Title: Supporting Personal Management
1Supporting Personal Management
- AT for Organization Personal Management
2Organization Personal Management
- Purpose
- To assist in the storage, recall or use of
information, experience, or materials for present
or future activity
- Outcomes
- To find or organize things (Physical
organization) - To remember what to do (Procedural organization)
- To plan, schedule or manage time (Temporal
- Skills (Functions)
- Management of objects/materials things
- Management of time or events
- Personal schedules
- Assignments
- Management of information or knowledge
- Organizing to accomplish tasks, jobs or
assignments - Organizing acquired knowledge or information
5Organizing Technology
- Directly cues or prompts the recall of
information from past experience - What, where, when, how
- Cues or prompts the process of organizing present
or future - Objects/Materials
- Actions/Events
- Information
6Materials Management Technology
- Organizational systems
- Prompt organization of materials
- Drawer or shelf organizers
- Desk or notebook organizers
- Topic organizers (papers, assignments)
- Prompt organization what or when to use materials
- To Do v. Done
- Materials needed for task list
7Time Management Technology
- Clocks
- Used to know what time it is or will be
- Alarms
- Used to prompt attention to specific times
- Timers
- Used to prompt attention to elapsed time
8Time Event Management Technology
- Calendars
- Used to prompt recall of dates of weekly,
monthly, or annual special events - School calendar
- Personal calendar
- Schedules
- Used to prompt recall of date time of daily or
weekly events - Class schedule
- Personal calendar or schedule
9Time Event Management Technology
- To Do Lists
- Used to prompt recall of what or in what order
tasks need to be done - Job charts
- To do lists
10Procedural Management Technology
- Step-by-step guides
- Picture enhanced task chart
- PowerPoint slide show
- PDA picture sequence (slide show)
11Tracking and Measuring Behavior
- Stop Watches
- Ticket Clickers
- Palm Based Devices
- Computer Devices
12Self Monitoring
13Self Monitoring
- Visual/Auditory Cueing Devices
14Self Monitoring
Excel Kids First
18Promoting Desired Behaviors
- Social Stories/Visual Tasks
19Promoting Desired Behaviors
- http//www.rippleeffects.com/rfk/assertiveness/sce
20Social Stories
- Descriptive Sentences
- Factual Statement
- Perspective Sentences
- Describe a Persons Internal State
- Directive Sentences
- Suggest a response to a situation
21- The Gray Center for Social Learning and
Understanding - www.thegraycenter.org