Title: Diapositive 1
1 Initiatives, analyses and tools to support the
development of EFA in Africa
The appraisal guidelines a key document to help
education local donors assess a countrys
education plan
Dakar, September 2005, 26th-28th
2Session organization
- 1/ From theory ...
- Presentation of the appraisal guidelines worked
out by - the Fast Track Initiative Secretariat
- - Purpose and outcome
- - Nature and logical course
- - Zoom on each 5 stages of the assessment
- 2/... To practice
- Presentation of the appraisal carried out in
Kenya and - Madagascar in 2005 on the basis of the guidelines
- Approach to the FTI appraisal - - Main points of convergence
- - Main points of divergence
31.1. Purpose and Outcome of appraisal
1/ Theory
- Purpose
- In-country donors make assessment in order to
- Gauge quality of policy environment for education
- Help guide donors to define harmonize their
support for education in recipient country - Expected outcome
- A set of well-justified recommendations for donor
action on - Volume composition of financial support,
calibrated to quality of the policy environment - Key areas for capacity building
- Support to close prioritized knowledge/data gaps
- Arrangements for monitoring and evaluation
41.2. Nature and Focus of Assessment
Kept light without losing essential content
Focused on sector plan in terms of ? The
adequacy of knowledge base underpinning it ? Step
1 List the main document available for the
appraisal ?The identification of relevant
indicators ? Step 2 Distill baseline education
indicators from avalaible documents ? Its
strategic direction toward the education-related
MDGs ? Step 3 Evaluate the proposed long term
strategic direction for sector development ? Its
short-term (3-5 year) action plan ? Step 4
Assess the (3-5 year) action plan and identify
capacity constraints ? The ownership it enjoys ?
Step 5 Assess the consultation process
51.3. Adequacy of Knowledge base
- Schooling outcomes
- Student flow learning outcomes
- Socio-economic disparities in access, student
flow, learning - Determinants of school participation and student
learning - Spending on education
- Aggregate amounts by government and households
- Unit costs underlying components (teacher
salaries, pupil-teacher ratios, teaching loads,
etc.) - Benefit-incidence of public spending
- Service delivery arrangements
- Teacher deployment, teaching loads, textbook
availability, etc. - Public-private roles
- Lessons from impact evaluation of past
61.4. Assessing the plans strategic direction
- Focus on the long-term, with two questions
- Is the systems anticipated expansion fiscally
viable? - Are the tradeoffs in coverage and service
delivery sensible? - Is the plan informed by cost and finance
simulations? - What do the simulation results show?
71.5. Assessing the 3-5 year action plan
- Are METF budget allocations consistent with
plan?- Is magnitude of scaling up physically
feasible?- How ready for implementation is the
plan?- How well will plan address key capacity
constraints?- Does plan lay groundwork for
longer-term sector reform toward the
education-related MDGs?
81.6. Assessing the ownership of the way forward
- Key constituents include
- Ministry of Finance
- Teachers administrators and other stakeholders
in the education system - Members of civil society (PTAs, NGOs,
politicians, media etc.) - In-country donor community
92/ Practice
2.1. Approach to the FTI appraisal
- Endorsement May 05 12th
- Duration of the process 5 months
- Course of the appraisal
- Stage 1 (Jan-Feb) presentation of FTI
(guidelines financial mechanisms) to local
donors coordination and development of a work
schedule - Stage 2 (Feb 18th) the MOE present revised EFA
plan - Stage 3 (March) distribution of the appraisal
work between donors (3 WG) and pooling results - Stage 4 (March) mission of the MOE to WB to
discuss financial simulations and presentation of
the updated plan
KENYA Endorsement July 05 7th Duration of
the process 6 months Course of the
appraisal Stage 1 Independent appraisal
conducted by a consultant on behalf of the local
donors - Qualitative approach targeted
interviews - 2 meetings with local donors (i)
What is FTI ? (ii) Interrogation of the local
donors on their analysis of the primary
education component of the KESSP
- Stage 5 (April) meeting MOE
- local donors to feedback
- comments and establish a time
- table for approval
- Summary
- A fragmented appraisal
- carried out on the basis of
- an interative dialogue
- between MOE and local
- donors
- 2 operations undertaken in
- parallel appraisal and
- revision of EFA and sector plan
KENYA Stage 2 Joint appraisal
mission (MOE-FTPs) May 05 (16th- 27th) on the
basis of the key concerns highlighted by the
consultant Expected outcome of the joint
mission appraisal report of the KESSP Summary
A joint appraisal fully integrated in the
regular process of the KESSPs assessing being
based on the work of an independent consultant
112.2. Main points of convergence
- The form ? report of 20 pages
- The heart of the report ? effort to inform of
the various critical points raised in the
appraisal guidelines - - Quality of primary education plans
- - Resource requirements and external financing
needs - - Implementation capacity
- - Target and monitoring process (including
critical knowledge gap) - - Process of consultation
122.3. Main points of divergence
- ? KESSP is not yet implemented Assessment
mainly centered on the strategic document
("ex-ante appraisal") - Synthesis of the strengths and concerns of the
primary component of the KESSP (concerns being
seen as the points that donors help to address
through their technical financial support) - Presentation of the FTI indicative framework for
EFA (basic year 2003 and objective year 2015) - Presentation of resource requirement for KESSP
and FTI over 2005-2010 according to 3 scenarios - The appraisal report targets essence without
insisting too much in the details
132.3. Main points of divergence
- ? The sectoral program and EFA plan are in the
same time implemented and revised - the assessment concerns both the implementation
and the revised strategy ( appraisal in
situation ) - No synthesis of the assessment/the
recommendations at the end of the document
timetable of work for MOE and donors - FTI indicative framework partially informed
- Description of the educational policys
assumptions selected in the 3 scenarios to
simulate the financing gap - Identification of the main concerns related to
the programs implementation and proposal for
actions - The appraisal report adopts a more detailed
14Thank you for your attention For further
information www.FastTrackInitiative.net www.poleda