Title: Closing the Gap
1Closing the Gap
- Appraiser to Loan Decision with Secure, MISMO
Compliant Methods
John Cirincione, SRA, CRE, FRICS Chief Appraiser
SecoLink Rob Frazier, SRA, MRICS, Chief Appraiser
First American CoreLogic Dick Taylor, Information
Security Officer, Fiserv Lending Solutions Jeff
Bradford, CEO, Bradford Technologies
2Seminar and Speaker Outline
- John Cirincione and Rob Frazier
- Appraisal Review and Validation Process
- Dick Taylor
- Ensuring the Source and Security of the Appraisal
Report - Jeff Bradford
- AMC Case Study The Benefits of the MISMO
Appraisal XML in Actual Practice
3- Overview of
- Appraisal Review
- and
- Validation Process
- John Cirincione and Rob Frazier
4Basic Flow Obtain Appraisal
5Source of Valuation Requests
- Appraiser receives a request for services
- Direct from the lender
- Through a Vendor Management Service
- Through a centralized portal
6Overview- Appraisal QC Workflow
7Application of Business Rules
- The level of review required is based on various
business rules - LTV/CLTV decisions
- Findings within the appraisal itself
- Property type and similarity to the neighborhood
- Appropriateness of comparable sales provided
- Red flags (recent disaster declarations, high
foreclosure rates, flip/fraud activity) - Appraiser
- Is this a pre-approved vendor?
- Is the appraiser qualified to perform this
8Automated Enhanced Review (AER)
- Deploy an automated smart process to
- Verify factual components
- Identify complex property issues
- Identify potential fraud risk
- Take better decisions in less time
- Referral to exception process as needed
- Set Review level based on findings
- Provide evidence of due diligence for client and
9Review Process Issues
- Initial quality check points
- Does the report match the loan in progress?
- Is the report complete?
- Have loan specific issues been addressed?
- Does the property and appraisal report comply
with underwriting guidelines? - Deployment of the AER adds
- Efficiency through automation
- Verification of factual data against loan
information and public records - Can provide instant communication with the vendor
to ensure accurate submission.
- Credibility means worthy of belief. Does it
include - Factual data that is true and verifiable?
- A logical flow of information?
- Analysis and discussion of facts and issues?
- A conclusion that follows a reasonable path?
- Does the reader reach the same conclusion?
- Are there errors in facts or analysis?
11Common Methods-Appraisal Review
- Pass it through
- Assign a low level processor
- Use a checklist
- Develop electronic review process
- Develop a review process that integrates
technology and human intelligence (best practice)
12MISMO and PVS Workgroup
- MISMO is the leading standards development body
for the residential and commercial real estate
finance industries. MISMO has working agreements
with all the major data standards development
organizations and has developed a language of
industry data elements, stored in a common data
dictionary used to create all MISMO transactions.
- Property and Valuation Services Workgroup
(Formerly Real Estate Property Information- REPI)
develops and maintains standardized data elements
and structures used to report real property
valuation, property data and communications with
13Review enhanced with MISMO
- Currently available technology provides
- Use of MISMO XML
- Direct communication from appraiser to client
without translation - Automated verification of factual data
- Automated review of report for completeness
- Routing to workflow queues
14Why use MISMO XML formats?
- Standardized Forms provide consistent format and
data fields but - Paper and PDF only allow someone to read it.
- OCR and post appraiser conversion of PDF or paper
can cause errors - Human translation, data input can vary from what
the appraiser submitted - Solution
- Appraiser provides MISMO format directly
- What you see, read and import into LOS is
original product from appraiser - Open standards limit transaction costs
15Recent work of MISMO REPI
- 2.4 Valuation Response
- ALL of the data points for ALL common report
forms. - Major appraisal form software vendors
participated - Some large lenders and VMCs are already upgrading
- No serious burden to appraisers
- Review rules and fact checking services are
integrating their systems - What is needed
- Demand and deployment from the users of
16Automated Enhanced Review
17Advantages to Users of Appraisals
- Automated Enhanced Review process
- Provides better quality appraisals
- Reports are complete and credible
- Exception issues are identified and resolved
- Internal processing time is reduced
- Fewer rejections from secondary market
- More defensible against buy-backs
- More loans successfully processed
- Appraisers become more aware of quality
18Checking Errors Inconsistencies
- A standardized data format enhances
- Easily developed underwriting validation rules
- Results of rule deployment programmed to
- Reject the report for correction
- Send to an exception queue for manual review
- Notify the client/underwriter of exception
- Reviewers are more productive
- Spend quality time in analysis, rather than
marking up a checklist. - Simple errors are cured before they get the file
19Where to best deploy the rules?
