Teaching and Learning Strategies for Differentiated Instruction - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Teaching and Learning Strategies for Differentiated Instruction


... high level strategy that encourages writing ... Deliberately plan part of a lesson ... forces students to process information allows for more creative ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Teaching and Learning Strategies for Differentiated Instruction

Teaching and Learning Strategies for
Differentiated Instruction
  • Meeting the Needs of Diverse Learners
  • Dr. Summer Whitmore

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    district/LEA you are representing
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    the room, please indicate their name as well

  • This webinar is being recorded and will be
    available for viewing at www.laspdg.org under
  • Culturally Responsive Practices
    Webinars 2014-2015
  • If you need to ask a question, please use the
    Chat Pod on your screen (NOTE everyone can see
    your question)
  • You can download all of todays materials in the
    FILES 2 Pod on your screen at any time during the
  • Click on the selected file
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People First Language
People First Language puts the person before the
disability and describes what a person has, not
who a person is.
Kathie Snow. (n.d.) A few words about People
First Language. Disability is Natural.
Retrieved August 1, 2012 from http//www.disabilit
  • Gain knowledge of the essential elements of
    differentiated instruction.
  • Gain knowledge related to tiered assignments,
    role-audience-format-topic, and think-tac-toe.

What do you already know?
In an effort to better understand participant
knowledge level, please take a moment to answer
these pre-questions that will appear on your
Differentiated Instruction
  • Differentiated instruction is based on the
    assumptions that students differ in their
    learning styles, needs, strengths, and abilities,
    and that classroom activities should be adapted
    to meet these differences.

Differentiated Instruction Is.
  • effective instruction that is responsive to the
    learning preferences, interests and readiness of
    the learner
  • an organized framework for teaching and learning
  • responds to the need of the student by providing
    a balance of shared, guided, and independent
    instructional strategies

(No Transcript)
DI means.. DI does not mean.
Flexible, short term groupings that allow students to work with a variety of peers with the same or different strengths and interest. Labelling students or grouping by ability
Engaging and interesting tasks for all learning preferences, interest and levels of readiness Confining some students to low level, repetitive or rote tasks while others engage in higher-order thinking
A reasonable number of well constructed choices that address identified needs/strenghts of students Different students working on different expectations with varying success criteria (e.g., different rubrics)
Students learning about themselves to help them make effective and informed choices Teachers assuming responsibility for making all decision regarding student choice
Routines, procedures, and classroom agreements are in place A chaotic or unstructured classroom environment
Differentiation-How does it Work?
  • Teachers can differentiate at least four
    classroom elements based on student readiness,
    interest, or learning profile
  • Content
  • Process
  • Product
  • Learning environment

  • What the student needs to learn or how the
    student will get access to the information?

Content Examples
  • Reading materials at varying readability levels
  • Text materials on tape
  • Spelling/vocabulary lists at readiness levels
  • Ideas through both auditory and visual means
  • Reading buddies
  • Small groups to re-teach an idea or skill for
    struggling learners, or to extend the thinking or
    skills of advanced learners

  • Activities in which the student engages in
    order to make sense of or master the content.

Process Examples
  • Tiered activities at different levels of support,
    challenge, or complexity.
  • Centers that encourage students to explore
    subsets of the class topic of particular interest
    to them.
  • Manipulatives for students who need them.
  • Varying the length of time a student may take to
    complete a task- for a struggling learner or an
    advanced learner to pursue a topic in greater

  • Culminating projects that ask the student to
    rehearse, apply, and extend what he or she has
    learned in a unit.

Product Examples
  • Giving students options of how to express
    required learning (e.g., create a puppet show,
    write a letter, or develop a mural with labels).
  • Using rubrics that match and extend students
    varied skill levels.
  • Allowing students to work alone or in small
    groups on their products.
  • Encouraging students to create their own product
    assignments as long as the assignments contain
    required elements.

