Title: A New Spirit of Change
1A New Spirit of Change
2Emigration to the U.S. from Europe
Percent of Total Immigrants
3Why People Migrated
- Push Pull Factors
- PUSH Push people out of their native lands
- PULL Pull them towards a new place
- Push factors
- Population growth overcrowding
- Ag changes
- Crop failures
- Industrial Rev.
- Religious Turmoil
4Why People Migrated
- Push Pull Factors
- PUSH Push people out of their native lands
- PULL Pull them towards a new place
- Pull Factors
- Freedom
- Economic Opportunity
- Abundant Land
- Settled in northern Midwest where land and
weather were similar to homelands
- Escaping warfare in Central Europe
- Largest Immigrant Group during 1800s
- Settled primarily in Midwest
- (and some in Texas)
- Fleeing hunger (caused by Potato Famine),
poverty, persecution - Settled in East Coast cities
- Faced newcomers with prejudice and violence
- Formed Know-Nothing Party which was
anti-immigrant anti-catholic called
themselves the American Party
No Irish Need Apply
9Washington Irving
- Legend of Sleepy Hollow
- Rip van Winkle
- Wrote some of the 1st novels describing America
- Usually set in the New York countryside
10James Fenimore Cooper
- Leatherstocking Tales 5 books including Last of
the Mohicans - Featured nature life on the frontier
11Francis Parkman Noah Webster
- The Oregon Trail
- Histories of America and the frontier
- Created an American dictionary
- Focused on Americanisms English words used
only in the U.S.
12Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
- Celebrated Americas Past by retelling history
through poetry
- Paul Reveres Ride
- Hiawatha
13Albert Bierstadt Hudson River School Landscape
- Produced huge paintings conveying majesty of the
14Asher Durand Hudson River School Landscape
- Founder of Hudson River School
- Influenced by Emerson and Thoreau
- Painted feeling rather than reality
15Thomas Cole Hudson River School Landscape
- Most famous of the Hudson River School artists
- Painted series like Voyage of Life and Course
of Empire
The Savage State
16Thomas Cole
The Pastoral State
17Thomas Cole
Consummation of Empire
18Thomas Cole
19Thomas Cole
20John James Audubon
- Nature artist
- Best known for his sketches of birds
21David Drake a.k.a. Dave the Potter
- Created Pottery
- Slave working in a South Carolina factory
- Created more than 40,000
- many weighing more than 40 pounds each able to
hold 50 gallons - only a few still survive valued at 30-40,000
each - Boldly wrote Dave on his pots and frequently
inscribed them with verses
I wonder where is all my relations Friendship
to all and every nation
22Ralph Waldo Emerson
Do not go where the path may lead, go instead
where there is no path and leave a trail.
- Wrote essays emphasizing need for Americans to be
self-reliantindependent from European culture - Encouraged Americans to learn about life from
nature and self-examination
23Henry David Thoreau
- Walden
- Civil Disobedience
- Suggested that people should live by their own
standards - With Emerson, founded the philosophy of
Transcendentalism - Spiritual world more important than physical
world - Truth can be discovered by feeling and intuition
Go confidently in the direction of your
dreams! Live the life you've imagined.
24Walt Whitman
- Patriotic Poet wrote poems praising
ordinary Americans - Best known for his Lincoln poems
- Leaves of Grass
- I Hear America Singing
- Oh Captain, My Captain
25Emily Dickinson
- Shaped American poetry by experimenting with
language (with Whitman) - Poems focused on subjects of God, Nature,
Love, and Death
Hope is the thing with feathers, that
perches in the soul, and sings the tune without
words, and never stops at all.
26Edgar Allen Poe
- The Raven
- The Tell-Tale Heart
- Annabel Lee
- Author of stories that dealt with the workings
of the mind
27Nathaniel Hawthorne
- Wrote stories set in Puritan New England
- Like Poe, had a dark view of human nature
- The Scarlet Letter
- House of the Seven Gables
28Herman Melville
- Melvilles stories, like Moby Dick, were drawn
from his experiences at sea.
Call me Ishmael.
29Peter Cartwright Charles G. Finney
- Preachers of the 2nd Great Awakening
- Renewal of religious faith in America
- Stressed equality and the importance of
helping others - Main Idea Reform Yourself
then Reform Society
30Reform Movements
31Mary C. Vaughan Neal Dow
- Campaign to limit alcohol consumption
- Closely associated with Feminist Movement
- 14 states banned sale of alcohol eventually led
to 18th Amendment
32Harriet Hanson
- Led strikers against mill owners
- 10-hour work day began in 1840
33Horace Mann The Father of Education
- Referred to education as The Great Equalizer
- By 1850, most of the North had free public
elementary schools - Also, many private colleges opened across the
North - Most schools still would not admit women
In a Republic, ignorance is a crime.
34Elizabeth Blackwell
- In 1849, became 1st woman in U.S. to earn a
medical degree
If society will not admit of womans free
development, then society must be remodeled.
