Title: National Federation of Group Water Schemes
1National Federation of Group Water Schemes
- Water Services National Training Group
- 5th Annual Rural Water Services Conference
- 13th September 2006
2Rural Water Services Conference
- Rural Water Investment Programme 2006
- Progress Report
- Carthage Cusack
- Dept of Environment, Heritage
- Local Government
3European Court of JusticeFindings
- Ireland failed to fulfil its obligations under
the Drinking Water Direstive by - failure to ensure compliance with the
microbiological parameters in certain public and
group water schemes. - failure to reflect binding character of the
Directive in relation to Group Schemes.
4- Article 228(1) of the Treaty establishing the EC
- if the ECJ finds that a Member State has failed
to fulfil an obligation under the Treaty, the
State is required to take the necessary measures
to comply with the judgement of the Court.
5- Article 228 letter to the Minister for Foreign
Affairs states - 28 of Group Schemes non-compliant with E-Coli
parameters - 47 non-compliant with total coliform parameters
- Ireland currently non-compliant with ECJ
judgement - Ireland failing to fulfil its obligations under
Article 228 (1) of the Treaty
- European Commission may refer a case to the ECJ
and specify the level of sanction / penalty to be
imposed, including - amount of lump sum
- amount of penalty (daily fines)
- amount of both
7GROUP WATER SCHEMES Private Source 729
Households 89,570
- gt 10 m3 ( 50 persons)
- Commercial or public activity
8GROUP WATER SCHEMES - 729Types of Supply
- Schemes Households
- PWS 54 11,127
- Public GWS 91 7,669
- Private GWS 584 70,774
- Total 729 89,570
- Schemes Households
- Annex 14 453 65,670
- Addtl since
- Annex 14 276 23,900
- Total 729 89,570
10Compliance T Coli.
- Schemes Yes No
- 729(All) 381 52 348 48
- (Private) 263 45 321 55
- - 352 (An. 14) 141 40 211 60
- - 232 ( Addtl.) 122 53 110 47
11Compliance T Coli.
- Households Yes No
- 729(All) 49,627 55 39,943 45
- 584(Private) 32,805 46 37,969 54
- -352 (An. 14) 23,389 44 29,549 56
- -232 (Addtl.) 9,416 53 8,420 47
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25RWP 2006 Financial Progress
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27 Rural Water Programme 2006 Allocated
Drawn M M DBO 33.90
16.72 49.3 Adv. DBO 32.28
3.44 10.7Connect Public mains 7.43
1.52 20.5Takeover 16.02 3.64
22.7New Upgrade 23.54 9.86
41.9Small Schemes 19.83 6.95 35.0Total
133.00 42.13 31.7 No claims
from 6 Councils (Sept. 13)
28Projected Drawdown - 2006
- Underspend 16.1m approx
- Overspend 16.4m
29ECJ Report follow-up action
- Compliance measured on T coli.
- Now need to report on E coli.
- County lists of schemes given at Seminar 8 June
2006 - Check scheme compliance E Coli.
- Report back to DOEHLG by 22nd Sept.
- Updated report to Commission 29th Sept.
30BMW S E Regional Assemblies Financial
Management - Seminars
- eligibility, and certification of expenditure
- documentation requirements for audit purposes
- reporting of irregularities
- findings of the spot checks undertaken
- closure of the 2000 2006 round of Structural
31BMW S E Regional Assemblies Financial
Management - Seminars
- Certification of ERDF co-financed expenditure
- Possibility of loss of funds to Ireland
- to Local Authorities
- Attendance of key personnel vital
- dates and venues notified to all
32National Federation of Group Water Schemes
- Water Services National Training Group
- 5th Annual Rural Water Services Conference
- 13th September 2006