Poetry - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Title: Poetry Author: mbennie Last modified by: Diane Created Date: 3/1/2005 8:53:03 PM Document presentation format: On-screen Show (4:3) Company – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Poetry


What Makes Poetry Different?
PROSE (regular writing) VS. POETRY
Tends to be longer LENGTH Tends to be shorter
Paragraphs ORGANIZATION Stanzas
Sentences ORGANIZATION Lines
Subject Predicate Direct Object or Prepositional Phrase STRUCTURE Varies, writer has more freedom
No fragments or run-on sentences are allowed. PUNCTUATION Varies, writer has more freedom
Always start a new sentence with a capital letter. CAPITALIZATION Varies, writer has more freedom
Correct grammar helps make the meaning of the message clear to the audience. WORD CHOICE Precise word choices (e.g. vivid verbs and descriptive adjectives) utilize the 5 senses as well as speaking to the heart
Depends on the purpose of the essay e.g. to inform, to persuade, or to entertain TONE Depends on the mood of the author
Uses a core sentence with absolutes, appositives, and participles WRITERS TRICKS Uses metaphors, similes, rhymes, repetition, alliteration, onomatopoeia, and couplets
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Poetry Booklet
  • Creative Project
  • By the end of this Poetry Unit, students will
    create a 14-poem Poetry Booklet
  • Includes
  • Title Page
  • Table of Contents
  • 14 Poems (typed or neatly rewritten)
  • Catchy Titles
  • Colorful Illustrations

Poetry Booklet Table of Contents
  1. Diamante (handout from 5th Grade Bible textbook
    p. 115 Strong to Gentle)
  2. Haiku (3 lines about nature, 5-7-5 syllables,
    make with construction paper)
  3. Concrete (make shape with words and letters w/o
    using lines or drawings)
  4. Lyric Best Friend (4 lines, rhyme ABAB)
  5. Lyric Favorite Food (4 lines, rhyme ABAB)
  6. I Am (handout)
  7. Bio (handout)
  8. Abuelito Who (handout)
  9. Robert Frosts Trickery (handout)
  10. Shel Silversteins Look-a-Like Using Humor to
    Teach a Lesson (examples on PowerPoint, a
    20-line poem that teaches a message/moral/lesson
    in a humorous way
  11. Alliteration (tongue twister, words start with
    same sound)
  12. Onomatopoeia (sound effects)
  13. Spiritual (15 lines free verse)
  14. Free Verse Wild Card choose your favorite poem
    that you have written that is not one of the
    above poems

Poetry Booklet Reminders
  • Includes 14 Poems
  • Diamante 6. I Am 11. Shel Silverstein
  • Haiku 7. Bio 12. Alliteration
  • Concrete 8. Abuelito Who 13. Onomatopoeia
  • Lyric Friend 9. Spiritual 14. Wild Card
  • Lyric Food 10. Robert Frosts Trickery
  • Add titles to each poem.
  • Remember to write the page number at the bottom
    of each page and next to each poem listed in the
    Table of Contents.
  • Draw colorful illustrations on each poems page.
  • Write your name on the front cover.

Poetry Booklet Template
Poetry Booklet Template
  • Print or neatly rewrite the Cover and the
    Table of Contents.
  • Fold 4 pieces of 8.5 x 11 paper in half.
  • Use a long stapler to staple in the middle crease
    of the page to create the binding.

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1 Diamante Poem
  • Structure allows writers to explore
    relationships between opposites
  • e.g. good vs. evil, patient vs. hot-tempered,
    David vs. Goliath, strong vs. gentle
  • Challenge Write a diamante poem that begins with
    the word strong and ends with the word gentle

Diamante Format
  • LINE 2 _______ _______2 ADJ. ABOUT LINE 1
  • LINE 3 _______, _______, _______3 ING VERBS
  • LINE 4 ______________ ______________ 2
  • LINE 5 _______, _______, _______3 ING VERBS
  • LINE 6 _______ _______2 ADJ. ABOUT LINE 1

