Chapter 3: Geometric Modeling - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Chapter 3: Geometric Modeling


... the elements of the plastic injection molding process such as the plastic part, ... Mold and process design early in the development process. 31. Computer ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Chapter 3: Geometric Modeling

Chapter 3Geometric Modeling
  • Introduction to geometric modeling
  • Wireframe modeling
  • Surface Modeling
  • Solid Modeling
  • Parametric and Variational Design
  • Computer-Aided Engineering Analysis (CAE)
  • CAD/CAM data exchange

Introduction to Geometric Modeling
  • The geometric information about an object
    essentially includes types of surfaces and edges
    and their dimensions and tolerances
  • Geometric modeling refers to a set of techniques
    concerned mainly with developing efficient
    representations of geometric aspects of a design
  • The requirements of geometric modeling trade-off
    between storage and fast access
  • The completeness of the part representation
    topological and geometric data
  • Easy to use by designers
  • Rendering capability
  • Why is knowledge of geometric modeling necessary?
  • Object oriented nature and limited database
  • The knowledge of structure and technique of the
    software to fully understand software manual
  • High level of understanding the CAD process
  • Geometric modeling approaches
  • 2D view drawing
  • 3D models wireframe, surface and solid modeling

Wireframe Modeling
  • Wireframe modeling uses points, curves and so
    forth to define objects
  • Characteristics of wireframe modeling
  • Simple and straightforward in concept
  • Contain only low-level information
  • The virtual edges are not usually provided
  • Ambiguous representations of real objects may be
  • require more user effort to input necessary
    information than that of solid models. Provide
    limited information
  • Wireframe entities points and lines
  • Analytic wireframe entities
  • Synthetic wireframe entities

Analytic Curves
  • Analytic entities points, lines, arcs, circles,
    ellipses, parabolas, hyperbolas
  • Example Create the wireframe model of the
    following object by utilizing a CAD/CAM system
  • Solution To create the wireframe of this part
  • Create the 2D profile of the part
  • Sweep the profile across a space distance in the
    direction perpendicular to the profile plane 3D
    model of the base of the part
  • Repeat the process to create the pocket
  • Create the two holes create one hole first then
    use of some edit commands to duplicate the holes

(No Transcript)
Synthetic Curves
  • Synthetic curves curves that are constructed by
    many curve segments
  • Requirements of a good representation of
    engineering objects
  • Easy to control of the continuity of the curves
    to be designed
  • Requires less storage to represent a curve
  • Less computation time and no computational
  • Easy to input by user
  • Continuity the smoothness of the connection of
    two curves or surfaces at the connection points
    or edges
  • C0 continuity connecting two curves
  • C1 continuity the gradients at the joining point
    are the same
  • C2 continuity (curvature continuity) the
    gradients and the center of curvature are the
  • Types of synthetic curves provided by major
    CAD/CAM systems
  • Hermite cubic spline
  • Bezier curves
  • B-spline curves
  • Rational B-splines
  • Nonuniform rational B-splines

Type of Continuities
Hermite Cubic Spline
  • Each segment is approximated by a parametric
    cubic function (interpolation techniques)
  • Why?
  • A cubic polynomial is the minimum-order
    polynomial function that generates C0, C1, C2
    continuity curves
  • A cubic polynomial is the lowest-degree
    polynomial that permit inflection within a curve
    segment and allows representation of non planar
    space curves
  • Higherorder polynomials have some drawbacks,
    such as oscillation about control points, and are
    uneconomical in terms of storing information and
  • The general form of a cubic function
  • r V(t) a0 a1t a2t2 a3t3 0 t 1

Bezier Curves
  • The shape of a Bezier curve is controlled by
    control points. The Bezier curves do not pass
    through all the given data points except the
    first and the last control point ( approximation
  • The curves pass through the first and last
    control points
  • The tangents at the first and last points are in
    the directions of the first and last segments of
    the characteristic polygon.
  • The Bezier curve has the convex hull property
    the entire curve lies within the characteristic

Bezier Curves
Other Synthetic Curves
  • The B-spline is considered a generalization of
    the Bezier curve local control is an interesting
    feature of B-spline curves
  • Rational B-splines (RBSs) are generalizations of
    B-splines. Each control point has an associated
    weight to control the behavior of the curve
  • The nonuniform rational B-spline (NURBS) is a
    class of RBS. Using a NURBS, a designer can model
    free-form surfaces by defining a mesh of control
    points. NURBS is now used in many software

