Title: Mapping our World
1Mapping our World
Latitude and Longitude 2.1 Types of Maps 2.2
Remote Sensing 2.3
2Latitude and Longitude 2.1
- Compare contrast latitude longitude
- Describe how time zones vary
3Science of mapmaking
4- Locating objects on a sphere
5- Locating objects on a sphere
(Lat fLat) These lines are horizontal and tell
how far North or South an object is
6- Locating objects on a sphere
7- Locating objects on a sphere
- Equator drawn at center
- Lines are parallel
8- Locating objects on a sphere
- Equator drawn at center
- Lines are parallel
- 90º N is at the north pole
10- Locating objects on a sphere
- Equator drawn at center
- Lines are parallel
- 90º N is at the north pole
11Practice Problem 1
The Earths circumference is about 40 000 km.
There are 360º in a circle. What is the distance
between degrees?
40 000 km
12- Locating objects on a sphere
- Equator drawn at center
- Lines are parallel
- 90º N is at the north pole
- Each latitude line is 111km
13- Locating objects on a sphere
- Equator drawn at center
- Lines are parallel
- 90º N is at the north pole
- Each latitude line is 111km
- Degrees are divided into minutes and seconds.
1 º 60 1 60
14- Locating objects on a sphere
These are long. They go up and down and tell
how far East or West an object is
15- Locating objects on a sphere
16- Locating objects on a sphere
- Travel through the poles
- They are NOT parallel
17- Locating objects on a sphere
- Travel through the poles
- They are NOT parallel
- The prime meridian is 0º longitude and goes
through Greenwich, England
18- Locating objects on a sphere
- Travel through the poles
- They are NOT parallel
- The prime meridian is 0º longitude and goes
through Greenwich, England - On the opposite side of the globe the prime
meridian is the International date line.
19Practice Problem 2
What is the distance between longitude degrees?
20 21- The Earth is divided into 24 zones
22Practice Problem 3
How many degrees for each time zone? (Remember
there is a total of 360º)
23(No Transcript)
24- The Earth is divided into 24 zones
- The dividing lines may be slightly adjusted
25- The Earth is divided into 24 zones
- The dividing lines may be slightly adjusted
- The International Date line marks a division
26- The Earth is divided into 24 zones
- The dividing lines may be slightly adjusted
- The International Date line marks a division
- When you cross this traveling West you add a
calendar day
27- The Earth is divided into 24 zones
- The dividing lines may be slightly adjusted
- The International Date line marks a division
- When you cross this traveling West you add a
calendar day - When you cross this East you move the calendar
back a day
28The End
29Types of Maps 2.2
- Compare and contrast different map projections
- Analyze topographic maps
- Describe map characteristics, such as map scales
and legends
30 31- Map with parallel lines of latitude and longitude
- It distorts shapes
32Mercator Projection
33- Mercator Projections
- Conic Projections
34- Mercator Projections
- Conic Projections
- Made by projecting points and lines onto a cone
- Some object not distorted
35Conic Projection
36- Mercator Projections
- Conic Projections
- Gnomonic Projections
- Made by projecting points and lines to paper that
touches globe at single point
37- Mercator Projections
- Conic Projections
- Gnomonic Projections
- Made by projecting points and lines to paper that
touches globe at single point - Useful for navigation
38Gnomonic Projection
39 40900
Drawn through places at the same elevation
41- Contour lines
- Index contours
Labeled contour lines.
42- Contour lines
- Index contours
- Depression contour lines have hachures
43Gives names of map features
44Tells ratio of map distances to real distances
45Practice Problem 4
What is the distance from Buffalo to Albany?
46The End
47Remote Sensing 2.3
- Compare contrast the different forms of
radiation in the EM spectrum - Describe how satellites and sonar are used to
map Earths surface - Describe the Global Positioning System
48You go to the location you want to map
49- On-site observations
- Remote sensing
50- On-site observations
- Remote sensing
- Satellites are often used
51- On-site observations
- Remote sensing
- Satellites are often used
- The electromagnetic spectrum is used, too
52Electromagnetic Spectrum
Long waves
Short waves
Radio waves
Gamma rays
53 54 55- uses visible and infrared light
56- uses visible and infrared light
- measures light radiated by Earths surface
57- uses visible and infrared light
- measures light radiated by Earths surface
- useful for comparisons of landforms over time
58- uses visible and infrared light
- measures light radiated by Earths surface
- useful for comparisons of landforms over time
- images
59Black Hills Fire - 2000
60Mississippi Delta
61New Orleans before after
62 63- uses high frequency radio waves
64- uses high frequency radio waves
- looks at ocean surface, which indicates features
of ocean floor
65- uses high frequency radio waves
- looks at ocean surface, which indicates features
of ocean floor - studies tides and currents
66- uses high frequency radio waves
- looks at ocean surface, which indicates features
of ocean floor - studies tides and currents
- images
67Southeastern US
68- Global Positioning System (GPS)
69- Global Positioning System (GPS)
- 24 satellites working together
70- Global Positioning System (GPS)
- 24 satellites working together
- uses microwaves
71- Global Positioning System (GPS)
- 24 satellites working together
- uses microwaves
- used primarily for navigation
72 73 74- uses sonar
- maps the ocean floor