What is a Salt Water Pool System - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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What is a Salt Water Pool System


What is a salt water pool system and why are they popular yet controversial? What are the advantages to salt-water pools, what are the drawbacks and dangers, and is a saltwater pool right for you. Get the facts and information first on this often misunderstood pool sanitation method. – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: What is a Salt Water Pool System

What is a Salt WATER Pool System?
  • Brought to you by Chlorine Genie Inc.

The Chlorine Genie Advantage
  • Stop Dumping Junk in your Pool

Alternative Pool Systems
  • There are many alternatives to todays standard
    chlorinated pools giving consumers more choices
    than ever when it comes to creating the perfect
    swimming experience.

  • Many are turning to the ever popular Salt Water
    Pool option in hopes that it will be less
    expensive, require less maintenance, and require
    less hazardous pool chemical transportation,
    handling, exposure, and storage issues.

Is it The best Swim of your life?
  • Today we will tackle the question What is a Salt
    Water Pool?
  • We will dispel some of the myths, and shed some
    light on this popular pool equipment technology
    and see whether it is the perfect choice for the
    best swim of your life.

About Pool Chlorine
  • Salt water pools are simply a pool system that
    uses salt in the pool water to generate your
    own pool chlorine.
  • Rather than adding commercially bought chlorine
    to the pool manually with liquid or chlorinator
    tablets, a chlorine generator manufactures your
    pool chlorine from salt and water.

Commercial Chlorine
  • Commercial pool chlorine is not a pure product -
    in fact, it when you pour a gallon of commercial
    chlorine into your pool as much as 90 of it is
    other chemical inert ingredients making it an
    especially noxious and irritating chemical

Commercial Chlorine
  • Every year there are many accidents reported
    resulting from miss headlining pool chemicals.
    (Read the labels) Fires, skin burns, lung, and
    respiratory damage, or even death from the
    mishandling, missuse, or just plain old accidents
    involving chlorine. For environmental reasons,
    safety reasons, and the comfort and quality of
    the swim, many people are exploring alternatives
    to standard chlorination methods.

How the System Works
  • Salt in the pool systems employs chlorine
    generator technology to manufacture chlorine
    products that differ significantly from store
    bought pool chemicals. Water with an appropriate
    amount of dissolved salt in it passes through an
    electronic salt chlorinator cell and creates
    chlorine to chlorinate your pool.

Common misconceptions
  • A common misconception is that salt water pool
    systems are a chlorine free pool. This is not
    the case. A salt in the pool system is a pool
    that makes its own chlorine product for
    sanitization rather than paying for, handling,
    storing, and administering store bought
    sanitizing chemicals. This has significant
    benefits for the consumer as you will see when
    you read further.

A Popular Pool System Advantage
  • The saltwater pool system has become the most
    popular alternative to regular chlorine based
    pool systems for numerous reasons, safety being
    but one of them. With a salt chlorinator pool
    system, you do not need to purchase commercial
    chlorine because you are manufacturing your own
    chlorine product from ordinary salt and water.

A Popular Pool System Advantage
  • Your pool can be automatically sanitized without
    needing to fill a chlorinator with tablets or
    handle dangerous liquid chlorine, and when the
    system is properly dialed in and working properly
    chlorine levels are more consistent, providing
    better sanitation, and protection.

Is it the Ultimate Pool Water Management System?
  • There are many searching for that magic pool
    system - minimal maintenance, economical to use,
    user-friendly, and one that ensures maximum
    results, safety, and comfort.

  • Consumers and pool owners dont want to handle
    large amounts of chlorine or other dangerous pool
    chemicals. They dont want to measure and worry
    about fluctuating chlorine levels, pH problems,
    etc. They dont want to swim in water that
    irritates their skin, burns eyes, fades fabrics,
    and that feels and smells like a chemical bath.