2 Haiku
  • A traditional form of Japanese poetry
  • Always has 3 lines and 17 syllables
  • 1st line 5 syllables
  • 2nd line 7 syllables
  • 3rd line 5 syllables
  • Example
  • The lightning crashes (5)
  • Upon expectant earlobes (7)
  • Making babies cry (5)

A Haiku is . . .
  • Haiku is a Japanese verse form that relies on
    brevity and simplicity to convey its message.
  • It features 3 lines of 5, 7, and 5 syllables.
  • A haiku frequently includes natural images or
  • First written in the 17th century, it is based on
    a Zen Buddhist philosophy of simplicity and the
    idea of perfection that excludes the extraneous.

Haiku Examples
As the setting sun Melts below the horizon, Stars
applaud her bow
  • Morning light appears (5)
  • The new day has awoken (7)
  • Nature stirs and sighs (5)

  • Haiku Take 1 (Rough Draft)
  • The bees are buzzing.
  • Beautiful flowers are here.
  • The flowers smell good.
  • Haiku Take 2--Try, Try Again (Final Draft)
  • Stinging bees buzzing
  • Beautiful flowers found here
  • Sweet, scented fragrance

Transform Your Haiku
  1. Eliminate Being Verbs (is/are/was/were)
  2. Add Action Verbs (e.g. ing words)
  3. Use Articles Sparingly (e.g. a/an/the)
  4. Use Descriptive Adjectives
  5. Utilize Metaphors (the sun, a ball of fire)

How to Make My Haiku
  • Write 5 rough draft haikus
  • Pick a nature topic
  • Remember your syllables 5/7/5
  • Then pick your 1 favorite
  • Use construction paper to make the shape of the
    theme of your haiku (e.g. lightning bolts,
    clouds, rain, tsunami, flowers, trees, plants,
    mountains, ocean waves, etc.)
  • Then, using your best printing or cursive,
    rewrite your favorite haiku on your shape

3 Concrete Poem
  • The shape of the poem suggests its subject
  • The poet arranges the letters, words, and lines
    to create a visual image

Concrete Poem Examples
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Can be is the Evil.
Great It can
Gift and Move
the Weaker
very Hearts
worst To a

Horror. False, Cheating, Adulterous, and
Unfaithful Passion.
Lovers An

will Untrue destroy Love dreams. Will hurt
Never Most Trust Deeply. Again.
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Crying Springing from An eternal source My tears
flow forth Blue droplets of pain Each more
lonely Than the next A waterfall of hurt Takes a
suicidal leap D i v e b o m b i n g From my
eyes To the earth below
Sp l a t t e r i n
g The same ground you walk on Which is
where My weeping ways wallow Freely floundering
at your feet d i v e b o m b
i n g d i g v n e i b
b o m
4-5 Lyric Poetry
  • Expresses a poets thoughts and feelings about a
    single image or idea
  • Use sensory images to create impressions (sight,
    sound, touch, taste, smell)
  • Written in vivid, musical language
  • Examples
  • Washed in Silver James Stephens
  • Im Nobody Emily Dickinson
  • Me Walter de la Mare
  • Song of Myself Walt Whitman

Washed in Silver James Stephens
  • Gleaming in silver are the hills,
  • Blazing in silver is the sea,
  • And a silvery radiance spills
  • Where the moon drives royally.
  • Clad in silver tissue I
  • March magnificently by.

Im Nobody Emily Dickinson
  • I'm nobody! Who are you?
  • I'm nobody! Who are you?Are you nobody,
    too?Then there's a pair of us -- don't
    tell!They'd banish -- you know!How dreary to
    be somebody!How public like a frogTo tell one's
    name the livelong dayTo an admiring bog!

Me Walter de la Mare
  • As long as I live
  • I shall always be
  • My Self - and no other,
  • Just me.
  • Like a tree.
  • Like a willow or elder,
  • An aspen a thorn,
  • Or a cypress forlorn.
  • Like a flower,
  • For its hour
  • A primrose, a pink,
  • Or a violet
  • Sunned by the sun,
  • And with dewdrops wet.
  • Always just me.

