Title: Coles' Poems
1Coles' Poems
2Â CLOUDS Â Clouds So white In the sky Rain comes
from clouds Clouds Â
Monkeys  Monkeys swing
on trees And they live in the jungle They are
very cute Their fur is the color brown I want a
monkey badly
4Daddy Dan  It is World Series night Daddy Dan
is going to probably have a fight He will order
two hot dogs an inning Even if his team isnt
winning And always in the 7th inning He starts
dancing like hes a Ginny Then he gets kicked
out And hell be back without a dought
5BUDDY BONES Â Buddy Bones flies around, swish And
other times hes on the ground  His cage is the
perfect place, aaah Its were he spends most of
his day  It has three floors Thats why its
not a bore, yawn  I love Buddy Bones so much,
hug Because he gives me a special touch Â
6Here I am in the kitchen As I walk up to my
dinner I am so excited Thats why I run around As
I stare at that white bowl and black food Nobody
is coming near it Thats because its mine Or
maybe it just smells bad
7Fire Extinguishers Fire Extinguishers Fire
Extinguishers stop firesFire ExtinguishersThey
are used to put out firesFire Extinguishers are
cool Â
8My name is Joe I have a pet pigHe does a cool
danceI call it the jig Â
9I love to watch the sun riseIt looks like a
golden prize  Â
10A monkey Crazy and cool Swinging and
eating Wild Animal
11Thomas Jeffersons Fountain Pen   I am Thomas
Jeffersons Fountain Pen I have had so much of
workout writing the Declaration of Independence
that I am sweating my own ink. Oh ya, I had the
best years ever in the White House even though I
sat in Thomas office all day. And I am even
righting this very story to you. Well, Im going
to stop now only because it is hard to write
without a hand  Â
12MIDNIGHT LIGHT Â Â The moon is like a
night-light It shines so big and bright  In my
bed I stare Wishing I was there  Shining so big
and round While youre in bed safe and
sound  The moon is like a Night Light  Â
13TREESÂ TreesAre greenIn the yardsCome from a
14 Little Miss May Sits in the hey
Along came Billy Bob
He said get a job
15John loves McDonaldsKangaroos jumpMonkeys hit
OctopusesMeat dribbles flying mallsThere field
16A Book CanDetermineEveryones
Imagination   Â
17See me when it rains Seven colors you will
seeWhy Im so pretty
18A disco dancing animalFunkey Monkey  Â
19By Coles