Learning Environment
  • The way the classroom works and feels. In
    addition, its the way the classroom and/or
    school, creates a sense of community

Learning Environment Examples
  • Places in the classroom to work quietly without
    distraction, as well as places that invite
    student collaboration
  • Materials that reflect a variety of cultures
  • Guidelines for independent work that matches
    individual needs
  • Routines that allow students to get help when
    teachers are busy with other students

Strategies for Differentiation
  • Lower Prep
  • Reading Study Buddies
  • Anchor Activities
  • Think-Pair-Share
  • Choices of books
  • Interest Surveys
  • Multiple Levels of Questioning
  • Higher Prep
  • Tiered Lessons
  • RAFT
  • Think-Tac-Toe
  • Multiple Intelligence
  • Options
  • Graphic Organizers
  • Response/Exit Cards
  • Multiple Texts
  • Flexible Grouping

Three Differentiation Strategies
What is Tiered Instruction?
  • Provides teachers with a means of assigning
    different tasks to students within the same
    lesson or unit.
  • The tasks will vary according to the students
  • Readiness
  • Interest
  • Learning Profile

Tiered Instruction Common Core
  • All students focus on the skills of common core
    but at different levels of complexity.
  • Keeping the focus of the activity the same, but
    providing routes of access at varying degrees of
    difficulty will maximize each student being

Tiered Instruction Example
  • Students are to understand the effect of global

Tier 1 Students write a public service
announcement using jingles, slogans, or art to
convey why global warming is a problem and what
people can do to prevent it.
Tier 2 Students conduct a survey of peer
awareness and understanding of global warming.
They design questions and report their results
using charts and news format.
Tier 3 Students debate the issue about global
warming, each side expressing a different
viewpoint with credible evidence to support the
What Can be Tiered?
  • Assignments
  • Activities
  • Homework
  • Centers
  • Experiments
  • Materials
  • Assessments
  • Writing Prompts

When Tiering Adjust
  • Level of Complexity
  • Amount of Structure
  • Materials
  • Time/Pace
  • Number of Steps
  • Form of Expression
  • Level of Dependence

Tiered Assignments Video
  • http//youtu.be/1ob4eGz04G4
  • Or
  • http//youtu.be/nPb4owVY-M0

What is RAFT?
  • Have any of you heard of and/or used Raft in your

  • an engaging, high level strategy that encourages
    writing across the curriculum
  • a way to encourage students to
  • assume a role
  • consider their audience
  • write in a particular format
  • examine a topic from a relevant perspective

The RAFT Strategy
  • forces students to process information
  • allows for more creative responses to learning
    the materials
  • gives students choice, appealing to their
    interests and learning profiles

Choice Variations
  • RAFT Writing Strategy (JHAT, Jr.)
  • http//youtu.be/OLJ_32y6lR0

Common Core and RAFT Example
  • American Revolution-students in 8th grade must
    analyze the events leading up to the revolution.
    Students must be able to determine the causes and

RAFT Topic- Whats Worth Fighting For?
Patriot Town Folks Speech Get on my side!
Loyalist English Relative Post Card What is happening in the colonies
G. Washington Patriot Soldier News Letter Why join the fight
Soldier Wife, Martha Letter or Poem What a great leader GW is
King George His Subjects Political Cartoon Making fun of the AR
RAFT-Sample Roles Audience
  • Ad agencies
  • Athletes
  • Cartoonist
  • Editors
  • Pen Pals
  • Animals
  • Historical figures
  • TV Characters
  • Doctors
  • Lawyers
  • Politicians
  • Poets
  • Plants
  • Parents
  • Historical events
  • Literary characters
  • Body parts
  • Binoculars
  • Rear-view mirrors
  • Musicians
  • Artists
  • Branches of the Government
  • Presidents
  • Military figures
  • Husbands/wives
  • Famous cooks
  • Political activists
  • Freedom fighters
  • Authors
  • Heroes
  • Villains
  • Frontiersmen