35Alexander Twilight John Russwurm
- 1st African-Americans to receive college
degrees - Russwurm began 1st African-American newspaper
- Russwurm became a leader of the Back-to-Africa
movement and moved to Liberia, believing that
blacks had no future in the U.S.
36Dorothea Dix
- Convinced many Northern states to build hospitals
to treat the mentally ill, rather than to
imprison them - Worked to separate children from adult inmates,
and to focus efforts on rehabilitation rather
than simple punishment
In a world where there is so much to be
done, I felt strongly impressed that there
must be something for me to do.
37Thomas Gallaudet Samuel Gridley Howe
- Worked to improve education for the blind
using a new method developed in France by Louis
- Began first school in America for the
deaf - (his son started the 1st deaf
38Penny Papers
- Spread information about reform
movements and society
- Informedor inflamedvoters, leading to political
and social change
39Sarah Hale
- Advocate of womens education who published
magazines for women - Promoted idea of womens Proper Sphere
- Opposed feminism because it took women from the
empire of the home
- Mens Sphere business, politics
- Womens Sphere home, human ties
No need have we of power or splendor, wide hall
or lordly dome the good, the true, the
tender,these form the wealth of home.
40Mother Ann Lee
- Some groups decided Society was beyond redemption
so they chose to separate and to create
their own Utopia a perfect society - Mother Ann founded the Shakers believed in
sharing all worldly goods, equality among genders
and races, and refused to fight for any reason
The gospel is the greatest treasure that souls
can possess go home and be faithful put your
hands to work, and give your hearts to God. If
you have anything to spare, give it to the poor.
41Frances Ellen Watkins Harper
- Free African-American poet who traveled the North
lecturing against slavery and for womens rights
The sale beganyoung girls were there,
Defenseless in their wretchedness, Whose
stifled sobs of deep despair Revealed their
anguish and distress. -"The Slave Auction"
42David Walker
- Free African-American who published a call for
slaves to revolt then had copies smuggled into
the South and distributed it to slaves and free
blacks - Southerners responded with stricter slave codes,
and by offering a reward (3,000) for his head
(or 10,000 if brought to the South alive) - Mysteriously found dead in his home shortly
Somebody must die in this cause. I may be doomed
to the stake and the fire, or to the scaffold
tree, but it is not in me to falter if I can
promote the work of emancipation.
43William Lloyd Garrison
I do not wish to think, or speak, or write, with
moderation. . . . I am in earnest -- I will not
equivocate -- I will not excuse -- I will not
retreat a single inch -- AND I WILL BE HEARD.
- Published The Liberator, the nations leading
abolitionist newspaper - Spoke out eloquently and passionately against
slavery and for the rights of America's black
44Grimké Sisters Theodore
WeldSarah and Angelina
- Southern women who lectured across the North on
the evils of slavery - (Angelina married Theodore Weld)
- Preacher who spoke out against slavery and was
effective at recruiting others into the
abolitionist movement
45John Quincy Adams
- Fought Congresss Gag Rule and argued for
abolition - Introduced amendment to abolish slavery
- Successfully argued before the U.S. Supreme Court
for freedom for the Amistad slaves
If your actions inspire others to dream more,
learn more, do more and become more, you are a
46Frederick Douglass
- Escaped slave who became a powerful abolitionist
speaker in the U.S. and Britain - Published his autobiography and an abolitionist
Those who profess to favor freedom and yet
criticize agitation, are people who want crops
without plowing they want rain without thunder
and lightning they want the ocean without the
roar of its waves. The struggle may be a moral
one, or it may be a physical one, or it may be
both. But it must be a struggle. Power concedes
nothing without a demand it never has and it
never will.
47Sojourner Truth
- Escaped slave who spoke to huge crowds in North
advocating both Abolition and Rights for Women
I am glad to see that men are getting their
rights, but I want women to get theirs, and while
the water is stirring I will step into the pool.
48Henry Box Brown
- Slave who escaped by mailing himself to the North
- Worked on Underground Railroad to help escapees
49Harriet Tubman
- Most famous conductor of the Underground Railroad
- Made 19 trips into the South to free 300 slaves,
including her entire family
I had reasoned this out in my mind, there was one
of two things I had a right to, liberty or death
if I could not have one, I would have the other.
50Elizabeth Cady Stanton Lucretia Mott
- Organized the Seneca Falls Convention, which
began the womens rights movement in America - Advocated womens suffrage, believing that
political power would lead to social equality
51Maria Mitchell
- Founder of Association for the Advancement of
Women - Astronomer who was the 1st woman elected to the
American Academy of Arts and Sciences
Study as if you were going to live forever live
as if you were going to die tomorrow.
52Susan B. Anthony
- Built the Feminist Movement into a national
organization - Campaigned for laws to give married women
property rights - Campaigned for womens suffrage
- achieved in 1920 with 19th Amendment
It was we, the people not we, the white male
citizens nor yet we, the male citizens but we,
the whole people, who formed the Union.
53(No Transcript)