Title: www'ipst'ac'th
www.globe.gov www.ipst.ac.th/globe
- GLOBE is Science and Education
- GLOBE Brings Together Students, Teachers,and
Scientists to - - Enhance Environmental Awareness of
Individuals Throughout the World - - Contribute to Scientific Understanding
of the Earth - - Support Improved Student Achievement
in Science and Mathematics
3 4GLOBE Science - Real Science (1)
- 1. Students perform REAL SCIENCE
- - gather data of naturally occurring
- - use empirical evidence as the basis
for explanation about how the world works - - without controlling the variables
involved (which can not control or control
would distort the phenomena)
5GLOBE Science - Real Science (2) Science Value
and GLOBE Measurements
- 1. GLOBE student data are quality control to be
used by world science community in environmental
research - Accuracy
- - care in taking measurement
- - good condition equipment
- - perfection in recording data, data
6GLOBE Science - Real Science (3) Science Value
and GLOBE Measurements
Consistency - directly comparable
over time - faithful adherence to the
standard protocols - careful of changes in
methods and techniques
7GLOBE Science - Real Science (4) Science Value
and GLOBE Measurements
Persistence - regular
observations/longer records more
valuable for looking at variation and
trends Coverage - cover whole region
enhance value of data set
8GLOBE ScienceEarth as a System (1)
2. Student - participate in original inquiry/
real science investigations in
natural setting - recognize change
understanding interrelationships among
the factors producing these changes
9GLOBE ScienceEarth as a System (2)
- recognize change understanding
interrelationships among the factors
producing these changes - able to
grasp key concepts of environmental science
(interdependence /adaptation
10GLOBE ScienceEarth as a System (3)
- able to grasp key concepts of
environmental science (interdependence
/adaptation /ecosystem/cycles) -
understand Earth as a System of
interdependent and interconnected adaptive
elements and cycles (visible at
local/global level)
11 12GLOBE Education - GLOBE Inquiry (1)
1. GLOBE - Full Spectrum of Rational Inquiry
Process Facilitating - practice
actual rational inquiry - understanding of
rational inquiry - understanding of deeper
science concept
13GLOBE Education - GLOBE Inquiry (2) GLOBE is much
more than data reporting
More emphasis on - analysis of data -
interpretation of relationship of
pattern/trend of data - explanation for pattern
anomaly and differences - research
questions - investigations - communication of
Beyond - measurement - collecting data -
recording data - sending data
14GLOBE Education GLOBE Value in National Science
2. GLOBE - Value in National Science Standard
Facilitating - Nature of Science
doing real science developing spirit of rational
inquiry spirit of science
15GLOBE EducationGLOBE Value in National Science
Developing - Spirit of Science
- Longing to know and to understand -
Questioning of all things - Search for data
and their meaning - Demand for verification
- Respect for logic - Consideration of
Premises - Consideration of consequences
developing of rational thought
rational person in every area of life
16GLOBE Education-Education Reform
Developing - Community of Learners
Group of variety of expertise
student-student collaboration
student-scientist collaboration -- learn -
scientists role model - nature of
scientific discussion
- rules of evidence student-community
collaboration -- learn - local wisdom
- real local environment
Sustain a more complex inquiry
Prepare students for life outside schools
17GLOBE Education - Assessment (1)
Student Higher Order Thinking (HOT)
questions/investigations/model building...
By.. Facing students to solve open-ended
problems as scientists and scholars face
in their researches.
Eg.. www.globeassessment.sri.com
18GLOBE Education - Assessment (2)
Students view of the importance of their GLOBE
know that no perfect knowledge, no
perfect knower
view of science learning as Science in the
Making rather than as Ready Made Science
know how scientist produce science
know how to inquire to learn Earth as a System
19GLOBE Education - Assessment (3)
Students view of the importance of their GLOBE
feel good that their measurements are
important to local and world scientists and
students and to local community
sense of competence and confidence being
a self reliant learner and deep understanding
of science through inquiry
20 21GLOBE Technologyfor.. GLOBE Science
1. Use computer networking for data entry/data
analysis/use of GLOBE environmental image 2. Use
Global Positioning System (GPS) satellite
receivers to locate school measurement site, so
data are useful to scientists 3. Students compare
their observations with remote sensing satellites
imagery for validation
22GLOBE Technologyfor.. GLOBE Education (1)
1. GLOBE Web Site Further Enhance Student
- posing scientific questions -
puzzling through approach to addressing
questions - online discussion group -
collaborative investigations
23GLOBE Technologyfor.. GLOBE Education (2)
1. GLOBE Web Site More Emphasis on
Resource Room/ Classroom Suggestion -
examples of GLOBE learning
activities/educational model - web-based
student assessment- using GLOBE to promote
environmental awareness - Inquiry
24 25GLOBE Resources (1)
1. Teachers Guide - standard measurement
protocols - original inquiry and research
based learning acitvities - flexible for K-12
26GLOBE Resources (2)
1. Equipments - promote standard measurements
for qualified data - prototype/specification 2
. Web Site - compatible with GLOBE science
and education philosophy
27Is GLOBE worth to be adopted??
GLOBE Aims - to train real environmental
scientists? or.. - to encourage spirit of
science of mankind?
Who can train them? -gt Scientists or Educators
or Teachers?
How can .train them?