Title: Danish Cancer Society
1Danish Cancer Society
- Department of Cancer Prevention and Documentation
- Facts
- 16 permenent staff (4 in documentation)
- Total staff 66 FTE
- Yearly budget
- 21 mil DKK
- external funding Approx. 14 mil DKK
- Policy guide European Cancer Code
- Tobacco
- Youth Cessation Information
- Diet and PA
- School programs
- Screening and early detection patient
information - Workplace interventions
- Monitoring
- SunSmart
3Swimware fashion over time
4Danish SunSmart Campaign
- Comprehensive 10 year program inspired by AU
- Massive external funding (10 mio DKK/year)
- Partners DCS, National Board of Health,
Insurance trust and a commercial partner - Royal patronage
- (HRH Mary from Tasmania)
5Danish SunSmart Campaign
- Summer events
- Slogan Siesta, Sunhat, Sunscreen, no Sun beds
- Media Campaign
- Events
- Sale of products
- Evaluation of sun behavior
- Winter events
- Turn off sun beds also on myspace.com
6Results after 1 year
- 71 awareness of slogan
- 27 claims to have changed their sun behavior
- (60 between those exposed to events)
- 1/3 know the recommended SPF (15)
- 50 of 15-17 year olds use sun beds
- 25 of all Danes use sun beds
- Products sales generated 0.7 mio DKK
Substantial funding leads to behavior change
7Environmental change and policy change
- A few selected experiences fromCancer Prevention
Campaigns in Denmark - Morten Strunge Meyer
- Danish Cancer Society
- October 31th, 2007
- Prevention Strategy
- Work Place Fruit Program
- Upcoming Whole Grain Campaign
- The need for consensus and partnerships
- Conclusions
9Boyd Swinburn
- If you only have limited resources for prevention
you should place your money on policy change
10Lobbying for an EU school fruit program
11Philip James
The key approaches to prevention
are Price Availability Marketing
12Who is responsible?
13Important strategic input
14Campaign strategies
- Hear or see your message
- Understand your message
- Weigh pro and con
- Build an intention to change behavior
- Make it practically possible
- Changed behavior
15Communication does not come first
16Work Place Fruit Program
Fruit served during breaks and while working
Fruit and juiceat meetings
17The partnership
6 A Day
18Why do they eat the fruit?
Its delicious (95) Its healthy (86)
Because its free (51) Then I eat less candy
(47) Gives an extra break (2)
19Why do they sell fruit?
- They make money
- Its a new market
- 40 new companies are now in operation
20Why are we interested?
6 A Day
- We evaluate and do PR
- Research
- Fruit intake up by 0.7 serving
- Candy and cakes down by 50 in men
- Probably our easiest and most effective
21Why do they want to pay?
- Cheap - equal to cost of one extra day off
- Trendy image
- Attract and hold qualified staff
- Sign of appreciation
- Perceived value exceeds the monetary value
222004 Results
- 9 of the workforce have work place fruit
232007 Results
24The POWER of consensus
25The 6 A Day campaign structure
The Campaign
Develop effective methods for increasing
Scientific documentation and consensus
266 A Day Results
27Upcoming Whole Grain Campaign
- Scientific consensus report (December 1st)
- Anthropological report (November 15th)
- Campaign strategy
- Communication plan
- New labeling
- Availability plan
- Product innovation plan
28Availability of Whole Grains (WG)
- Adding more WG to existing products
- Making WG products more available in shops
(category- and space management) - Engaging decision makers like parents, canteens
and workplaces - No need for individual desires for health
29Availability calculations
- Demographics
- Dietary habits
- WG products (content and supply)
- Potentials for increased WG content
- Costs of different interventions
- Partners possibilities
30Costs of getting Danes to eat more WG
- Thicker bread slices 0,02 mio/g
- 10 WG in all white flower 0,03 mio/g
- 25-35 WG in wheat products 0,04 mio/g
- ¼ of all cakes will be WG cakes 0,17 mio/g
- All biscuits will contain 12 WG 0,22 mio/g
- Labeling rules 0,35 mio/g
- Breakfast cereals 40 WG 0,38 mio/g
- Frozen wheat products 15 WG 0,39 mio/g
- Power of consensus
- Power of partnerships
- Legitimacy on issues broader than cancer
- Organizational maturity and self promotion
- Spotting and selling benefits
32The 6 As
- Available
- Accessible
- Affordable
- Acceptable
- Addressing multiple motives
- Anchoring
Adapted from WHOs framework for FV
33The End
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