The Truth is
  • The truth is even with alternative pool treatment
    systems water monitoring and balance is still
    critical, pH levels are just as important as with
    any standard chlorinated pool. In fact, salt
    water systems that require you to dump hundreds
    of pounds of salt into your swimming pool create
    a set of problems all their own to contend with.
    Make sure you are properly informed. See our
    article Salt Water Pool Problems to learn more.

How does the Chlorine Generator System Work?
  • The chlorine generator salt water system consists
    of a power supply, a controller, and a salt water
    chlorinator cell that works together with salt,
    electricity, and water to produce chlorine.

  • Chlorine is manufactured when power is supplied
    to the cell and there are enough salt and water
    present for the reaction to take place at the
    electrodes. The salt pool chlorinator uses
    electricity and a process known as electrolysis
    to separate sodium chloride (salt) and release
    the chloride in the salt to create liquid
    chlorine for your pool.

Some Initial Drawbacks
  • 1. Some initial drawbacks to this popular
    alternative pool system are the fact that two to
    five hundred pounds of salt on average needs to
    be added to the pool water to achieve a
    concentration capable of chlorinating the pool
    (this ratio is not efficient or optimal for
    chlorine generation though).

Standard salt in the pool systems are inefficient
when it comes to optimal chlorine production.
  • Figure 50lbs of salt for every 1,200 gals of pool
    water for a salt in the pool system! Check out
    The Chlorine Genie (www.chlorinegenie.com) learn
    how to get the benefits of a salt-water pool
    without salting your pool.
  • Salt by nature is a corrosive substance, can
    leave residues, discolor, damage, and kill
    landscaping features, stone work, tile, etc.

Further Inefficiency
  • 2. Salt water swimming pools employ a controller
    to regulate the power going to the chlorinator
    cell and thereby control the chlorine production
    for the pool. Salty water must continually flow
    through the cell for the process to work

Not a Saving Feature
  • This necessitates continuous running of the pump,
    filter, and pool equipment during chlorine
    production cycles (figure 8am to 6pm daily in the
    summer swim season). It is important to realize
    increased pump and filtering times put added
    stress on pool equipment and require extra
    electricity to maintain your pool. This is not a
    money saving feature.

Cell Maintenance
  • 3. Cell maintenance and cleaning can also be
    problematic and costly. Mineral buildup on the
    cell electrodes is a common problem that affects
    all salt chlorinator pool systems.

Cell Cleaning
  • Many salt water chlorinator systems utilize a
    self-cleaning feature that reverses the polarity
    of the voltage through the cell to clean mineral
    buildup from the electrodes. This may remove the
    scale from the electrode but then deposits it in
    your pool.

Salted pool water
  • In fact using salted pool water to create
    chlorine is the least efficient and clean method
    to create your own pool chlorine. Interested in a
    solution? See The Chlorine Genie The most
    Advanced Pool Water Management System on the

Hidden Costs
  • 4. Other salt chlorinators require removal and
    cleaning each season and may require frequent
    replacement when not properly serviced. This can
    be a chore and lead to costly maintenance and
    cell replacement costs.

Make informed Decisions
  • At best these methods are inefficient and less
    than optimal when it comes to keeping your pool
    protected, economical, and easy to use. See our
    site to learn more about Salt Water Pool
    Problems before you buy any salt in the pool

Not a trouble free system
  • 5. Saltwater systems for pools are not
    necessarily any less difficult to maintain. They
    still require other pool chemicals, proper
    monitoring and balancing of the pool water, and
    maintenance. This is not a trouble free system.

  • The standard salt in the pool system generates
    chlorine and the process by which it manufactures
    chlorine also produces byproducts which increase
    pH and can make balancing pool water more
    demanding. Total alkalinity, pH, calcium,
    cyanuric acid levels will still require
    monitoring, maintenance, and control.

