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Chapter 7: Getting Around


Chapter 7: Getting Around Spatial Learning by Helen Larzleer, Scott McGrath and Valerie Stinson Outline 7.1 Mechanisms for Spatial Orientation 7.2 How is Spatial ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Chapter 7: Getting Around

Chapter 7 Getting Around
  • Spatial Learning by
  • Helen Larzleer,
  • Scott McGrath and
  • Valerie Stinson

  • 7.1 Mechanisms for Spatial Orientation
  • 7.2 How is Spatial Information Integrated?
  • 7.3 Do Animals Have Cognitive Maps?
  • 7.4 Acquiring Spatial Knowledge The Conditions
    for Learning
  • Current Research
  • Discussion

Dead Reckoning
  • Dead reckoning an internal sense of the
    direction and distance of the goal from the
    animals current position.
  • Path integration continuously integrating (in
    the mathematical sense) information about the
    animals changes in distance and direction to keep
    track of its location with respect to the
    predicted location of the nest.

Dead Reckoning
  • Dead reckoning allows egocentric spatial location
    animal is localizing things in the environment
    with respect to itself
  • Allocentric or geocentric mechanisms locate the
    animal with respect to some external cues
    (landmarks, the sun, the earths magnetic field).

Dead Reckoning
  • Fig 7.2

Dead Reckoning
  • Disadvantages 1) if the animal is slowly blown
    off course path integration does not compensate.
    2) path integration accumulates error
  • To compensate the farther an ant has traveled
    from the nest, the wider its spiraling loops when
    it returns. Ant turns left and right equally
    often, so errors tend to cancel out.
  • Ants make less large turns -gt these produce the
    greatest errors.

  • Beacons (proximal cues)

  • Beacons are cues close to a goal, whereas
    landmarks (distal cues) do not have to be
  • Animals can use both proximal and distal cues, as
    illustrated by Morris (1981)

  • Figure 7.4
  • Morris water maze

  • Distal and proximal cues are utilized by
    different areas of the brain, with distal cues
    being more complicated to employ
  • Evidence? Hippocampal lesion in rats stops the
    use of distal cues, but proximal cues are still
  • Why not only use proximal cues? Because you must
    be within range of your target to use them

  • Landmarks (Distal cues)

  • Classic demonstration by Tinbergen and Kruyt
    (1938/1952) in digger wasps
  • Figure 7.5

  • Further research demonstrated that digger wasps
    prefer large, nearby and 3-d objects as
    landmarks, which makes sense as these are easiest
    to see
  • This finding has been replicated with blue jays
    and honeybees

  • Two distinguishable landmarks are needed to
    specify a single position
  • Question how is information processed? Is there
    a continuum between competition and perfect

  • Gerbils use winner takes all, while pigeons use a
    form of averaging
  • Figure 7.6

  • Pigeons compute vector and directional
    information separately, in different modules, and
    then combine output of these modules
  • Pigeons -gt

  • Fig 7.7

  • Bees trained in 2 featureless huts demonstrate
    ability to distinguish between landmarkspractical
    application evident (must know which landmark is
  • Bee -gt

  • Bees use template matching, in which they move in
    their current environment to reduce the
    discrepancy with a stored template
  • Fig.7.8

  • Learning a route can refer to a mechanism of
    egocentric orientation in which an animal records
    the movements it makes in traveling between two
    places. Usually referred to response learning vs.
    place learning. So, run straight for a certain
    distance then go left vs. go to goal box
  • Lorenzs (1952) water shrews

  • Advantages can travel exceedingly fast without
    wasting a minute on orientation
  • Disadvantages change in the environment is not
    detected immediately.
  • If an animal has learned a route based on
    landmarks, altering the features of the route
    should disorient it
  • Water shrew -gt

Environmental Shape
Environmental Shape
  • Animals will use geometric information about
    their environment as a spatial cue, such as the
    geometric relationship between objects or the
    shape of an enclosed space
  • Closely related to landmarks - the arrangement of
    landmarks and the geometric relationship between
    them form the environmental shape in natural

Environmental Shape
  • Studies
  • Cheng (1986) Rats trained to find food hidden in
    the corner of a rectangular box will dig almost
    as often in the diagonal corner (geometrically
    identical), even in the presence of secondary
    cues such as colored or patterned walls and
  • Hermer Spelke (1994, 1996) College students
    and 20 month old children tested in featureless
    room, made diagonal errors. When one wall
    colored blue, college students stopped making
    diagonal errors, but babies did not improve.

