Title: Pupil
1Snowed under by Lesson Observations?
Do you know how many lesson observations have
taken place this term and how many of them were
Outstanding, Good, Satisfactory or Inadequate?
Well here is a recording system that will give
you just that!
2Cocentra Online Lesson Observation Tracking System
- Online, secure and easy to use system
- Stores grades, comments and development points
- Management summaries with drill down to
individual lessons - Identifies individuals who need support and CPD
- Tracks learning teaching progress over time and
by year group, subject or teacher
3Cocentra Online Lesson Observation Tracking System
4Step 1 Add Teacher Observer
Simply select the observer and observed from
pre-populated lists
5Step 2 - Add Observation Details
Record the details of the observation
Assess against each of the 6 criteria
6Step 3 - Report
View reports on screen or export to excel
7Year Group Summary Report
Assessment Criteria (can be edited by the school)
Click to drill down
Year Two has 2 out of 2 observations graded as
Drill down by Year
8Year Group Summary Drill Down
Teacher JA has 2 overall grade 1s (hover for full
Year Two selected
Observed by PH DG (hover for full name)
Overall Grade 1 selected
Detailed comments
9Teacher Summary Report
Drill down by Grade
Drill down by Teacher
10Observer Summary Report
Drill down by Grade
Drill down by Observer
11Subject Summary Report
Drill down by Grade
Drill down by Subject
12All Observations Summary Report
Drill down by Grade to written comments
13The Cocentra Tracker
- Provides an easily managed data base for your
Supports your SEF
Identifies area for inclusion in your School
Integrated Development Plan (SIDP)
Contributes to teachers CPD
And all for an initial year fee of 350 and an
annual renewal of 200
14More Information
- To order or if you require any further
information please phone
0845 009 4020