Title: Personal Inquiry Presentation
1Personal Inquiry Presentation
Michaela Andrews
2Outine of Presentation
- Essential Question
- Context and Purpose
- Supporting Questions
- Teaching Methods/Strategies
- Data/Results
- What I Learned
- Suggestions for Next Time
3My Essential Question
- How can I help my students incorporate
descriptive and figurative language in their free
verse poetry and personal essays?
4Context of This Inquiry Project
- Two 7th grade Language Arts classes at Community
Preparatory School - Three Units
- Holes by Louis Sachar
- Out of the Dust by Karen Hesse
- Short stories and poems by Edgar Allan Poe
5Purpose in Selecting This Project
- To Teach my students to
- Critically appreciate Hesses writing
- Develop understanding of
- descriptive writing
- various elements of figurative language
- Employ similar skills to improve their own
free-verse poetry and personal essays
6Supporting Questions
- What are the elements of descriptive and
figurative language that I will focus on in this
particular unit? - How will I teach these elements of descriptive
and figurative language so that my students will
understand their value and how to implement them
in their own writing? - How will I assess whether my students
understanding of descriptive and figurative
language, as well as their ability to effectively
use it in their writing, has developed?
7Answer to First Supporting Question
- Question
- What are the elements of descriptive and
figurative language that I will focus on in this
particular unit? - Answer
- Descriptive Language sensory details, specific
nouns and verbs - Figurative Language personification, simile, and
8Teaching Methods/Strategies
- Nightly creative writing in the style of Hesses
narrator - Mini-lessons on descriptive and figurative
language using images as prompts - Scaffolding modeling activities, providing
exemplars - Graphic organizers, brainstorming exercises
- Personal Writing Projects (Significant Setting
Essay and I Am From Poem) - Revision Process (peer conferences, multiple
drafts) - Group work daily group discussions
- Class or group presentations of final projects
9Teaching Personification
- Studying examples from Out of the Dust
- Writing examples of personification in pairs
based on various images - Dust Bowl PowerPoint presentation
- Dust Bowl Personification Poetry Assignment/
Booklet - Discussion Why do we bother to study
personification? How can it add to a story/poem?
10Modeling Personification
- A figure of speech in which inanimate objects,
animals, or abstractions are given human
qualities or are represented as possessing human
Example I was reminded of my grandfathers face
when I looked down at my weary, well-traveled
boots, creased with the wrinkles of old age.
11Student Samples Dust Bowl Personification Poems
12Teaching Metaphor and Simile
- Studying examples from Out of the Dust
- Using images to inspire examples
- Creating web association charts
- Designing Simile/Metaphor posters with image to
decorate classroom
13Modeling Metaphor/Simile Posters Simile Example
14Modeling Metaphor/Simile Posters Metaphor
15Student Samples Metaphor and Simile Posters
16Student Samples Metaphor and Simile Posters
17Student Samples Metaphor and Simile Posters
18Teaching Descriptive Writing
- I Am From Poem Assignment
- Analyzing George Ella Lyons Where Im From
- Brainstorming using Sense Cube graphic organizer
- Discussing other student examples of I Am From
poems - Writing first drafts
19I Am From Poem Procedure (Continued)
- Revising drafts (first my draft as a whole class
and then students first drafts on their own) - Peer Conferences
- Revising first drafts
- Presenting poems as a whole class
- Typing
- Presenting to whole school
20Excerpts of Students I Am From Poems
I am from lots of white sand and palm trees. I
come from lots of machetes and guns. I also come
from seeing little boys and girls running around
naked playing tag I come from salsa, bachata,
and most of all, reggaeton. I am from horns
blaring at two in the morning, to the sound of
horseshoes clicking on the road. Were just like
New Yorkers, partiers, dancers, and noise makers
21Excerpts of Students I Am From Poems
I am from the sweet smell of cookies on a cold
winter day, From the bittersweet taste of curry
chicken, and the yummy sour taste of blue
raspberry bubblegum. I am from the beautiful
sound of Arabic in the mosque on a Saturday
night in the month of Ramadan. From questions and
questions like Why do you wear that thing on
your head? and Are you from Iraq?