20Is this the right property?
21Is this the same property?
22Quick and Easy Check If the zoning is wrong, is
the Highest and Best Use estimate credible?
23Is the factual data correct?
24Subject sales history
25Comparison of Market Trends
26Sales History of Comparable Sales
27Are any of these nearby sales potentially
28Appraiser said no adverse conditions apparent
- A reason to read the appraisal Do you see any
potential appraiser bias?
29Next Issue - Security Risk
- Is this the work of the appraiser whose name is
on the form? - Did someone
- adjust the report?
- exchange some pages?
- help the process?
- Was it performed by someone already found not
worthy of trust? - Did someone provide suggestions to the
30Closing the Gap
- Appraiser-to-Loan Decision withSecure, MISMO
Compliant Methods - Dick Taylor
31- A White Paper in Draft Form
- Risk Identification And Risk Mitigation
Recommendationsfor the Mortgage Industry
Appraisal Community - Prepared by the
- MISMO Information Security Work Group
- in cooperation with the
- MISMO Real Estate Property Information Work Group
32- What were the Drivers?
- GSE mandate for appraisal authentication
- Increased fraud opportunities using automation
- Objectives
- Identify risks associated with appraisal process
- Understand Environment and Infrastructure
- Make recommendations based on common risk
mitigation techniques - Focus on Authentication and Integrity of the
appraisal documents - Avoid hardware or software specific
33- Authentication
- Authentication (real or genuine, from
authentes) is the act of establishing or
confirming something (or someone) as authentic,
that is, that claims made by or about the thing
are true. Authenticating an object may mean
confirming its provenance, whereas
authenticating a person often consists of
verifying their identity. Authentication depends
upon one or more authentication factors. 1 - 1 From www.wikipedia.com
34- Appraisal Industry Concerns
- Appraiser identity Fraud
- Lender identity fraud
- Appraisal information integrity
- Alteration of appraisal document
- Can be pre or post submission
- Collusion and coercion between appraisal entities
- Effort to misrepresent property value
- Uneducated or Incompetent Appraisers
35- Mitigating Appraisal Information Risks
- Intentional or Unintentional Alteration of Data
- Implement automated, data integrity controls that
can detect when appraisal information has been
altered after it has been sent by the appraiser
but before it has been received by the Ordering
Party. - Implement capabilities to lock or secure the
appraisal information before being submitted by
the appraiser to the Ordering Party. - Implement workflows that allow only authorized
personnel access to the appraisal information
moving through the workflow. - Implement a historical analysis capability that
can detect potential fraud being performed.
36- Mitigating Appraisal Information Risks
- Credential Risks
- Implement secure protocols and processes that
protect the confidentiality of secret or
sensitive information associated with identity
credential or account access information (e.g.,
PINs, Passwords). - Implement strong authentication capabilities that
1) define acceptable identity credentials to be
used by appraisers, and 2) can be used by lenders
to verify the identity of an appraiser. - Implement strong authentication capabilities that
1) define acceptable identity credentials to be
used by lenders, and 2) can be used by appraisers
to verify the identity of an lender.
37- Mitigating Appraisal Information Risks
- Intentional or Unintentional Misrepresentation
- Educate appraisers on best practices for
developing appraisals prior to submitting them to
the Ordering Party. - Implement data quality checking controls that can
detect when appraisal information does not match
up with other loan information. - Implement data quality checking controls that
help detect intentionally misrepresented data as
well as honest mistakes before submitting the
data to the Ordering Party.
38- Mitigating Appraisal Information Risks
- Collusion and Coercion
- Randomly obtain an additional appraisal or
another opinion of value from an unrelated
source. Have the order placed, received, and
reviewed without the knowledge or involvement of
the parties to the original transaction. - Protect the integrity of the original appraisal
document in whatever form it exists (hardcopy or
electronic). - This can be difficult to uncover and even harder
to prove. How do you identify the difference
between a mistake and a planned incorrect
39- Next Steps
- Build on recommendation
- Using the recommendations to develop best
practices - Create measures and practices the appraisers,
vendors and lenders can use to build and evaluate
services and tools. - MISMO Information Security Workgroup (ISWG) and
Property and Valuation Services (PVS) Workgroup
to create phase 2 white paper.
