Title: Patient Management Programme
Patient Management Program
Ontario Version
2Main AppointmentBook Screen
Main Screen
- Features
- Personalized Appointment Book for Each
Practitioner - Colour Coding for Appointment Type Status
- Access Up to 27 Practitioners
3Patient names are colour coded for appointment
4A coloured corner box indicates the type of
appointment the patient is coming for which is
customizable by the user.
5Access different appointment book dates easily
with the appointment book taskbar, highlighted
with the yellow box.
6Click on a day of the current week or click the
down arrow beside the date to pull up the
7Click on a day of the current week or click the
down arrow beside the date to pull to pull up the
8Columns across can be customized from 1 to 9 per
practitioner with the click of a button.
9Creating CustomizedAppointment Books
Create Appt. Books
- Features
- Customize the Appointment Book by Adding
Practitioners of Choice in Specific Orders -
- Create as Many Appointment Books as You Want
- Link Appointment Books Together as a Set for
Specific Days
10The Default Appointment Book with all
practitioners. Note the practitioners on the tabs
at this time.
11Add only the practitioners you wish to access in
whichever order you choose. This book was created
for the Chiropractors.
12You can create as many appointment books as you
want. Access different appointment books by
pressing the space bar. This book was created for
the massage therapists.
13Patient Information Adding A New Patient
Main Screen
Adding A New Patient
- Features
- Copy from Existing option to speed up inputting
for common family information - Link family members for ease of Appointment
Scheduling and Account Payment
14This is where you add a New Patient or view /
edit Patient Information.
15The Related Patient button will link your
patients with other family members or other files
they have in order to simplify payment and
appointment bookings.
16Add Related Patients by simply locating family
members on the left and double clicking to add
them to the list on the right.
17The Comment area can be used for any information
you need regarding this patient. You may also
select comments from a list that you created
18Pop Ups are information boxes that will appear on
a patient file where and when you choose,
stating whatever information you require about
this patient or their appointment.
19Here is a Pop Up that was scheduled to pop upon
accessing the patient from an on-screen
20This screen is for entering WSIB information.
We also have a personalized envelope and label
21Here is the envelope and label feature. The
patient name and address can be edited and a
return address added. Labels are produced
using a Dymo LabelMaker (purchased separately).
22Full details on personal and secondary EHC as
well as MVA information are input on the EHC
MVA tabs.
23Customizing PMP Setup
Customize Set Up
- Features
- Customize Office, Practitioner, Specific
Computers - Appointments, Fees, Doctors Hours, Vacations
are editable to your specific needs
24The Setup menu gives numerous areas to
personalize and setup the PMP to your
25Lets go to Clinic Defaults
26Clinic Defaults is where you setup information
regarding your office.
27Lets check out the Treatment part of Fee Schedule
28The Treatment Fee Schedule lists all your
Practitioner Fees including Patient fees and WSIB.
29Add Treatments to your Fee Schedule reflecting
your Patient fees and WSIB.
30Lets go to Statement Comments
31Statement Comments are setup so that they can be
added to the bottom of patient statements.
32Here is a Comment selected for a
Patient Statement.
33Next we are going into Vacation /
Holiday Schedule
34The Vacation / Holiday schedule is where you
create holidays (Blue) for the entire office and
vacations (Green) per practitioner.
35Summary Sheets
Summary Sheets
- Features
- Summary Sheets can be detailed by either
Practitioner, Partnership (practitioners on
appointment book) or the Entire Clinic - Summary Sheets are created in a standard
format for ease of understanding and readability
36The first page of the Daily Summary Sheet details
individual transactions as well as next
37The last page shows the totals.
Summary Sheets can be detailed by either
Practitioner, Partnership (practitioners on
appointment book) or the entire Clinic.
38The first page of the Yearly Summary Sheet
details each Months totals.
39The last page breaks down the yearly Receipts,
Billings and Statistics.
40User FriendlyHelp Menus
Help Menus
- Features
- F1 produces interactive and text help menus
- Index, Related Topics and Print options are
included - PMP Handbook included in Help menu
41This is an Interactive help screen. On this
screen clicking onto items of question will
bring up a detailing of that item.
42The help box showing Arrived Information appeared
after clicking onto Brian Berrimore and
details the appointment type colour coding.
43Other help menus produce basic screen text
relating to the screen you were on when F1(help)
was accessed.