Environmental Shape
  • Figure 7.9

Environmental Shape
  • Implications Both rats and people appear to have
    a separate cognitive module to process
    environmental shape. Throughout development,
    people overcome the reliance on environmental
    shape and can make better use of other available
  • Rozin (1976) refers to this change in cue
    dependency throughout development as increasing
    accessibility of modular processing.

Environmental Shape
  • Landmarks and environmental shape
  • Studies
  • Cartwright Collett (1983) In studies in which
    2 landmarks are separated or compressed, bees
    will search in the middle of the moved landmarks,
    a distance proportional to the amount the
    landmarks are moved. These results are
    consistent with snapshot or template matching

Environmental Shape
  • Spetch et al (1997) Pigeons and people were
    trained to search in the middle of 4 identical
    landmarks, and then the landmarks were separated.
    People still searched in the middle, while
    pigeons chose one or two landmarks and maintained
    the same distance to them.
  • In other research with Clarks nutcrackers, the
    birds searched in the middle (Kamil Jones

Environmental Shape
  • Figure 7.10

The Sun Compass
The Sun Compass
  • Using the sun for direction is inherently
    complex. Why?

The Sun Compass
  • The sun is constantly moving relative to the
    earth, so it is useless as a landmark.
  • The movement of the sun through the sky is
    different depending on both location on the
    earths surface and time of year.
  • So how do they do it?

The Sun Compass
  • The ability to use the sun for directional
    information requires two things an ephemeris
    function and an internal clock or time sense.
  • Ephemeris function A stored representation of
    how the sun, or some correlate of it, moves
    across the sky at the current location and

The Sun Compass
  • The compass direction of the sun relative to the
    north is called the suns azimuth.
  • Figure 7.11

The Sun Compass
  • Studies
  • Wehner Lanfranconi (1981) Desert ants get lost
    when they cant see landmarks or the sun, but
    when they can see the proper position of the sun
    for the time of day they head straight home.
  • Papi Wallraff (1992) When homing pigeons have
    their internal clocks either pushed forward or
    back by about 3 hours, they will head off in the
    wrong direction (about 45 degrees) when released.

The Sun Compass
  • Dyer (1987) Bees trained to find feeder based on
    sun compass and landmarks, and then the landmarks
    are moved. If released on a cloudy day, bees
    will use landmark cues alone to find the new
    location of the feeder. When back at the hive,
    their dance reflects the previous compass
    direction of the original feeder. However when
    the sun comes out, they immediately change their
    dance to reflect the actual new compass direction
    of the feeder.
  • Dyer Dickinson (1994)Young bees raised with
    their only experience in the sun being in late
    afternoon are then released in the morning of a
    cloudy day. Their dances after returning to the
    hive are reversed from the afternoon, however the
    dance did not change gradually but very abruptly
    at noon they changed 180 degrees.

Combining Outputs
  • Information Integration When do I use what?

Combining Outputs
  • Modularity of spatial processing evidenced by
    apparently stupid behaviour by animals i.e. ant
    runs past nest, gerbil ignores cries of babies,
    shrew jumps over nonexistent stone
  • Why?

Rules for Combining
  • If all cues will lead to the same goal, why not
    just use one instead of processing them all?
  • Evolution? New modules developed that are more
    flexible, instead of modifying old modules.

Rules for Combining
  • Figure 7.13

Rules for Combining
  • Fig 7.14

What is a Cognitive Map?
  • Representations have three essential parts a
    represented system (eg distance and direction) a
    representing system (eg an animals nervous
    system), and rules for correspondence between
  • So, do animals have cognitive representations of
    the world in mind when they travel?