Lyric Poetry Examples
"Bus Stop -Donald Justice Lights are burning
In quiet rooms Where lives go on Resembling
ours. The quiet lives That follow us -- These
lives we lead But do not own -- Stand in the
rain So quietly When we are gone, So quietly .
. . And the last bus Comes letting dark
Umbrellas out -- Black flowers, black flowers.
And lives go on. And lives go on Like sudden
lights At street corners Or like the lights
In quiet rooms Left on for hours, Burning,
The Planet of Mars -Shel Silverstein On the
planet of Mars They have clothes just like
ours, And they have the same shoes and same
laces, And they have the same charms and same
graces, And they have the same heads and same
faces... But not in the Very same Places.
  • A Red, Red Rose
  • -Scotsman Robert Burns
  • O my luve's like a red, red rose
  • That's newly sprung in June
  • O my luve's like the melodie,
  • That's sweetly play'd in tune.

Youve Got That Thing -Cole Porter Your
fetching physique is hardly unique, You're
mentally not so hot You'll never win laurels
because of your morals, But I'll tell you what
you've got . . .
Sample Format
  • Total of 4 lines
  • 1 stanza of 4 lines each

Make Your Own Lyric Poem
  • Topic 1 Favorite Food (fill-in bubbles with
    sensory words)

Favorite Food ______________
Next Step
  • Now use your sensory words as a word bank to help
    you write a lyric poem about your favorite food.
  • TITLE_______________
  • _________________ (a)
  • _________________ (b)
  • _________________ (a)
  • _________________ (b)

Make Your Own Lyric Poem Take 2
  • Topic 2 Best Friend (fill-in bubbles with
    sensory words)

Best Friend ______________
Next Step
  • Now use your sensory words as a word bank to help
    you write a lyric poem about your best friend.
  • TITLE_______________
  • _________________ (a)
  • _________________ (b)
  • _________________ (a)
  • _________________ (b)

6 I Am Poem
I Am Poem
  • Meresa
  • I am happy, yet I feel so alone
  • I see people I used to know, looking right
    through me
  • I hear music, but I know its just inside my head
  • I see a strange face in the mirror
  • I pretend that I am in love
  • I feel the weight of the world pulling me down
  • I touch your smile as it fades into memory
  • I worry that I cant do anything right
  • I understand that youre my only hope
  • I dream of something more, filling my empty tears
  • I try to speak my mind, but something holds me
  • I am happy, yet I feel so alone

I Am Poem
  • Lori
  • I am a great musical performer
  • I see myself playing in front of large audiences
  • I hear many glorious tunes blending together
  • I see myself performing in recitals
  • I pretend that I am playing in the Hollywood Bowl
  • I feel the sounds of great classical music
  • I touch the smooth strings of a cello
  • I worry about messing up someday
  • I understand how to make it someday
  • I dream of many good wishes coming true
  • I try to do my very best
  • I am a great musical performer

I Am Poem
  • Daniel
  • I am an American
  • I see my countrys flag
  • I hear patriotic music
  • I see the red, white, and blue
  • I pretend to be a U.S. Marine
  • I feel pride in my country
  • I touch American soil
  • I worry about war
  • I understand that people have died for my country
  • I dream of world peace
  • I try to make my country a better place to live
  • I am an American

Write Your Own I Am Poem
write your name here
  • _____________
  • I am . . .
  • I see . . .
  • I hear . . .
  • I see . . .
  • I pretend . . .
  • I feel . . .
  • I touch . . .
  • I worry . . .
  • I understand . . .
  • I dream . . .
  • I try . . .
  • I am . . .

These lines will be the same.
7 Bio Poem
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8 Abuelito Who
  • Similes
  • Often use like or as
  • Students pounced upon the extra Krispy Kreme
    doughnuts like a starved lion upon an
    unsuspecting carcass.
  • Metaphors
  • Often use is/was or are/were
  • LeBron James was an airplane, preparing for
    takeoff to dunk the ball on the twin towers Tim
    Duncan and David Robinson.