44The Help menu offers an option to Start
Handbook. The handbook contains basic
instructions on PMP functions and
setup instructions.
45The handbook will open in Adobe Reader and is
printable .
46The About menu opens an interactive screen
with information and links to PMP, OCA, and
other related websites.
- Features
- PMP offers you over 27 different reports, most of
them available by practitioner with date and
other options - Choice of Reports that are customizable and show
only the information you have chosen
48A Patient Query Report is an area where the user
can create customized reports covering a
multitude of criteria with only the required
49This tool is very helpful when you need specific
information such as a new patient list between
specified dates, or a report of patients that
will become seniors this year. This area is a
favourite of many PMP users.
50Utilizing the query is easy. Checkmark the
information you wish to gather.
51This query will produce a list of patients who
have a balance greater than 100.00 and are
responsible for their own accounts (i.e. not an
MVA patient).
52Click Customize to choose fields for your report.
53Choose the fields you require by check
marking the choices on the right.
54The completed report.
55PMP will remember the chosen patients from
queries and produce statements for them. These
statements are for the patients with a Balance
Due greater than 100.00.
56The patient address on the statement will fit
into window envelopes or PMP will remember the
patients so that you can print labels.
57Here are the labels for patients with Balance Due
greater than 100.
58The Past Due Recall List is an active screen
which allows users to edit patient appointments
while recalling them. Simply click onto a patient
name to go into their appointment screen.
59Recall List, View Patient Appointments
Once in the Patient File you can create, edit or
delete appointments. The Add an appointment
button on the left will allow the user to add
one or more appointments.
60The Add an Appointment screen is where you can
add appointments by clicking the calendar
61and time grid
62The doctor, appointment type, comments, and
status are all editable.
63Click Add New Appt. to create more than one. You
can also print a calendar or list of
appointments. Click Finish when complete.
64Here the appointment calendar shows two months
per page. The appointments are listed in the
date box. A personalized comment can be added to
the bottom of the page.
65Once you have printed the calendar you will be
returned to the Recall List and the patient you
were working on will be removed.
66You can create a Referral Activity Report which
details the amount of income generated from a
referral source.
Simply choose a referral source from the list and
click the dates you want reflected.
67The report shows the amounts billable by patient
and the total generated from this referral
68The Fee History Report is a great report that
will detail the patients who purchased anything
from your fee schedule, the date of purchase and
the amount billed.
Simply choose a Fee to Analyze from the list and
the dates you want reflected.
69The report shows the date, patient and amount
billed for this fee.
70The Detailed Service report shows the sales
of particular items from your Fee Schedule. It
can be created by Treatments, Inventory, or
71The Accounts Receivable report can be created by
practitioner or partnership and is available in
the same format for patient, OHIP, WSIB, and 3rd
72Processing Patient Activity
Patient Activity
- Features
- Shortcuts simplify processing patient visits as
well as patient defaults that decrease amount of
key strokes per visit. - Linking features group family members together
for group payment and appointments.
73Click into Patient Activity, click into the cell
for Code or type the corresponding code.
74Scroll through the list or type the
corresponding code.
75Choose the Activity from the list.
76Choose the payment received.
77If your patient has Related Patients linked to
their account you will get a Pop Up box appear
showing balances owing.
78You can then pay all accounts by clicking into
the Payment Option Related Balance. Payments
will appear on the Summary Sheet.
79The Summary Sheet details the payment broken
down for all family members that had money owing
in the Related Balance field.
80Support Updates
Support Updates
- Features
- No additional costs for Support and Updates
- Unlimited telephone, fax, and e-mail support
available Monday Friday from 730 to 500 - Free PMP Updates include provincial and industry
changes \ requirements, distributed a minimum of
once per year.
81PMP User Survey
A survey of PMP users was conducted in 2005 to
establish whether their software and support
needs were being met as well as the direction
that users felt should be pursued. Please
follow the link below for the full survey results
to find out what our users have to say about us.
The full survey is available on our
website www.chiropractic.on.ca.
82Thank You for Your Time.
- Questions and More Information can be
- Obtained by Contacting
- Lauren James
- Manager PMP Software Development
- Ontario Chiropractic Association
- 1 877- DCs-CARE (327-2273) ext. 21
- Fax 905 629-8214
- ljames_at_chiropractic.on.ca