Title: Instructional Focus Lesson Plan for Reading and Comprehension
1Digital English
- Instructional Focus Lesson Plan for Reading and
Comprehension - Grade 2
2Interpret information from diagrams, charts, and
Second Grade
Reading and Comprehension Standard 2.7
3Second Grade
4Second Grade
Sea Star Diagram
5Second Grade
6Second Grade
Text without a diagram
Life Cycle of a Butterfly
There are four stages in the life of a butterfly.
First, a butterfly lays hundreds of eggs. About
five days later, caterpillars hatch from the
eggs. Caterpillars are also called larva. They
eat and grow for several weeks before becoming
pupa. The pupa is inside of a chrysalis, where
it is changing into a butterfly. It takes a few
weeks before the butterfly is ready to come out
of its chrysalis.
7Second Grade
Life Cycle of a Butterfly
There are four stages in the life of a butterfly.
First, a butterfly lays hundreds of eggs. About
five days later, caterpillars hatch from the
eggs. Caterpillars are also called larva. They
eat and grow for several weeks before becoming
pupa. The pupa is inside of a chrysalis, where
it is changing into a butterfly. It takes a few
weeks before the butterfly is ready to come out
of its chrysalis.