  • Advertisement
  • Anecdote
  • Application
  • Blurb
  • Board game
  • Brochure
  • Critique
  • Dear Abby letter
  • Debate
  • Dialogue
  • Directions
  • Editorial
  • E-mail
  • Epitaph
  • Free verse poem
  • Graffiti
  • Greeting card
  • Instructions
  • Interview
  • Journal entry
  • Lecture
  • Letter
  • List
  • Map
  • Math problem
  • Motto
  • News article
  • Picture
  • Post card
  • Poster
  • Puzzle
  • Screen play
  • Ships log
  • Skit
  • Song
  • Speech
  • Telegram
  • Wanted poster

What is Think-Tac-Toe
  • A simple way to give students alternative ways of
    exploring key ideas
  • Designed to help students think about a topic
    from different angles
  • Game-likemotivates children
  • A grid consisting of 9 or more boxes

Think-Tac-Toe Setup
  • It does not matter the choices students make,
    they must work with key ideas and use the key
    skills central to the topic.

Think-Tac-Toe Common Core
Knowledge list, define, tell, describe, identify, show, label, collect, examine, quote, name, who, when, where Comprehension summarize, describe, interpret, contrast, predict, associate, distinguish, estimate, discuss, extend Application apply, demonstrate, calculate, complete, illustrate, show, solve, examine, modify, relate, change, classify, experiment,
Analysis analyze, separate, order, explain, connect, classify, arrange, divide, compare, select, explain, infer Synthesis combine, integrate, modify, rearrange, substitute, plan, create, design, invent, what if?, compose, formulate, prepare, generalize, rewrite Evaluation assess, decide, rank, grade, test, measure, recommend, convince, select, judge, explain, discriminate, support, conclude, compare
Comprehension or Evaluation Application or Evaluation Knowledge or Analysis
  • Algebra Think-Tac-Toe Board

Summarize the most important information about linear functions and put it to a beat. Draw the sequence of events to graph a linear equation on a timeline. Create a way to remember how to graph linear equations given in standard form.
Reflect on the application of linear functions to something in your life in your journal. WILD CARD !!! Your choice after getting approval. Create a series of at least six cartoon frames to capture the most important information about linear functions.
Condense the information about linear functions and create an advertisement, banner, or slogan. Act a short skit that conveys the life of a linear function. Write a poem that conveys the main ideas about linear functions.
Implementing Differentiated Instruction
  • Develop Instructional Routines
  • Identify your own learning preferences and your
    students using inventories and observations
  • Deliberately plan part of a lesson so that it
    appeals to a learning preference that you do not
    usually address

Implementing Differentiated Instruction
  • Expand Routines and Skills
  • Determine ways of learning that motivate your
    students the most
  • Over several days provide the class with learning
    experiences that introduce them to different ways
    of learning and allow you to observe which
    opportunities work for which students

Implementing Differentiated Instruction
  • Sustain a Differentiated Instruction Culture in
    the Classroom
  • Challenge students to experiment with other ways
    of learning
  • Reflect on what helps to engage students and
    respond by refining your instructional

Additional DI Webinars
  • www.laspdg.org
  • Inclusive Practices Webinar
  • 2012-2013 Webinars
  • Titles
  • Flexible Grouping
  • Cubing Think Dots
  • Choice Boards
  • Learning Materials

Building Capacity
  • When you leave today, what will you do with this
  • How will you share it with others in your
  • When will you share it? (Timeline)
  • Note If you are on the district leadership
    team, this information will be useful in
    completing your districts LASPDG 5 Year Plan

Lets Take a Poll!
Please take a moment to answer these
post-questions regarding your knowledge
  • Please use your chat pod if you have questions
    related to this presentation
  • You may email any questions to
  • Summer Whitmore swhitm1_at_lsu.edu

Thank you for participating in todays webinar!
The contents of this PowerPoint presentation were
developed under a grant from the US Department of
Education, H323A110003. However those contents
do not necessarily represent the policy of the US
Department of Education, and you should not
assume endorsement by the Federal Government.
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