Title: Strategic Partnering for Fundraising
1Strategic Partnering for Fundraising Present
by Cynthia Amador President CEO, CHARO
- Project/Program Needs Assessment
- Project Needs
- Part of Agency Core Competency
- Alignment with Organizational Goals
- Project Budget
- Project Planning
- Forecasting of Outcomes
- Measurement Tools
- Project Management
- Projection of Benefits to Funder
- WIFM to Funder
- Outcomes Reporting
- Projected Launch
4Identifying the Best Sources of Funds
5Identifying the Best Source
- Federal Grant good for launch of new programs,
infrastructure or on-going programs (SBA, MBDA,
HHS, DOJ etc., e.g, CDBG) - Not Good for on-going operations
- Requires Cash Match from .030 - 1 per 1
- Cash Match cuts into Unencumbered funding
6Identifying the Best Source
- Corporate Grants good for launch of new
programs, infrastructure, special projects. Need
to provide a tangible outcome to community that
can be evaluated or measured. - Good for Children, School, technology, domestic
violence, health - Not good for on-going projects or program
7Identifying the Best Source
- Corporate Grants identifying Board Members that
can Give or Get - Some non-profits have been highly successful at
reformatting Board with entrepreneurs or high
level corporate members - Require minimum to Give or Get annually.
8Identifying the Best Source
- Bank Grants good for launch of special projects
serving the LMI community, best if can serve dual
purpose of generating WIFM for Bank and Agency. - Good for new electronic center with public
access, financial literacy. - Not good for on-going programs. Many limit to
two-year max of funding. Need to be able to
measure outcomes and demonstrate community impact.
9Identifying the Best Source
- Bank Resources for Financial Literacy Programs
and Teaching Materials - www.HSBC.com
- www.AmericanExpress.com
- www.citibank.com
- www.Wellsfargo.com
10Identifying the Best Source
- Strategic Fundraising Ventures good for
launching new programs, must be managed by
Executive, great for cash match, building
infrastructure, technology, and community impact
programs - Needs to be carefully project managed, needs to
have project meetings, with outcomes reporting.
11Strategic Marketing Partnerships
Identify Your WIFM for Funder
- Options
- Placing Your Funder in front of Client
- Access to Clients
- Generating Market Penetration Opportunities
- CRA Area/ LMI Area
12Strategic Marketing Partnerships
Identify Your WIFM for Funder
5. Association with branded Community Entity 6.
Co-Branding with Proven Clients 7. Access into
Emerging Market
13Strategic Marketing Partnerships
Project Management
- Create an Executive Council
- Create a Level of Exclusivity
- Develop a Benefits List to monitor for Funders
- Involve Your Funders
- Report Regularly to Funders on Outcomes
14Strategic Marketing Partnerships
Project Management
6. Monitor Outcomes DO NOT Delegate Outcome
Reporting 7. Create a Final Report to
President's Council Meeting of Top Executives 8.
Prepare the ask in October for the coming
Calendar Year for Private Industry.
15Strategic Marketing Partnerships
Project Management Funding Cycles
9. Public Funding in Jan, March Aug 10.
Corporate Funding budgets are set in Oct-Dec
need to submit your proposal in early 3rd Quarter
for funding consideration the next year. 11.
Private Foundations on-going need to check
foundation websites.
16Strategic Marketing Partnerships
- Create a Thorough Work Plan
- Hold Weekly/Bi-Weekly monitoring meetings with
Staff. - Manage details of Project.
- Be Flexible to adjust to funders needs
- Ensure strategic community alliances to launch
your project.
17Funding Sources
- State Employment Training Panel
- www.etp.gov.ca
- Federal Resources www.grants.gov
18Funding Sources
- Banks
- Local website
- www.Wellsfargo.com
- www.wamu.com
- www.wachovia.com
- Look for Social Responsibility, Community
19Funding Sources
- 2. Private Funders
- F.B. Heron www.fbheron.org
- www.grants.gov
- www.tgci.com
- www.grantwrangler.com
20Funding Sources
- Private Funders (cont)
- Foundation Center www.fdcenter.org
- Council on Foundations-www.cof.org
- www.guidestar.org
- www.grantsalert.com
- www.grantstation.com
- Charity Channel www.charitychannel.com
Presented by Cynthia Amador CHARO President CEO