Title: The GAP Year
1The GAP Year
- A break?
- Travel?
- Decide what to do?
- Gain skills and life experience?
- To earn money to
- A) pay for a course at a private college?
- B) help pay uni expenses?
- C) qualify for Independent Youth Allowance?
- A combination of factors?
3Other reasons
- Discover the real you strengths, weaknesses,
likes, dislikes, areas of interest? - Help others?
- Defending the country?
- Satisfying Government regulations?
4Students put a hold on studies to help
needySun Herald November 2006
- First year deferments increasing
- Increasing programs available
- Deferment during uni course
- Huge range of options
5Gap year a cool option for the young Sunday
Telegraph Sept. 2006
- See the world
- Work your way
- Learn a language
- Helping hand
6Students are increasingly choosing to explore
the world before settling down Sun Herald
January 2006
7Independent student?
- Independent Youth Allowance
- Studying full time
- Earning the desired amount 18-18-18
- Does not include parent assets
- new cultures
- religions
- philosophies
- broaden your horizons
- encourage self-sufficiency
- enhancing experiences
9Work Abroad
- opportunity to spend time outside of Australia
- earn some much needed cash
- become immersed in a new culture
10Doing what ever comes along
- trying several careers
- building a wide range of new skills
- making future contacts.
- demonstrates social awareness,
- sense of social responsibility
- valuable work skills.
- possibilities are endless
12Useful websites
- http//year12whatnext.gov.au
- www.studyabroad.com
- www.gapaustralia.org
- www.gapguru.com
- www.australianvolunteers.com.
- www.launchpadaustralia.com
- www.culturalcare.com
- www. ccusa.com
13More websites
- www.volunteer.org.nz
- www.earthwatch.org/australia
- www.owh.com.au
- www.raleighinternational.org
- www.afs.org
- www.statravel.com.au
- www.dfat.gov.au/acc/index.html.
14THE GAP YEARwww.gapactivityprojects.org.au/
The GAP Year is a journey. Its an opportunity to
challenge yourself, gain independence and
discover the world A chance to live and work in a
different country and culture GAP is about
growing up and maturing It is about helping
others and learning about yourself Offers 17 to
25 year olds the opportunity to work and live
overseas for a year Applications usually close
in May each year - 16th May in 2008 There are
costs involved.
- The following countries offer GAP experiences
- Argentina
- Indigenous Australia
- Canada
- China
- Germany
- Tibet
- Ireland
- Malaysia
- New Zealand
- Poland
- Russia
- South Africa
- UK
- Vanuatu
- Vietnam
16Your country wants you??
- Defence force gap year
- 2008 first year
- 700 positions 500 100 100
- Earn over 30K
- Applications open 1 May 2008
- Army Reserves
17Abbey language travel
- provides specialist information and global
booking assistance - France, Italy, Germany, Spain ,
- Latin and South America,
- Canada
- China and Japan.
- Sydney and Hunter offices
- www.abbeylanguagetravel.com
18- Travel with a purpose
- Take a year out after the HSC to add life
experience, travel and personal growth to your
resume. - www.antipodeans.com.au
19Australian Volunteers
- Leading in volunteering
- www.australianvolunteers.com
- trainers around the world
20A A C
- Established in 2000, AAC has grown to offer a
variety of ESL services for English teachers and
students - Teach English in several Asian countries eg
China, Japan, Korea and Taiwan - www.aacircle.com.au
- Year in China Programme
- www.dfat.gov.au/acc/yep/index.html
- Secondary school graduates who have a
demonstrated level of Chinese linguistic ability
with an opportunity to attend a Chinese
university for a year.
22AFS Intercultural Programmes
- Short language courses
- High school exchanges
- Beyond 18 Volunteer Community Service
Camp America is a program of the American
Institute for Foreign Study which organizes
cultural exchange programs throughout the world
for more than 50,000 students and young
travellers every year. Since our founding in
1964, we've had over one million people
participate on an AIFS cultural exchange
programs! Camp America Australia commenced in
1972 and is the country's most experienced camp
counsellor program.
- Need to be over 18 by June 1st
- Application is on line
- Interviews at American Consulate for visa
- Visa covers June to September
- employed to teach American youngsters 6-16 years
25Camps International
- Wildlife
- Mountain
- Ocean
- Community
- www.campsinternational.com
- The Church Army is a growing movement of
pioneering evangelists who declare the good news
of Jesus Christ in word and action so that many
more people will follow Him and be established in
healthy communities of faith
27Help create a better earth become a
Conservation Volunteer
- Australian based experiences
- Helping save the environment
- www.conservationvolunteers.com.au
28Cultural Care Au Pair
- Overseas experience
- Working with children in American families
- Opportunity to travel
- Develop independence and confidence
- www.culturalcare.com
- www.flyingfishonline.com
- Located in Greece, Australia, Canada, Egypt,
Cyprus and UK
- Australia's natural environment and heritage
- Australian Government youth development.
- Green Corps placement of 26 weeks duration,
- participants are paid a training allowance for
the duration of their participation - More information at www.greencorps.com.au
- Get out of the suburbs and into
the global village - Web site has job bank
- 395 to be paid with
application - Opportunities to undertake
- Nanny
- Teacher
- Personal care assistant
- Hospitality
- Art history volunteer
- Learn a language overseas
- Both paid and volunteer programs
- Project are organised in
- Business
- Community
- Conservation
- Teaching
- Health care
- Examples of Gap Year Journeys
33Raleigh International
- From 4 to 10 weeks
- Awesome global experience
- Teams work with remote communities
- Build schools and medical facilities
- Carry out conservation
34The Scholar Ship
- An academic program aboard a passenger ship
dedicated exclusive to undergraduate and
postgraduate education whilst traversing the
world. - Backed by Royal Caribbean Cruises Ltd
- www.theScholarship.com
- Accreditation through consortium of academic
stewards including Macquarie University
35World Education Program
- Year 13 opportunities
- Learn and discover the world
- www.wep.org.au
36Negatives of taking a GAP Year...
- can distract you from your career path
- potential employers may fear your wanderlust
- work experience in your chosen career would be
regarded even more highly by prospective
employers than travel - a string of work placements may be interpreted as
a lack of focus - high costs involved
- not earning enough to qualify as for Independent
Youth Allowance - not going on to university (at least 4 now)
- getting out of a study routine may make uni
harder - missing out on scholarships for Yr 12 leavers
- Think carefully about what you want to achieve if
you take a gap year - Investigate opportunities early
- Check if doing other courses will affect your
university offer of a place - Good luck!