Title: 6th South Asian Conference on Sanitation
1- 6th South Asian Conference on Sanitation
- Country Paper Presentation /Afghanistan
- Dhaka, Bangladesh
- 11-13 January 2016
2??????? ?? ???????Personal and Environmental
Hygiene is Half of the Faith(Prophet Mohammad
3This Presentation
- Institutional setup for the sanitation sector
- Sanitation Situation in Afghanistan
- Financing
- Key Challenges
- Key Opportunities
- Video on Afghan Context CLTS
4Institutional Set-up
- Normative and surveillance role
- Ministry of Public Health
- Rural sanitation
- Ministry of Rural Rehabilitation and Development
NGO partners lower administrative
government - Urban sanitation
- Ministry of Urban Development
- School sanitation
- Ministry of Education
5Sanitation in Afghanistan, 2014
Source Afghanistan Living Conditions Survey, 2014
6(No Transcript)
7Urban Sanitation Scenario Kabul
8One-third of Afghan Open Defecators live in 3
Source Afghanistan Living Conditions Survey, 2014
990 of Afghan Open Defecators live in 17
Source Afghanistan Living Conditions Survey, 2014
10Funding for Sanitation
Source Estimates by MRRD and Water Sanitation
Sector Group based on investments 2010-2015,
December 2015
11Key Challenges
- Understaffing at lower administrative levels
undermines outreach capacity - Inequalities between poor and rich and
remote/insecure areas - We dont make the most yet of linkages cx xwith
other sectors (health, agriculture, education) - Urban excreta-, waste water-, and solid waste
management - Increase in informal settlements
- Donor dependence and -fatigue
12Key Opportunities for Sanitation in Afghanistan
- Strategy developed for ending open defecation by
2025 - Sector partners, line-ministries and donors think
alike - CLTS successfully introduced in Afghanistan in
2009, and existing implementation capacity is
scalable - A 100 mln Integrated Hygiene, Sanitation and
Nutrition project will start in high-stunting
prevalence provinces - Network of 30,000 Community Health Volunteers
- Citizens Charter for integrating basic
services in rural areas - Ministry of Education firmly committed to WASH in
Schools including MHM - Good and disaggregated data on access from the
14Thank you