40- MISMO Information Security Workgroup (ISWG)
- Mission
- Support the information security concerns of
other MISMO workgroups, provide industry security
related recommendations, and general security
educational material. - How to Participate
- The ISWG bi-weekly calls on Wednesdays at 2PM EST
(April 2nd). - Phone Number (641) 715-3300 / Access Code
786194 - ISWG Listserv http//www.mismo.org/GettingStarted/
ListservSignUp.htm) - Published papers, research and guidance
- Identifying and Safeguarding Personal Information
white paper - State Security Breach Notification Matrix
- Snapshot of Sensitive Data Points in MISMO LDD
- Remote Authentication White Paper
- Risk Identification And Risk Mitigation
Recommendations (pending)
41How does it work?Sample Demonstration
42A Case StudyAMC Adoption ofMISMO Appraisal XML
- By
- Jeffery J. Bradford, CEO
- Bradford Technologies, Inc
43Current Practice
Compliance Checking at the Desktop
Desktop Reviewer
Appraisal Completed
Desktop Reviewer
Desktop Reviewer
44Current Practice
Convert Report to Third Party Standard
Recreate Data PDF
Industry Converter
Convert Report
Appraisal Completed
Recreate Data PDF
Industry Converter
Send to Vendor
Recreate Data PDF
Industry Converter
True PDF
45Current Practice
Convert to Internal XML, Run Compliance
Rules Return to Appraiser if Non-Compliant
46Current Practice
For every return have to repeat compliance
Desktop Reviewer
Appraisal Completed
Desktop Reviewer
Desktop Reviewer
47Current Practice
For every return have to repeat third party
conversion process
Recreate Data PDF
Industry Converter
Convert Report
Appraisal Completed
Recreate Data PDF
Industry Converter
Send to Vendor
Recreate Data PDF
Industry Converter
Original PDF
48Current Practice
Repeat checks until reports compliance is
49AMC MISMO Implementation
1. Reasons for adopting MISMO Appraisal XML
- Eliminate desktop report compliance checking.
Check compliance server-side for greater
flexibility and agility to respond to the market
place. - Adopt MISMO externally and internally.
- Currently, issues are encountered with desktop
compliance software. It is expensive and time
restrictive to deploy new rules or enhanced
rules. Difficult to respond to clients needs.
50AMC MISMO Implementation
2. Reasons for adopting MISMO Appraisal XML
- Eliminate conversion from vendor XML to internal
XML format to run quality and compliance rules. - Adopt MISMO externally and internally.
- Currently, daily issues are encountered with
existing software delivery files that require
manual intervention to fix specific
transactional problems in the conversion of the
software XML to AMC Internal XML.
51AMC MISMO Implementation
3. Reasons for adopting MISMO Appraisal XML
Currently, appraisal software vendors make
changes to applications thus resulting in changes
to their XML. Adoption of MISMO Appraisal XML
eliminates problem. It is inefficient and AMC
cannot rely on software companies to maintain
accurate conversions. These ongoing changes
result in the converters creating corrupt files
that require manual intervention.
52AMC MISMO Implementation
4. Reasons for adopting MISMO Appraisal XML
Eliminate data to PDF conversion application by
having appraisers create true PDF at their
desktop through the appraisal software and send
as embedded PDF in product response. This
application is continually causing angst on a
daily basis. Currently, production support is
required to manually watch this application daily
to ensure it does not fail.
53AMC MISMO Implementation
5. Reasons for adopting MISMO Appraisal XML
Decrease turn times by creating universal
delivery process that can be pushed out to all
software vendors. Open marketplace to all
qualified appraisers regardless of current
software they may be using. Increase agility in
processing appraisals upon receipt from vendor.