Surface Modeling
  • Surface modeling define the objects by their
    bounding faces. Surface modeling systems contain
    definitions of surfaces, edges, and vertices.
  • Advantages
  • Contain more information wireframe information,
    connection of two surfaces, etc.
  • Can be used to determine the curtter path
  • Offer better graphic interaction
  • Disadvantages
  • Do not provide the topology of the entities (can
    not distinguish the interior and exterior of an
  • The collection of surfaces may not define a
    physical part

Surface Entities
  • Plane Surface
  • Ruled (lofted) Surface
  • Surface of Revolution
  • Tabulated Cylinder
  • Bezier Surface and B-spline Surface

Surface Representations
  • Implicit Equation F(x,y,z)0
  • Explicit Equation V x,y,zT x,y,f(x,y)T

Surface Representations
  • Parametric equation of a surface
  • V(s,t) x,y,zT X(s,t), Y(s,t), Z(s,t)T,
  • smin s smax, tmin t tmax
  • Parametric representation of synthetic surfaces
  • Hermite bicubic surface patch
  • Bezier surface patches patch
  • Uniform cubic B-spline surfaces control points
  • Surfaces are normally defined in patches each
    patch corresponds to a rectangular domain in s-t

Solid Modeling
  • In a solid modeling system, objects are defined
    directly by primitive shapes called building
  • Representation schemes for solid modeling
  • Boundary representation (BREP) for complex
  • Constructive solid geometry (CSG) easy to
    create, simple objects
  • Sweep representation
  • Primitive instancing
  • Cell decomposition
  • Analytical solid modeling

Boundary Representation
  • Describe the geometry of an object in terms of
    its boundaries, namely vertices, edges, and
    (orientable) surfaces
  • Basic entities for BREP face, edge, and vertex
  • Validation of BREP model using Eulers law to
    ensure that a real object if formed or bounded
  • polyhedron F E V 2
  • polyhedral with passageways and holes
  • F E V L 2(B G)
  • where F faces, E edges, V vertices, L
    faces inner loops, B bodies, G genera (
    torus, through hole)
  • Database the object-body-genus-face

Example of Boundary Representation
  • Verify Eulers law for the two parts in the
    following figures
  • Solution
  • F E V 5 9 6 2
  • Assume that 2 cylinders are approximated by 2
    cubic holes (12 edges for each cubic hole, 4 end
    loops, 2 genuses)
  • F E V L 21 54 36 5 -2
  • 2(B G) 2(1 - 2) -2

Constructive Solid Geometry (CSG)
  • A solid object is constructed by simple solid
    objects and Boolean operators under tree
  • Advantages easy, the structure is concise and
    less storage
  • Disadvantages slow in displaying the objects
  • Solid entities (primitives) block, cylinder,
    cone, sphere, etc.
  • Half-spaces is considered the basic elements of
    primitives H V f(V)lt0, V ? E3,
  • The point set V f(V) 0 surface, f(V)lt0
    solid, f(V)gt0 empty.
  • Common half-spaces planar, cylindrical,
    spherical, conical .
  • E.g. a block 6 planar half-spaces using AND
  • Regularized set operations UNION, INTERSECTION,

Constructive Solid Geometry (CSG)
CSG Illustrative Example
Sweep Representation
  • A solid is defined in terms of volumes swept out
    by two-or-three-dimensional laminae as they move
    along a curve ( path)
  • Translational sweep a planar 2D laminae is moved
    a distance in space in a perpendicular direction
    to the plane of the laminae
  • Rotational sweep rotating the laminae about an
    axis at a given angle

Primitive Instancing Method
  • Construct an object that has the same topology as
    a potential primitive but different geometry
  • E.g. a bolt can be define by BOLT primitive and
    their basic parameters ( number of sides,
    length, pitch, diameter) specified by the designer

Cell Decomposition Scheme
  • Represent a solid object by dividing its volume
    into smaller volumes or cells.
  • The cuboid cells are often chosen and all cells
    are identical
  • Three types of cell empty, full, partial. The
    partial cells may be further decomposed into
    empty, full or partial ? partial cell size
  • Decomposition schemes
  • Simple regular grid slicing the 3D space into an
    array of equal-sized and regularly spaced cells
  • Vfull Vobject Vfull Vpartial
  • Octree adaptive grid a hierarchical subdivision

