Title: Water supply and sanitation governance in the periurban interface
1- Water supply and sanitation governance in the
peri-urban interface - Pascale Hofmann
- Development Planning Unit
- University College London
2Water and sanitation
- Inadequate urban supplies in the world 173
million lack improved water (6) 403 million
lack improved sanitation (14) - Shift from concern with technical improvements to
institutional aspects of service delivery - Consensus about state unable to supply services
on its own
3Population not served with improved water supply
- Improved
- Household connection
- Public standpipe
- Borehole
- Protected well
- Protected spring
- Rainwater collection
Total unserved 1.1 billion
Population not served with improved sanitation
- Improved
- Connection to public sewer
- Connection to septic system
- Pour-flash latrine
- Simple pit latrine
- Ventilated improved pit latrine
Total unserved 2.4 billion
Source WHO Global Water Supply and Sanitation
Assessment 2000
4Access to water in LDCs
5The urban and peri-urban poor pay more for water
6Water consumption depends on collection time
lpcd litres/capita/day
7and income
8Access to water by peri-urban dwellersPolicy-root
ed and needs-rooted practices in the Water wheel
Public-community cooperation
Community cooperation
Community-based provision
Public-community partnerships
Rainwater harvesting
Fully public
Water as a gift
Clandestine connections
Passive private investment
Public provision distorted by bribery
Service contracts
Informal sector vendors (e.g. push carts)
BOT and concessions
Joint ventures
Water sold from privately owned wells
Public-private cooperation
Private competition
Fully private
Source Allen (20046)
9Overview of formal and informal water supply
practices in the five case studies
Source Case study reports.
10Access to sanitation by peri-urban dwellers
- Low coverage of underground drainage
- lt5 in Dar es Salaam peri-urban areas
- Alternative sanitation
- septic tanks, pit latrines
- Public toilets
- regularity, sufficiency, affordability, quality
and safety
11Peri-urban ChennaiState and private informal
water storage and distribution
12Peri-urban ChennaiState-provided water storage
13Peri-urban Giza (Cairo)Informal water
14Peri-urban MexicoState-supported water storage
and distribution
15Peri-urban Dar es SalaamPrivate water storage
16Peri-urban CaracasThe State supplies water for