Title: Teaching for Understanding: Delawares ELA Statewide Recommended Curriculum
1Teaching for UnderstandingDelawares ELA
Statewide Recommended Curriculum
- Juley Harper- ELA Education Associate
- Julia Webster- Reading Education Associate
2In the beginning
- New Directions Curriculum Framework Content
Standards and Performance Indicators were
developed in 1995 (Curriculum Framework) - Original Performance Indicators were written for
grade clusters (K-3), NOT for individual grades - The original cut scores were set in 1999 for the
Reading, Writing and Math DSTP - Performance Level Descriptors (PLDs) were created
(well below the standard, below the standard,
meets the standard, exceeds the standard,
3Since then
- NCLB led to an external standards review (04-05)
by McREL and Achieve - Reviews indicated that DE Content Standards were
well written in comparison to other states, but
and SCAFFOLDED - Design teams for each area of the curriculum were
formed - ELA Design Team wrote GLEs, model UbD units
clarifications documents, model syllabi/course
descriptions, and model assessments
4Summary of Tasks Completed in ELA
- Grade Level Expectations
- Alignment of GLEs
- Clarifications Document
- Model Ubd units
- Model Syllabi/Course Descriptions
- Model Assessments
5Statewide Recommended Curriculum Project Leaders
- Mike Stetter
- Director, Curriculum Development
- Project Management
- Grant Wiggins
- Co-author of Understanding by Design
- Principal Trainer Development Facilitator
- Denise Wilbur
- Authentic Education
- Associate Trainer Development Facilitator
6ELA Design Team
- Chairs
- Juley Harper (DOE)
- Julia Webster (DOE)
- Design Team
- Ann Lewis (Laurel) Pat Clements (NCCVT)
- Becky Sharp (Polytech) Elizabeth Tiffany (IR)
- Aleta Thompson (Cape) Debbie OBrien (Lake)
- Bonnie Albertson (UD) Denise Allen (DOE)
- Sandy Baker (Laurel) Sharon Biss (Red Clay)
- Cathy Cofrancesco (Cape) Debbie Buffington (IR)
- Vicki Divittorio (Delmar) Debbie Fetzer (Red
Clay) - Deanne McCredie (UD) Sandy Meyers (DOE)
- Kate Siegel (DOE) June Wicks (Smyrna)
- Mary Wright (Colonial)
7What Content Alignment has been completed?
- Content Alignment was completed- DE teachers
reviewed Reading Writing GLEs assigning a
Depth of Knowledge to each Performance
Indicator and DSTP items (coding the level of
difficulty) - Vertical Alignment was completed- DE teachers
reviewed GLEs comparing grade levels to check for
progression of rigor - Additional Alignment was completed with NCTE
standards, IRA standards, Reading First, NAEP,
College Board, and National Media and Technology
8What are the DE ELA Content Standards?
- Standard 1 (Writing Standard)- Students will use
written and oral English appropriate for various
purposes and audiences. - Standard 2 (Reading Standard)- Students will
construct, examine, and extend the meaning of
literary, informative, and technical texts
through listening, reading and viewing. - Standard 3 (Research Standard)- Students will
access, organize and evaluate information gained
through listening, reading, and viewing. - Standard 4 (Literary Standard)- Students will use
literary knowledge accessed through print and
visual media to connect self to society and
9What are Performance Indicators?
- The original Performance Indicators (PIs) were
written in 1998 and included in the Teachers
Desk Reference - They articulated the English Language Arts
Content Standards - The original PIs established end of cluster
expectations for grades K-3, 4-5, 6-8, and 9-10 - The original PIs were NOT written for individual
grades - Example
- 2.2a Students will be able to develop and
increasingly extensive vocabulary and actively
seek the meaning of unknown words as an important
facet of comprehending texts and messages by
using context clues to determine the meanings of
10 What are Grade Level Expectations/GLEs?
- A framework built on Content Standards, Cluster
Expectations, and Performance Indicators - A document that fully articulates expectations
for each grade level - A teacher-friendly document that is not meant to
be a scope and sequence check list - A tool for teachers that is now available on the
DOE website - are now available on the DOE website
- http//www.doe.k12.de.us/englangarts/elahome.html
- http//www.doe.k12.de.us/reading/
11How to best use the GLEs
- Curriculum mapping/pacing guides
- Unit and lesson development
- Lesson implementation
- Assessment design
- Informal assessment of student learning
12How NOT to use the GLEs
- As a checklist for disjointed lesson topics
- As a discrete set of skills
- As justification for not extending student
learning beyond Grade Level Expectations
13Review WRITING GLEs-Standard 1
- Read the Writing Grade Level Expectations for the
grade level(s) you teach. (ex. Gd.7 Reading reads
gd. 7 GLEs) - Read the Writing GLEs for the grade before ex.
(gd. 6) and after (gd. 8) the grade level(s) you
teach. - Note any differences between the grades.
- (Differences will be underlined)
14Review READING GLEs-Standards 2 4
- 1. Read the Reading Grade Level Expectations for
- the grade level(s) you teach. (ex. Gd.10 ELA
- reads gds. 9/10 GLEs)
- 2. Read the Reading GLEs for the grade before ex.
- (gd. 9) and after (gds. 11/12) the grade
level(s) - you teach.
- 3. Note any differences between the grades.
- (Differences will be underlined)
15What are the Components of Delaware Recommended
- Standards clarifications
- Enduring understandings
- Essential questions
- Model instructional units
- Model grade-level assessments
- Model grade-level syllabi
16What is a Clarifications Document?
- It defines and extends the meaning of the four
ELA standards for educators - It provides suggestions, examples, and
non-examples of what teaching and learning at the
level of the standards looks like in a classroom
17What are Model Instructional Units?
- They are based on the Understanding by Design
framework - They focus on a major topic
- They typically last from a few days to a few
weeks - They are divided into THREE stages
- Desired Results
- Assessment Evidence
- Learning Activities
18What are model grade-level Assessments?
- Assessments are embedded in UbD units
- There are TWO kinds of assessments
- 1. Formative Assessments
- On-going
- Guides teaching and learning
- Examples quizzes, oral questioning, prompts,
observations, reviews of draft work
19Model grade-level Assessments Continued
- Summative Assessments
- End of unit, complex challenge
- Requires a transfer of knowledge and skills to
effectively perform or create a product to reveal
ones understanding - Examples performance tasks, end of unit projects
20What are Model Grade-level Syllabi/Course
- They are
- A focused plan written for teachers/educators
- Written for a year or semester
- Based on the content standards and Grade Level
Expectations - A compilation of a variety of texts,
methodologies, performance tasks, content
descriptions - NOT a detailed schedule for the student
- NOT a week by week lesson plan for the teacher
21Next Steps
- Provide Professional Development for districts on
SRC - Develop and implement all DE educators in UbD
- Develop SRC web page
- Develop parent and community brochures
- Distribute SRC newsletter
- Pilot, review and jury UbD model units
- Write model UbD syllabi
23For further information...
- Contacts
- grant_at_authenticeducation.org
- jharper_at_doe.k12.de.us
- jwebster_at_doe.k12.de.us
- Check out Big Ideas, an online newsletter, with
monthly resources on every aspect of good design
- www.bigideas.org
- www.ubdexchange.org