Finance and the war on terror - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Finance and the war on terror


Are hawala networks the dangerous other' of Western finance? ... SunTrust also has a long-standing relationship with the Coca-Cola company. Offshore banking ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Finance and the war on terror

Finance and the war on terror
Aims of lecture
  • How has the global financial system been
    implicated in the Sept. 11 attacks?
  • Are hawala networks the dangerous other of
    Western finance?
  • How might new financial regulations be (a)
    mediated by neoliberalism and (b) reproducing
    exclusions and inequalities?

Financing terror and
  • Following Sept. 11th, questions were asked about
    how the attacks were financed
  • According to the 9/11 Commission the 9/11
    plotters eventually spent somewhere between
    400,000 and 500,000 to plan and conduct their
  • Patriot Act creates new powers to access private
    financial data

the war on terrorist finance
  • In this war against terrorism, one of the most
  • battles will take place not in a foreign land,
    but in
  • the financial world, as we seek to paralyze
  • activities by cutting off the heads of groups
    like al Qaeda.
  • Chairman Evan Bayh addressing US senate
    hearing on terrorist financing in Nov.
  • But how can this be done without paralyzing
  • Globalization, which involves trillions of
    dollars being
  • traded across financial markets everyday?

Global financialization
  • Financial Deregulation
  • The rise in speed and volume of transnational
    capital flows
  • Financial Disintermediation
  • Govt.s increasingly raise money through global
    debt markets rather
  • than borrowing from national banks
  • 1989
  • - Daily turnover in foreign-exchange markets
    rises from 180
  • billion in 1986 to around 1, 200 billion in 1998
  • - Rise of 24 hour trading and Global cities
  • In 1993 US investors bought more foreign
  • equities than in whole of the 1980s, much of it
  • in emerging markets

Placing blame
  • Hawala was increasingly orientalized, depicted as
    a dark, mysterious, secretive financial network
    connecting charities, mosques, illegal
    businesses and terrorists from the middle east to
    the US
  • Hawala is a banking system built for
    terrorisman underground system that allows money
    to show up in the bank accounts or pockets of men
    like hijacker Mohammad Atta, without leaving any
    paper trail (Time, Oct. 2001)
  • Kenneth Dam, Deputy secretary of the US Treasury
    claims, terrorists move money through the hawala
    system, an ancient, trust-based way of moving
    money leaving virtually no trace (Financial
    Times, Dec. 2001)

What is hawala?
  • Hawala is an informal system for transferring
    remittances to someone in a Middle East, Asian or
    African country
  • Hawaladars are not regulated in the U.S. but must
    be registered and report suspicious activity to
    the government.

Why do people use hawala?
  • Many migrants send international remittances
    through hawaladars
  • rather than major banks or money transfer
    companies (e.g.
  • Western Union) because
  • (1) Its cheaper, hawala dealers typically charge
    a commission of less than 5 - and interest is
    banned under Islamic law
  • (2) They are excluded form Western banks and
    money transfer institutions because of language
    problems, lack of paperwork etc., or
    discrimination particularly illegal immigrants
  • (3) Many parts of the Global South, particularly
    poor rural regions, are not connected to major
    banking networks
  • Its fast, cheap and reliable

  • On Nov 7th 2001, the Bush administration closed
    down a number of US-based Al-Barakat hawaladars
    and conducted raids on many Somali businesses
  • This included a grocery store in Seattle, which
    has a Somalian population of approx 10, 000
  • Kenneth Dam claimed to have
  • disrupted millions of dollars
  • destined for terrorist organizations

Remittances in the global economy
  • WB estimates that migrants sent more than 167
    billion to their families in developing countries
    in 2005 a figure more than twice the level of
    international aid. In California alone, 8 million
    illegal migrants work in the cash-in-hand
  • If the American government needs evidence they
    can go to the Red Cross or United Nations. These
    organizations know weve been sending money to
    Somalia for years, and they can trace where its
    going. And where its going is to our starving
    families in refugee camps, not Osama bin Laden
  • Abdul Aziz, 26, Seattle resident, quoted in
    Seattle P-I, Nov. 9th, 2001

Missing money?
  • According to the 9/11 Commission report
  • Despite unparalleled access and support from
    the central bank of the United Arab Emirates,
    which made available thousands of pages of
    documents related to Al-Barakaat accounts, they
    found no evidence linking al-Barakaat to
    terrorist activity, and no evidence that the
    closing of al-Brakaat hurt al-Qaeda financially
  • (cited in de Goede Moore, 2005158)

So, where did the hijackers get their money?...
Probably from a major US bank that operates
approximately 1,700 bank SunTrust also has a
long-standing relationship with the Coca-Cola
Offshore banking
  • Dont major banks also try to eliminate paper
    trails and operate outside normal regulations?..

Western banking and dataveillance
  • Regulations of western banking has tended to
    reconcile the need for
  • the continued operation of deregulated,
    (neo)liberal financial markets
  • and even opened profit opportunities to private
  • companies through the promotion of
  • 1. software that can identify suspicious
  • 2. stricter KYC regulations
  • 3. rewards scheme for reporting
  • suspicious activity
  • The 9/11 commission found that the hijackers use
    of the financial
  • system was utterly routine but in this culture
    of suspicion, who
  • becomes suspect ?....

Mark Lombardi, 1951-2000
  • The war on terrorist finance needs an enemy that
    must be identified and isolated instead of being
    present within US institutions and practices in
    complex ways? (de Goede, 2003518)
  • The war on terrorist finance has hit some
    migrant communities particularly hard
  • The war on terrorist finance is exacerbating
    financial exclusion in its attempts to predict
    terrorist actions

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