Abuelito Who Sandra Cisneros
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9 Robert Frosts Trickery
  • Trick 1
  • Count Syllables
  • Trick 2
  • Pick a Rhyme Scheme

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Robert Frosts Trickery
  • Trick 1
  • Count Syllables
  • Frost used 9 syllables in the 1st line and or
    1 syllable for all other lines in the poem
  • Trick 2
  • Pick a Rhyme Scheme
  • Frost used an A-B-A-A-B rhyme scheme in each of
    his 4 stanzas

Your Tricky Challenge
  1. Write a 20-line poem on a topic of your choice.
    (4 stanzas of 5 lines each)
  2. Use 9 syllables in your first line, add or
    subtract 1 syllable for all other lines of the
    poem. (e.g. if your first line has 9 syllables
    then all other lines need to have 8, 9, or 10
  3. Use an A-B-A-A-B rhyme scheme.

10 Shel Silversteins Look-a-Like
  • "I cannot go to school today,"
  • Said little Peggy Ann McKay.
  • "I have the measles and the mumps,
  • A gash, a rash and purple bumps.
  • My mouth is wet, my throat is dry,
  • I'm going blind in my right eye.
  • My tonsils are as big as rocks,
  • I've counted sixteen chicken pox

  • And there's one more--that's seventeen,
  • And don't you think my face looks green?
  • My leg is cut--my eyes are blue--
  • It might be instamatic flu.
  • I cough and sneeze and gasp and choke,
  • I'm sure that my left leg is broke--
  • My hip hurts when I move my chin,
  • My belly button's caving in,

  • My back is wrenched, my ankle's sprained,
  • My 'pendix pains each time it rains.
  • My nose is cold, my toes are numb.
  • I have a sliver in my thumb.
  • My neck is stiff, my voice is weak,
  • I hardly whisper when I speak.
  • My tongue is filling up my mouth,

  • I think my hair is falling out.
  • My elbow's bent, my spine ain't straight,
  • My temperature is one-o-eight.
  • My brain is shrunk, I cannot hear,
  • There is a hole inside my ear.
  • I have a hangnail, and my heart is--what?
  • What's that? What's that you say?
  • You say today is. . .Saturday?
  • G'bye, I'm going out to play!"

Shel Silverstein
Birth Name Sheldon Allan SilversteinDate of
Birth Sept. 25, 1930Place of Birth
ChicagoDate of Death Weekend of May 8,
1999Place of Death Key West, FL
Shel Silversteins Trickery
  • 1. Irony/Sense of Humor
  • Irony 1. The use of words to express
    something different to and often opposite from
    what they mean literally. Referring to a mess as
    a pretty sight is an example of irony. 2. A
    conflict between what might be expected and what
    actually occurs We noted the irony that the boy
    who always complained about the cold weather
    became a famous skier.
  • 2. Teaches a Lesson/Makes a Point

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Baseball Bloopers-Tyler Nichols
An infield pop-up Headed straight for Katkov But
Evan waved his hand Its mine so back off   The
ball hit the ground Between Coby and Evan Kyle
jumped in the middle The crowd roared, Heave it
to number eleven  
  • We were winning
  • Nine to eight
  • When tiny Spencer
  • Stepped up to the plate
  • An easy out
  • We thought it would be
  • But Spencer knew
  • He would hit pitch number three

  • He threw the ball to Thomas
  • But it flew under his knee
  • By the time Tanner grabbed it
  • Spencer rounded base three
  • Tanner sailed the ball to Steven
  • But it bounced in the dirt
  • As Spencer took a dive for home
  • Steven tagged him on the shirt
  • As Spencer lay sprawled on the plate
  • Steven jumped into the air
  • But when he opened his mitt
  • The ball was not there

Homework Machine by Shel Silverstein
  • The Homework Machine , oh the Homework Machine,
  • Most perfect contraption thats ever been seen.
  • Just put in your homework, then drop in a dime,
  • Snap on the switch, and in ten seconds time,

  • Your homework comes out, quick and clean as can
  • Here it is nine plus four? and the answer is
  • Three?
  • Oh me
  • I guess its not as perfect
  • As I thought it would be. ?

