Title: Thailands policies on Solid Waste Management
1Thailands policies on Solid Waste
- Pornsri Kictham
- Director of Environment and Health Bureau
- Nonthaburi municipality , Thailand
2Solid Waste Volume in Thailand, 1994-2003
Solid Waste Volume (Tons/day)
Source Pollution Control Department 2004
3State of Solid Waste in Thailand , 2003
- 39,240 tons/day or 14.4 million tons / year
sources of solid waste
4Solid Waste Generation in the year 2001 2003
Source Pollution Control Department 2004
5- Percentage of Solid Waste collection
- Bangkok 99
- Municipal area 35
- Recycling
- 2.8 million tons or 19 of total waste were
recycled. - Disposal
- - Open dump 72
- - Sanitary landfill 27
- - Incineration 1
6Problems of Solid Waste Management
- Allocated budget of municipal solid waste
management is always meager .
Service fee collection is also ineffective - No active planning on establishing common
disposal facility among adjacent communities
7- No define regulation and guideline of municipal
solid waste managment hierarchy starting from
source separation , collection, transportation ,
disposal and monitoring - Lack of skillful personnel in operating an
efficient waste collection and disposal practice
8- Waste recycling program in communities is still
scarce - Associated existing legislations do not
adequately facilitate the municipal solid waste
management in an effective direction - Public co-operation and participation are quite
few, for instance willingness to pay service fee,
littering habits, waste source separation program
as well as positive support of new disposal
facility project
9Thailands policies on Solid Waste Management
- Monitor continually and assess various waste
generation sources. - Provide funding, incentive, technical assistance
to local on solid waste management hierarchy
starting from source separation, collection,
transportation, material recovery and disposal.
10- Promote local government to concerned in the area
of municipal solid waste management. - Set up appropriate municipal solid waste
management regulations as an implementing
guideline. - Encourage private and public sector involvement
in municipal solid waste management.
11Target on Solid Waste Management
- Waste generation rate less than 1
kg/capita/day - Recovered materials more than 30
12- Residual wastes in municipal area less than
- 5
- 4. Master plan and implementation plan of
municipal solid waste management at
a provincial level by establish waste disposal
centers for adjacent communities to share common
disposal facilities not less than 50 of total
provinces in Thailand
13Measures on Solid Waste Management
- Establish waste disposal centers for adjacent
communities to share common disposal facilities - Promote private investment on the municipal solid
waste management and recycling business
14- Encourage private involvement in running business
on solid waste management - Apply Polluter Pays Principle to all waste
generators - Review related laws and regulations on tariffs
for waste collection and transportation
15- Promote public education program, correct
attitude and social values reinforcement in
proper municipal solid waste management for all
children and citizens in the society - Initiate education and training program in
fostering technical and administrative
capabilities to local government and private
personnel in area of municipal solid waste
management - Encourage research and appropriate technology in
the area of municipal solid waste management
16Integrated Solid Waste Management
- Waste minimization/ source reduction
- Material recovery Reuse Recycle
- Transportation / transfer station
- Waste disposal Composting , Sanitary landfill ,
17Organizations involvement in SWM
- Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment
- - Pollution Control Department
- - Office of Natural Resources and
Environmental Policy - and Planning
- - Department of Environmental
Promotion - National Environmental Quality Act. B.E.1992
18- Ministry of Public Health
- - Department of Health
- Public Health Act B.E.1992
19- Local Government
- - PAO
- - TAO
- - Municipalities
- Municipal Act B.E. 1953
20Transfer station
21Thank you for your attention