Title: Understanding the Communication and Writing Grade Level Expectations GLEs
1Understanding the Communication and Writing Grade
Level Expectations (GLEs)
2GLE Document Structure
- Introduction
- Pages 2 12 (Writing Communication)
- Core
- Pages 14 47 (Writing)
- Pages 14 33 (Communications)
- Appendices
- Pages 48 56 (Writing)
- Pages 34 40 (Communications)
3Appendix Writing and Communication
- Glossary
- Cognitive Demand (Taxonomy) Chart
- Bibliography
- Acknowledgements
4Introduction and Appendix
- On the next slide, find Writing/Communication
Document Scavenger Hunt
- In pairs or small groups, find the answers to the
questions using only the Introduction and
Appendix in the Writing/Communication GLE
5Scavenger HuntDirections Answer the following
questions using the Introduction and/or Appendix
of the Communication (C) or Writing (W) GLE
Document. Record the page(s) on which the answer
is found.
- Name one of the foundational documents used to
develop the Communication or Writing GLEs.
- What are the common learning goals established
for all Washington students by the Basic
Education Act of 1993?
- What model helps explain the complexity of
Intercultural Communication?
- What three processes are involved in the Writing
- On which page would you find information about
the source
- Speaking Culturally Explorations in
Social Communication (C)
- NCTE Beliefs About the Teaching of
Writing (W)
- What are the three areas that must be aligned for
student achievement?
- What page outlines cognitive demand?
- What will the new GLEs clarify for teachers?
- Name one of the features of the On-line Grade
Level Resources.
- What is culturally responsive teaching?
- On which page can we find an overview of learning
competencies for grades 9/10?
64 Communication EALRs
- EALR 1 The student uses listening and
observation skills and strategies to focus
attention and interpret information.
- EALR 2 The student uses communication skills
and strategies to interact/work effectively with
- EALR 3 The student uses communication skills and
strategies to effectively present ideas and ones
self in a variety of situations.
- EALR 4 The student analyzes and evaluates the
effectiveness of communication.
74 Writing EALRs
- EALR 1 The student understands and uses a
writing process.
- EALR 2 The student writes in a variety of forms
for different audiences and purposes.
- EALR 3 The student writes clearly and
- EALR 4 The student analyzes and evaluates the
effectiveness of written work.
8A Taxonomy for Learning, Teaching and Assessing
A Revision of Blooms Taxonomy
- Revised Blooms Blooms Taxonomy
- Remembers Knows
- Understands Understands
- Applies Applies
- Analyzes Analyzes
- Evaluates Synthesizes
- Creates Evaluates
- Understanding is necessary for application and
9EALR Structure with GLEs
- K-10 EALR Statement
- K-10 Component
- Benchmark Indicators
10Grade Level Expectations explain what students
should know and be able to do
- Each GLE contains
- A statement of cognitive demand and the essential
content or process to be learned
- Evidence of Learning is a bulleted list of
student demonstrations that provides educators
with common illustrations of the learning
11Writing GLE Example
EALR 1 The student understands and uses a
writing process. Component 1.1 Prewrites to gen
erate ideas and plan writing. W
Grade Level Expectation
Evidence of Learning
12Communication GLE Example
- EALR 1 The student uses listening and
observation skills to gain understanding.
- Component 1.1 Uses listening and observation
skills and strategies to focus attention and
interpret information.
Grade Level Expectation
Evidence of Learning
13Communication GLE Example
- EALR 2 The student uses communication skills
and strategies to interact/work effectively with
- Component 2.3 Uses skills and strategies to
communicate interculturally.
Grade Level Expectation
Evidence of Learning
14Independent Practice
- Using your GLE document, open to any GLE and
- The GLE statement with the cognitive demand and
the content and
- The Evidence of Learning
- Compare your findings with the another person or
15Example of Numbering System -Communication
Grade Level X
Note The grade level is NOT represented by one
of the digits