Shel Silversteins Trickery
  • 1. Irony/Sense of Humor
  • Irony 1. The use of words to express
    something different to and often opposite from
    what they mean literally. Referring to a mess as
    a pretty sight is an example of irony. 2. A
    conflict between what might be expected and what
    actually occurs We noted the irony that the boy
    who always complained about the cold weather
    became a famous skier.
  • 2. Teaches a Lesson/Makes a Point

  • Sounds at the beginning of words are repeated
    (usually in the same line)
  • Full Fathom Five by Billy Shakespeare
  • IN CLICHES . . .
  • sweet smell of success
  • a dime a dozen
  • bigger and better
  • jump for joy

Tongue Twisters
  • Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers
  • A peck of pickled peppers Peter Piper picked
  • If Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers,
  • Where's the peck of pickled peppers Peter Piper

More Tongue Twisters
  • A big black bug bit a big brown bear, and the big
    brown bear bled blood.
  • Peggy Babcock packages bags and boxes of mixed
  • Freshly fried flying fish is freshly fried fresh
  • Fritz Fisher fishes fresh fish or fresh fish are
    fished by Fritz fisher.

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Even More Tongue Twisters
  • Bobby blew and blew bright blue bubbles until
    breathing, blowing, breathing, blowing, behold...
    Bobby became a bubble, too!
  • Fred fed Ted bread and Ted fed Fred bread.
  • Many an anemone sees an enemy anemone.
  • Many a mini-anemone mines an enemy mini-anemone.

Alliteration in Literature
  • Robert Frost The Death of the Hired Man
  • Mary sat musing on the lamp-flame at the
    tableWaiting for Warren. When she heard his step
    . . .
  • Edwin Markham's Lincoln, the Man of the People
  • She left the Heaven of Heroes and came down
  • To make a man to meet the mortal need A
    man to match the mountains and the sea The
    friendly welcome of the wayside well
  • WORDSWORTH . . .
  • And sings a solitary song
  • That whistles in the wind.

Now its your turn . . .
  • Write a tongue twister using the following
    letter for your alliterations
  • S
  • T
  • R
  • N
  • L
  • J

Next Up?
  • Write a 10-line poem about a family member
  • Use 3 examples of alliteration in your poem

Write a Headline Poem
  • Create a headline poem using words that you have
    cut out from magazines and/or newspapers. The
    poem must
  • contain at least 25 words
  • be written in complete sentences with correct
  • stick to one central theme
  • contain at least three clear examples of

12 Onomatopoeia
  • a word that imitates the sound it represents
  • e.g. splash, wow, gush, kerplunk, buzz, crash,
    whirr, clang, hiss, purr, squeak, mumble, hush,
  • "tinkling" sleigh bells "clanging" fire bells
    mellow "chiming wedding bells "tolling,"
    "moaning," and "groaning" funeral bells.
  • WHY?
  • Such sound devices bring out the full flavor of
    words. Comparison and association are sometimes
    strengthened by syllables which imitate or
    reproduce the sounds they describe.

  • The rusty spigotsputters,uttersa
    splutter,spatters a smattering of drops,gashes
    stops sputteringand plash!gushes rushes
    splashesclear water dashes.-- Eve Merriam

  • The formation or use of words that imitate the
    sounds associated with the objects or actions to
    which they refer
  • the imitation of natural sounds in word form
  • a.k.a. type of word that sounds like the thing it
    is describing
  • e.g. buzz or murmur
  • "The fly buzzed past."
  • He clattered and clanged as he washed the
  • Old Batman TV Show
  • pow bang clash