22Excerpts of Students I Am From Poems
I am from the sun-beaten fields of cotton, where
droplets of sweat fell from her brow as she
worked. I am from a legacy that has passed its
faith from generation to generation. I am from
the quiver that my Indian ancestor carried with
pride. He placed me on his bow and set me
soaring through time to reach a place where I
could begin my destiny
23Excerpts of Students I Am From Poems
I am from adoption papers and Shojo Beat
I am from frizzy hair wild as static and nappy
heads thick as blood
From newly brewed coffee. A black and white
mix of cream and of coffee. From Each
ripple erupting in silence. From each scent that
is released and freed into the unexpected whirl
of the world
24Self-Assessment Questionaire
- Four types of questions
- I understand what sensory details are.
- I know how to recognize sensory details and
descriptive writing in the books that I read. - I know how to use sensory details and descriptive
language to enhance my own writing. - Compared to what I knew before this year, my
understanding of descriptive writing and my
ability to use it effectively in my own writing
has improved based on what Ive learned in
Language Arts this trimester.
25Average of Students Responses to Questionaire
26Frequency of Students Rankings
27Exit Ticket
- The Prompt
- What have you learned about descriptive writing
and figurative language throughout our study of
Out of the Dust? - Do you feel like you have improved as a writer in
the past few weeks?
28Exit Ticket Responses
- I feel like I did not improve at all. First
because we did the exact journal entry everyday.
The only thing that changed was the vocab word.
29Exit Ticket Responses
- I think that I did improve. Because I used more
description. But I could still do better on the
personification though. I also feel that I did
good. And I could still get more better at it.
30Exit Ticket Responses
- Descriptive language uses sensory detail like
hear, see, smell, taste, and feel. Figurative
language has similes, metaphors, and
personification. I think my writing is the same
as how Ive always written it. I just use more
figurative language.
31Exit Ticket Responses
- I learned that similes use like or as. I also
learned that metaphors and similes are used very
often in life. I feel like I improved a little
in similes and descriptive writing. But not
anything else. OH also I improved my poem
writing ability, ex the I am poem and the
picture things about the car.
32Exit Ticket Responses
- Ive learned that adding one or two words to a
sentence can change a lot about its description.
Just saying what you feel based off of a sense
can really make your writing better and more
alive. I think I really have improved as a
writer because now I know different ways of
description. Its easier for me to write a story
or a poem since I have had so many tips and
lessons on it.
33Exit Ticket Responses
- Ive learned how to put deeper thought into my
poems. Not just to write about a topic, but
write about certain things and personify
non-living things. I think Ive improved on my
writing skills. Ive had the chance to write
about me, which I dont often do.
34Answer to Third Supporting Question
- Question
- How will I assess whether my students
understanding of descriptive and figurative
language, as well as their ability to effectively
use it in their writing, has developed? - Answer
35Data I Collected
- Initial Writing Sample Significant Setting
- Daily journal assignments
- Notes on their discussions
- Personification poems of Dust Bowl images
- Simile and Metaphor webs and image-based posters
- Student I Am From Poems
- Significant Setting Essay
- Exit Ticket
- Self-Assessment Questionaire
36What I Learned
- What worked
- Creating routines that require daily creative
writing both in class and for homework - Using images and video clips to inspire writing
- Scaffolding mini-lessons with clear directions,
multiple models, and group work - Assigning projects that are for a larger audience
- Assigning Personal Writing Projects
- allows students to define, reflect on, and share
with each other who they are, where they come
from, significant experiences, etc. - Builds atmosphere of openness, respect, and trust
37Suggestions for Next Time
- Explore conventional uses of figurative language
- Discuss the ways in which our thinking and
understanding of the world is shaped by our
language and, hence, the conventional metaphors
we use - Analyze how conventional metaphors vary from one
culture to another - Compile students I Am From poems into a
booklet for each student to keep - Find resources for publishing student writing and
encourage students to attempt to publish their
work for other audiences
38Questions or Comments?