So Why Consider a Salt Water Pool System then?
  • There are definitely advantages to pure chlorine
    products that you manufacture yourself rather
    than relying on purchased store bought chemicals.
    In fact, The Chlorine Genie System (not a salt in
    the pool system) manufactures 5 of the most
    important pool chemicals necessary for pool water
    maintenance from one patented system.

The Chlorine Genies cell submerged in softened
brine water manufactures its own
  • Chlorine
  • (without dumping hundreds of lbs. of salt
    into your pool).

The Chlorine Genies cell submerged in softened
brine water manufactures its own
  • Hypochlorous Acid
  • (when you mix chlorine gas and oxygen with water
    you create hypochlorous acid).

The Chlorine Genies cell submerged in softened
brine water manufactures its own
  • Sodium hydroxide (when you mix sodium and
    hydrogen with water you make sodium hydroxide).

The Genie with its Copper Silver Technology also
manufactures its own
  • Algaecide
  • Copper ions are one of the active ingredients in
    most algaecides.

The Genies Copper/Silver Technology manufactures
its own
  • Antibacterial Agent
  • (The silver ions go after micro organisms like
    Legionella, Staphylococcus, Salmonellas, etc. far
    better than chlorine. The silver ion penetrates
    the bacterial cell walls, binds with the DNA, and
    inhibits replication).

In addition to these 5 solid benefits - The
Chlorine Genie stands alone as the only unit on
the market that can
  • Acid wash and clean the units cell with the push
    of a button.

  1. Adjust the pools pH with its built in electronic
    chemical feed system.

  1. It is also Simple and Economical to Operate.

So Why Consider a Salt Water Pool System then?
  • Many informed pool owners will choose salt water
    systems because they are looking for improved
    water quality and safety. Swimming in softer
    water that is non-irritating, that smells
    cleaner, and that is more sanitary when properly
    maintained is a definite advantage.

Salt water Pool Advantages
  • Some do not want to deal with transporting,
    storing, and managing hazardous chlorine
    products. Salt water pools properly maintained
    provide all of these distinct advantages. (So
    does the Genie. In fact it offers considerably

A list of Other Potential Benefits
  • No red, burning, bloodshot, irritated eyes. Pure
    chlorine is free of eye irritating chemical
  • No itching, dry, irritated skin. Most peoples
    skin irritation comes as a result of additives in
    commercial chlorine and not the chlorine itself.
  • No more brittle, dry, green, and frizzy hair.

A list of Other Potential Benefits
  • Less breathing problems for allergy or asthma
    sufferers sensitive to heavy commercial chlorine
  • Continuous sanitation achieved through more
    stable chlorine levels provides better and more
    consistent pathogen protection.
  • Dangers, hassles, and the expense of handling,
    storing and transporting hazardous chlorine
    products can be eliminated.
  • (The Genie provides all these benefits and more)

A list of Other Potential Benefits
  • Enjoy a more comfortable relaxing swimming
    experience. Soft luxurious feeling pool water
    makes your skin feel great, and eliminates that
    bathed in chemical feel and smell that can ruin
    your perfect swimming experience.

  • If you are thinking about a Salt Water
    Chlorinator Swimming Pool System for your next
    perfect swim, there are some serious
    considerations to weigh before you invest. Many
    pool retailers, pool professionals, and builders
    often mention benefits of these pool systems and
    tend to gloss over or avoid altogether the costs
    hidden expenses, and drawbacks.

  • You should be fully informed and aware of common
    problems, potential problems, hidden costs, and
    the requirements to properly operate one of these
    systems first.

  • We hope this introductory article on Salt Water
    Pools was helpful and informative. Explore our
    full website http//www.chlorinegenie.com and
    learn more. See our article on Common Salt Water
    Pool Problems and be sure to check out The
    Chlorine Genie Total Water Management System
    which we feel is the ultimate solution for your
    next perfect swim.

See Video
  • Watch a video presentation of this report at
  • See our YouTube Channel at https//www.youtube.co

The Chlorine Genie Advantage
  • Stop Dumping Junk in your Pool
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