Scientific Inquiry - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Scientific Inquiry


Title: Scientific Inquiry Author: elizabethk Last modified by: elizabethk Created Date: 9/6/2005 1:11:02 AM Document presentation format: On-screen Show – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Scientific Inquiry

Social Psychology
Types of Social Influence
  • Compliance
  • ? tendency to agree to do things requested by
  • Conformity
  • Obedience

  • The altering of ones behavior to match those of
  • Normative social influence ? people conform to
    social norms (i.e., expected standards of
  • Informational social influence ? look to others
    for information about how to respond in specific

Normative Social Influence
Informational Social Influence
In-group Inter-group Relations
  • In-group
  • The group to which we belong
  • Share similar values, beliefs, and goals
  • Through interaction, develop group norms that
    govern behavior
  • Involves strong sense of commitment to and
    preference for the group and, by extension, its
  • Out-group
  • Those groups to which we do not belong

In-group Inter-group Relations
  • Inter-group relations
  • Functional relationships between two or more
    groups and their respective members
  • Inter-group behavior
  • Actions of individuals belonging to one group
    when they interact, collectively or individually,
    with another group or its members in terms of
    their group membership

In-group Inter-group Relations
  • Stereotypes
  • Schemas that allow for easy and efficient
    organization of information about people based on
    their membership in certain groups
  • Prejudice
  • Affective response associated with stereotypes
    usually involves negative judgments about people
    based on their group membership
  • Discrimination
  • inappropriate or unjustified treatment of people
    based solely on their group membership

Sherif Sherif (1969)
  • Study of
  • In-group/ Out-group formation
  • Inter-group relationships/ conflict
  • Reduction of inter-group conflict

Sherif Sherif (1969)
  • Participants
  • Relatively homogenous sample of 11-12 year old
    boys at two isolated summer camps
  • Summer camps completely at the disposal of the
    research team

In-group Formation
  • Spontaneous Interpersonal Choices
  • All boys arrived at the same time and were housed
    together in one large bunkhouse
  • Sociometric choices asked to indicate who was
    their best friend
  • Arbitrary division into two groups
  • Split into two equal groups housed in separate
  • About 2/3rd of best friends were separated

Before Arbitrary Split
After Arbitrary Split
In-group Formation
  • Matched groups on specified criteria
  • Boys divided into two, roughly equal, groups
    based on size and skills
  • Exp. III ? two groups of boys arrived on separate
    buses and were unaware of one another until the
    next study stage

  • Cooperative activities aimed toward desirable
    goals is sufficient for in-group formation
  • Hierarchy is established
  • Norms develop
  • In-groups form even when there is no awareness of
    an out-group

Inter-Group Conflict
  • Win-Lose competition
  • Tournament involving a series of team
  • Winning team received a trophy and each
    individual member won highly desirable prizes
  • Planned frustration of In-groups
  • Frustrating situation for one group that was
    planned by staff so that it appeared to be caused
    by the other group

  • Sustained competition toward goals that each
    group desired, but only one could achieve
    resulted in
  • An increase in in-group solidarity and pride
    (especially among the winning group)
  • Hostility and aggression toward the out-group,
    which continued to escalate over time
  • Social distance between groups that was justified
    by negative images (stereotypes) of and prejudice
    toward the out-groups

Inter-group Cooperation
  • Phase I ? Series of situations involving contact
    between groups but no interdependence
  • E.g., going to the movies eating in the same
    dining room
  • Result ? served as opportunities to express
    hostility and aggression

Inter-group Cooperation
  • Phase II? Have both groups work together toward
    superordinate goals
  • Superordinate goals ? goals that have high appeal
    for both groups but that neither group can
    accomplish alone
  • Result ? Cooperation on a series of superordinate
    goals resulted in a decrease in hostility and
    sociometric choices that transcended group status

Why do people conform to group norms?Why do
people violate larger societal norms and personal