54AMC Implementation Overview
Accept Decline Order
Validate Appraisal Data
AMC Receives Appraisal
Receive Order
Complete Appraisal
Prepare To Sent
Validation Complete
Original PDF
55AMC Implementation
56AMC Implementation
57A Data Matrix 2D Barcode
58AMC Implementation
59AMC Implementation
AMC Receives Report
Complete Validated Appraisal
Original PDF
60Benefits of MISMO Adoption
Eliminated inefficiency of having compliance
rules at the desktop
Desktop Reviewer
Appraisal Completed
Desktop Reviewer
Desktop Reviewer
61Benefits of MISMO Adoption
Eliminated conversion errors by getting MISMO XML
Recreate Data PDF
Industry Converter
Convert Report
Appraisal Completed
Recreate Data PDF
Industry Converter
Send to Vendor
Recreate Data PDF
Industry Converter
Original PDF
62Benefits of MISMO Adoption
Returns completely eliminated
63Benefits of MISMO Adoption
- Desktop Report Compliance Software Eliminated
- Conversion to Proprietary 3rd Party Formats
Eliminated - Original PDF of Report Received Not
Reproductions - Returns Due to Non-Compliance Completely
Eliminated - Total Turn Time Decreased Significantly
- Marketplace Opened Up to All Qualified Appraisers
- Processing Costs Significantly Reduced
64MISMO Security
Current practices do not transmit original
PDF Security is defeated form the start!
Recreate Data PDF
Industry Converter
Convert Report
Appraisal Completed
Recreate Data PDF
Industry Converter
Send to Vendor
Recreate Data PDF
Industry Converter
Original PDF
65MISMO Security Best Practice
AMC Receives Report
Complete Validated Appraisal
MISMO Best Practice Security Starts with
Original PDF
Original PDF
66On Document Verification
67A current use of this technology
68Uses of Data Matrix Technology
Fingerprints Encoded You can also encode digital
signature to encrypt data
69Different Types of 2D Barcodes
What are 2D barcodes? 2D Barcodes are symbologies
that are capable of storing more information than
can normally be contained in a conventional
linear barcode.
70Step 1. Combine Identity Data
Appraiser Identity Information
Data Matrix
Appraisal Report Salient Data
71Step 2. On Document Verification
Affix Data Matrix to document
72Step 3. Create Document Digest
512 Bit Document Digest
Store on Secure Server
73To Authenticate Document
- Upload to Authentication Service
- New Digest is created
- New Digest is compared to stored Digest
- Data Matrix is decoded
- If digest matches
- Document Authenticated
- Decode Identity from Matrix
- Appraiser Identity Validated
Digest Server
Document in Question
74Four Levels of Security
Identity Authentication Two Factor Certificate
Data Matrix Encrypted Information
Document Digest Report Integrity Validation
Optional Document Storage Complete Report
- Benefits MISMO Appraisal XML
- Improves Report Quality
- Reduces Costs
- Reduces Turn-Times
- Original Appraisal PDF and Data Maintained
- Opens Market to all Qualified Appraisers
- Benefits of MISMO Best Practices Security
- Two Factor Authentication
- Data Matrix Industry Standard Encryption
- On Document Verification of Data Identity
- Tamper Evident
- Document Integrity Maintained (secure audit trail)
76(No Transcript)
77 78Minimal Risk Process
- No elevation of Collateral Risk Score
- No obvious variances to underwriting guidelines
- No warnings based on
- Property type
- Geography
- Vendor
- Product type
- Client specific flags
79Escalated/Complex Review
- Initial sorting identifies complex issues
- Property characteristics
- Appraisal issues
- Market area trends
- More human intervention required
- Second Look if lower level queue moves case to
a reject loan status - May be set to route directly to this level
80Making It All Work Together
- Getting the most bang for your buck!
- Enhance results of collateral decisions produced
by products already in your workflow - Products work together for increased risk
mitigation - Data from the appraisal or other valuation
services product is immediately available to be
added to the loan file and/or database.
81Review Capacity Sample Formula
- Daily production capacity (DPC)
- DPC Analysts x /hour x hours
- Example
- DPC 5 analysts x 3/hour x 8 hours 120
loans/Day - If daily loans 210, then 80 dont get done, or
you have to hire 3.3 additional analysts.
82Too many loans, too little time
- Choices
- Pump Dump
- Dont review 80 of the loans just close them
- Hire More Staff
- Work everybody overtime
- Enhanced review
- Spend most of your time on the loans with the
highest risk. - Spend less time on lower risk loans
- Increase efficiency of staff
83MISMO provides a data standard
- Appraisal or other valuation service report in
MISMO Format - No translation, typing or scanning.
- Original appraiser makes the conversion and
seals the report - Live data elements in your system lend themselves
to advanced level electronic comparison and
review - Straight through processing still includes
checking and verification
84Automated Review and Validation
- Checks the appraisal for consistency and
compliance to underwriting guidelines. - Employs third party tools for collateral risk
scoring and value verification. - Appraisal must be credible
- Check for bias or errors.
- Issues and exceptions are routed to analyst or
underwriter for decision
85(No Transcript)