Analytical Solid Modeling (ASM)
  • A parametric representation of a solid by the
    tensor product formulation of parametric solid or
  • The variable point of the solid
  • V(s,t,u) x,y,z x(s,t,u), y(s,t,u),
  • Where smin ssmax, tminttmax, uminuumax
  • A general solid can be represented by the
    following polynomial

Parametric and Variational Design
  • Capability of a CAD/CAM system to support the
    modifications in the geometric models and

Computer-Aided Engineering Analysis
  • Engineering analysis is concerned with analysis
    and evaluation of engineering product designs
  • Finite-element analysis (FEA) is used to analyze
    and study functional performance of an object by
    dividing it into a number of small building
    blocks (finite elements). E.g. the object
    structures stresses and deflection are predicted
    by FEA.
  • Divide the object into a grid of elements
    (square, cube, etc.)
  • The FE program has information of the elements to
    write the governing equations in the form of a
    stiffness matrix
  • The unknowns for each element are the
    displacement at the node points
  • The FE program assembles the stiffness matrices
    for these simple elements to form the global
    stiffness matrix for the entire model
  • This stiffness matrix is solved for the unknown
    displacements given the known forces and boundary

Computer-Aided Engineering Analysis
  • Steps in applying FEA
  • Discretization of the given continuum (object)
  • Selection of the solution approximation
  • Development of element matrices and equations
  • Assembly of the element equations
  • Solution for the unknown at the nodes
  • Interpretation of the result
  • Static, dynamic, and natural frequency analysis
    determine stress, deflections, strains of the
    structure caused by
  • Fixed load (Static analysis)
  • Changing load (Dynamic analysis)
  • Vibrations (Natural frequency analysis)
  • Heat transfer analysis determine the temperature
  • Plastic analysis analyze the elements of the
    plastic injection molding process such as the
    plastic part, runner geometry, material
    properties, mold gate and vent locations, cooling
    system and molding temperatures and pressures to
    identify potential problems and obtain optimum
    part. Mold and process design early in the
    development process

Computer-Aided Engineering Analysis
  • Fluid flow analysis analyze various
    characteristics of fluid flow such as flow rate,
    diffusion, dispersion and consolidation for the
    purpose of piping system design
  • Motion analysis (kinematic analysis) is the
    analysis of geometric properties ( displacement,
    velocity acceleration) of a mechanism to produce
    a desired motion by 3D simulation of an object in
  • Tolerance analysis is the process of determining
    the proper assignment of tolerances
  • Design optimization the analysis process for
    achieving the some specific design objectives

CAD/CAM Data Exchange
  • Using a neutral format file is the best solution
    to establishing communication between dissimilar
    CAD/CAM systems
  • IGES ( Initial Graphics Exchange Specification)
  • The basic elements of IGES are entities
    geometric entities (shape, curve, surface) and
    nongeometric entities ( such as relation between
    various entities)
  • Each entity is assigned a number
  • 1 599 and 700-5000 specific assignments
  • 600-699 and 10,000-99,999 user-defined entities
  • Two Cartesian Coordinate systems MCS and WCS
  • IGES reserve numbers 100-199 to define geometric
    entities. Each entity has two main types of data
    directory data (type of entity) and parameter
    data (parameter of entities) and some other
    related data are provided
  • In case of entities are not covered by IGES
    approximate conversions

CAD/CAM Data Exchange
  • IGES file structure
  • Flag section standards name, version, and
    conversion errors
  • Start section name of source and target CAD/Cam
  • Global section global information of the stored
  • Directory entry section entities name
  • Parameter data define entities
  • Terminate section a checking record

CAD/CAM Data Exchange
  • PDES (Product Data Exchange Standard or Product
    Data Exchange using STEP)
  • PDES is done in terms of applications, IGES
    utilizes entities as basic elements
  • 3 layers
  • application layer application model, description
    and information are expressed
  • logical layer provide a consistent and computer
    independent description
  • physical layer structure and format of the
    exchange file itself to keep efficiency in file
  • DXF (Drawing exchange file, autoCAD) interchange
    AutoCAD drawing and other programs. DXF file
  • Header section general information
  • Tables section definitions of named items
  • Block section block definition entities
  • Entities section the drawing entities, including
    any block reference
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