Why do People Conform?
  • Self ? mental representation of ones personal
    experience conscious recognition that one is
    separate and unique from others
  • Self-awareness? A state when the sense of self is
    the object of awareness
  • Social comparison ? when the self is evaluated in
    contrast to others
  • Impression management ? how we exhibit our
    personal characteristics before an audience

Why do People Violate Norms?
  • Anonymity ? when ones identity will not be known
  • i.e., individual cannot be held accountable for
    his/her actions
  • Deindividuation ? when people are not self-aware
    and therefore do not attend to their own personal
    standards or those of the larger society

Bystander Apathy
  • Bystander apathy ? failure to offer help by those
    who observe someone in need
  • Diffusion of responsibility expectation that
    others will offer assistance
  • E.g., Kitty Genovese

Stanford Prisoner and Guard Experiment
  • Phillip Zimbardo

Prisoner Guard Experiment
  • 22 male students from Stanford University
  • Extensively screened selected those who were
    most mature and least involved in antisocial
  • Randomly assigned to be either a prisoner or a
    prison guard

Prisoner Guard Experiment
  • Uniforms
  • Guards? Plain khaki shirts and trousers, a
    whistle, police night stick, and reflecting
  • Prisoners ? loose fitting smock with ID number,
    no underwear, light chain and lock on one ankle,
    rubber sandals and a nylon stocking cap

Prisoner Guard Experiment
  • Guards
  • Became more deprecating as time progressed
  • Did not inflict physical harm but did engage in
    verbal abuse
  • Planned privileges were never allowed
  • Often withheld bathroom visits and meals instead
    used these as rewards for good behavior
  • Punishment became more extreme over time

Prisoner Guard Experiment
  • Prisoners
  • Increasingly expressed intentions to do harm to
    others or self
  • 5 out of 9 were released because of extreme
    emotional reactions (Depression, crying, rage,
    and acute anxiety)
  • Of the remaining prisoners, only two were
    unwilling to forfeit their compensation in order
    to be paroled

Key Points
  • Prison Guards
  • Deindividuated
  • wearing uniform
  • perception of being unobserved lead to worse
    treatment of prisoners
  • Complete power over another individual
  • Power is rewarding those with power had high
    status and respect
  • All demands were followed unquestioningly or
    could be met with sanctions
  • Sense of power intensified in situations of threat

Prisoner Guard Experiment
  • Pathology of Power
  • Being a guard carried with it social status and
    above all, the freedom to exercise an
    unprecedented degree of control over the lives of
    other human beings. (pp. 13-14)

Key Points
  • Prisoners
  • Deindividuated -- Loss of personal identity
  • Loss of control leading to learned helplessness
  • Learned helplessness when in a situation where
    punishment is uncontrollable, exhibit depression
    and passivity i.e., they learned to be helpless
  • Dependent on guards for most basic needs
  • Emasculation
  • Dressed in smocks with no undergarments
  • Independence or rebellion quickly severely

Prisoner Guard Experiment
  • Pathological Prisoner Syndrome
  • At first they exhibited disbelief at the total
    invasion of privacy Their next response was
    rebellion They then tried to work within the
    system by setting up an elected grievance
    committee When that failed, individual
    self-interests emerged leading to social
    disintegration which gave rise to feelings of
    isolation half the prisoners coped by becoming
    sick as a passive way of demanding attention
    and help. As the days wore on, the model prisoner
    reaction was one of passivity, dependence, and
    flattened affect.

  • The tendency to follow orders given by a
    legitimate authority
  • E.g., Stanley Milgrams work

  • Showed obvious signs of tension (nervous
  • Psychiatrists predicted that fewer than 1 would
    deliver all of the shocks
  • However, 50 delivered all of the shocks

  • Distance of victim another room or in the same
    room subject had to place hand on shock plate
    negative correlation between distance between
    subject and victim and of shocks give
  • Distance of experimenter obedience dropped
    sharply as experimenter was distant than when
    close (psychological distance)
  • Less obedience in bridgeport than at yale
  • When with defectors 90 broke off.
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