Required plugins
6Multimedia Information
73D for the Web
- Use of 3D very limited (still)
- Commonly used for product views
- Very computational intensive
- Shockwave
8Web 3D Formats
103D and Performance
- 3D files require
- Large amounts of memory
- Large amounts of bandwidth
11Level of Detail
12Successive Refinement
- Future standard
- Combines
- Audio
- Video
- Vector Graphics
- 3D Graphics
15Human Representation
- Means to represent virtual humans
- Called avatars
- Used to interact with user
- Typically used in online games representing
- Other users
- Non-player charactures
- Web should be usable by everyone
- This includes users with
- Vision impairments
- Hearing impairments
- Mobility impairments
- 8 million people with visual impairments
- 20 million deaf or hard-of hearing
- 250,000 with spinal cord injuries
- 500,000 with cerebral palsy
- 330,000 with MS
- More that half US population over 65 has some
type of impairment
20Issues involving Vision
- Web very visually oriented
- Significant challenges
- Severity ranges from total blindness to low
vision - Color blindness
- Visual Stimuli
21Information Delivery
- Information display on traditional monitor not
available to users with visual impairments - Two assistive technologies
- Screen Readers
- Refreshable Braille displays
22Screen readers
- Reads text component of web screen
- Includes
- Links
- Menus
- Dialog Boxes
- Error Messages
23Screen Readers
- Several vendors offer screen readers
- Prices range from 300 to 1000
- Page must be reformatted to support screen
readers - HTML lang attribute controls language page will
be read in
24Refreshable Braille Display
- For people who are deaf as well as blind screen
readers do not work. - Translates text of page into Braille
- Single line of Braille text
- Prices range from 4500 to 14,500
25Grade II Braille
26Refreshable Braille Display
27Reformatting Text
- For screen readers to work text of page must be
formatted to support linear delivery - Tabular data
- Label for Elements
- Skip navigation
- Alt Tags for images
28Tabular Data
29Markup Strategy for Tables
Course Time
Day Prerequisiste id"c5" Instructor r 211
1130 pm -100 pm MW d headers"c4"None McDonald
211 headers"c2" 1030am - 1200 pm headers"c3"TR None d headers"c5"Luecking
212 headers"c2"545 pm nbsp- 900 pm headers"c3"M 211
212 headers"c2"1130 pm nbsp- 100pm headers"c3"TR 211
Chan able
30Label Elements of Forms
Information for"firstname"First name (required) put id"firstname" type"text" tabindex"1" Last name(required)
31Skip Navigation
32Normal Page
33Alt Tags(None)
34Alt Tags (Descriptive)
35Other Vision Issues
- Screen Magnifiers
- Color Blindness
- 8 male population
- 0.5 Female population
- Most common red/green
- Photo Sensitive Epilepsy
36Color Blindness
This is an Ishihara plate commonly used to check
for red/green color blindness
37Color Blindness
This is what a red/green color-blind person might
see. Note that the digit (3) is practically
38Mobility Impairments
- Conditions with affect use of keyboard and mouse
- Might be difficult, Might be impossible
- Predictive typing
- Speech recognition
- Alternative input technology
39Hearing Impairments
- Few more issues
- Captioned media
- Open or Closed captioning
- American Sign Language
40Web Accessibility Initiative
- Promote usability for people with disabilities
- Goal of Universal Access
- Set of guidelines which address 2 themes
- Graceful Translation
- Make content understandable and navigable
41Web Accessibility Initiative Guidelines
- Web is growing all over world
- Number of Non English speaking users rapidly
increasing - Usability issues involve use of language and
culture - This processes is called globalization
43Global User Population
- Internationalization single design used world
wide - Simpler text
- Unambiguous display of number, currency, dates,
and times - Isolate and remove culturally specific language
- Added cultural context
- Translation of web page into local language
- Relevant content
46Text and Translation
- Translation human or automatic?
- Attention to writing style
- Expression of dates, times
- Express currency in local terms
- Label units of measurements
47Languages Can Expand Labels
48Page Layout
- Unicode for character support
- Color issues
- Icon issues (including flags)
- Text Alignment (left vs. right)
49International User Testing
- International and local sites need user testing
- More involved than traditional
- Test success of translation
- International Inspection as alternative
- Difficulties dues to language gap
- Strategy for gaining competitive advantage
- Added service for a user
- Speeds task completion (I-Click)
- Can require login
- Cookies
- Dynamic
51Privacy Concerns
- No right to privacy in US
- Privacy Contracts
- Request of personal information can cause users
to leave site - Highly related to trust
- Many factors affect trust
- Context
- Perceived Similarity
- Standing in organization
- Behavior
- Certification
- References
53Fostering Trust
- Help establish credibility
- Security Statement
- Safe display of personal information
- Use of secure servers
- Confirmation of all costs
- Confirmation of shipping address
54Controlling Privacy
- No standard for enforcing privacy in place
- P3P standard developed
- Enforces and exposes sites privacy policy
- Tools to inform users of compliance with their
selected privacy policy
55Trust (P3P)
56Trust (P3P)
57Privacy Bird
58Privacy Bird
Shows Embedded Content
59Privacy Bird