Match the following sentences to the onomatopoeia
that describes them.
A plate being dropped on the floor. TINKLE
A balloon being burst. BANG
A gun being shot. SMASH
Someone eating crisps. GROWL
A light being switched on. POP
A fierce dog. CRUNCH
A small bell being rung. CLICK
  • Illustrate something in nature that makes sound
  • e.g. waterfall, thunder, earthquake, hurricane,
    chirping bird, hail
  • Splash the sound across your picture by using
    sound-effect words

  • Outside On A Starry Night -- Elaine Hardt
  • Where do you start on a journey of faith?Start
    outside on a dark, clear night.Stand on tiptoe
    and stretch to the skyLook up at the bright
    starry sight.
  • See worlds in orbit and suns aflamePause to
    consider their faraway light.No mere chance,
    their place up so highGod created them -- and
    you -- by His might.
  • Give God the glory for His greatness,To honor
    Him is only right.Reflection reveals His
    handiwork,Our Father speaks from the lofty
  • Not only in His vast creation --He has given His
    Word to menRejoice, give thanks for amazing
    graceAnd enjoy a starry night again.

TODAY Irene Sharp
Give me . . . ears that hear my brother's
cry, eyes that see his need, feet that bear me
to his side, hands that heal and feed, And over
and above-- filled to overflowing-- a heart
that gives him love.
Love bade me welcome yet my soul drew
back, Guilty of dust and sin. But quick-eyed
Love, observing me grow slack From my first
entrance in, Drew nearer to me, sweetly
questioning If I lacked anything. "A guest," I
answered, "worthy to be here." Love said, "You
shall be he." "I, the unkind, ungrateful? Ah, my
dear, I cannot look on Thee." Love took my hand,
and smiling, did reply, "Who made the eyes but
I? "Truth, Lord, but I have marred them let
my shame Go where it doth deserve." "And know you
not," says Love, "who bore the blame?" "My dear,
then I will serve." "You must sit down," says
Love, "and taste my meat." So I did sit and eat.
Just to be tender, just to be true, Just to be
glad the whole day through, Just to be merciful,
just to be mild, Just to be trustful as a
child, Just to be gentle and kind and sweet, Just
to be helpful with willing feet, Just to be
cheery when things go wrong, Just to drive
sadness away with a song, Whether the hour is
dark or bright, Just to be loyal to God and
right, Just to believe that God knows best, Just
in His promises ever to rest Just to let love be
our daily key, That is God's will for you and me.
Prayer of St. Francis
  • Lord, make me an instrument of your peace, Where
    there is hatred, let me sow lovewhere there is
    injury, pardonwhere there is doubt,
    faithwhere there is despair, hopewhere there
    is darkness, lightwhere there is sadness, joy
  • O Divine Master, grant that I may not so much
    seek to be consoled as to console to be
    understood as to understand to be loved as to
  • For it is in giving that we receive it is in
    pardoning that we are pardoned and it is in
    dying that we are born to eternal life.

SERENITY PRAYER God grant me the serenity to
Accept the things I cannot change Courage to
change the things I can And the Wisdom to know
the difference. Living one day at a time
Accepting hardships as the pathway to peace
Taking as He did, this World as it is, Not as I
would have it. Trusting that He will make all
things right if I surrender to His will That I
may be reasonably happy in this life And
supremely happy with Him, Forever in the next.
Reinhold Neibuhr (1926)
The Serenity Prayerwritten by Reinhold Niebuhr (1892-1971)Original, unabridged version

God, give us grace to accept with serenitythe things that cannot be changed,courage to change the thingswhich should be changed,and the wisdom to distinguishthe one from the other.Living one day at a time,Enjoying one moment at a time,Accepting hardship as a pathway to peace,Taking, as Jesus did,This sinful world as it is,Not as I would have it,Trusting that You will make all things right,If I surrender to Your will,So that I may be reasonably happy in this life,And supremely happy with You forever in the next. Amen.

14 Free Verse Wild Card
  • For the last poem in your Poetry Booklet, choose
    one of your favorite poems that you have ever
  • any topic
  • any format or style
  • rhyming or non-rhyming
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