What is a Cognitive Map?
  • Figure 7.16

Cognitive Maps
  • E.C. Tolman (1948) introduced the cognitive
    map. Claimed rats in mazes learn about places.
  • Rat -gt

Cognitive Maps
  • OKeefe and Nadel properties of cognitive maps
    and how they might be acquired. Acquisition and
    use of the cognitive map is supported by the
    locale system, a cognitive module located in the
    hippocampus of vertebrates. Contrasts the taxon
    system which supports route learning.
  • Gallistel definition of cognitive map is
    considerably looser any orientation based on
    implicitly computing distances and directions
    rather than responding to a beacon is evidence of
    a cognitive map.

Alternatives to the cognitive map
  • The local view hypothesis
  • (Leonard McNaughton 1990), (McNaughton, Knierim
    Wilson 1995)
  • There are no cognitive maps
  • The animal has a set of memories of local views
    of the environment which are associatively linked
    to each other by the memories of how to get from
    one to another.
  • Supported by neural net models functions of
    certain populations of cells used in spatial
  • Behaviorally difficult to distinguish from
    cognitive maps

Alternatives to the cognitive map
  • Bennett (1996)
  • There is no good evidence for cognitive maps
  • Research in this area should be abandoned and
    instead focused on operational discussions of how
    animals get around
  • Researchers dont always mean the same thing by
    cognitive map
  • The only agreed upon behavioral test for
    cognitive mapping is an animals ability to take
    a novel route without dead reckoning or
    generalization of local views

Do bees have cognitive maps?
  • Experiment Goulds bees

Do bees have cognitive maps?
  • Butis there a problem with this interpretation?

Do bees have cognitive maps?
  • When bees fly up to orient themselves, can they
    get a visual representation of the situation and
    move to feeder A in order to reduce the
    discrepancy between their stored template and
    current situation?
  • How can we know?

Do bees have cognitive maps?
  • Dyer replicated study, but feeder B was placed in
    a quarry
  • Bees trained at A, but placed at B, could not
    orient themselves, and flew in same direction
    they would as if they were leaving the hive

Do Rats Have Cognitive Maps?
  • Morris swim task rats experienced in the
    swimming task rapidly approached the hidden
    platform. However rats typically swim all over
    the tank in early training no location, view or
    route is completely novel?
  • When rats experience of different routes has been
    restricted they are sometimes unable to navigate
  • Keith McVety (1988)

Do Rats Have Cognitive Maps?
  • If an animals travels are controlled by
    reference to a single overall allocentric
    representation of space, it should not matter if
    information about different parts of a journey is
    obtained in different ways.

Do Rats Have Cognitive Maps?
  • Disadvantages with rat research almost all done
    in labs and makes little or no reference to what
    the animals might be doing in nature.

Do other animals have cognitive maps?
Do other animals have cognitive maps?
  • Studies
  • Menzel (1978) Chimps were shown the locations of
    multiple items hidden in various locations and
    then allowed to retrieve them. Their routes did
    appear to be efficient and novel in many cases,
    but the results were not significantly different
    from chance.
  • Fig. 7.17 a

Do other animals have cognitive maps?
  • Shettleworth Krebs (1982) Marsh tits take
    novel routes to retrieve stored seeds.

Do other animals have cognitive maps?
  • Sherry (1984) Black-capped chickadees remember
    not only the locations of stored seeds but their
    relative value.
  • Cramer Gallistel (1996) In research with
    vervet monkeys, the monkeys appear to be planning
    ahead to take the most efficient route depending
    on whether or not they are returning to the
    starting point.
  • Fig. 7.17b

Do other animals have cognitive maps?
  • Clutton-Brock Harvey (1977) Larger brain size
    is correlated with fruit-eating species as
    opposed to leaf-eating species of primates.

  • What is the purpose of exploration?

  • Rats allowed to get reward on one table, removed
    for a period, then placed on another table and
    allowed free travel to get back to reward table
  • If only allowed to explore one track, rats do not
    move to reward table above chanceseeing the
    connection does not indicate that it can be
  • If allowed to explore all tracks, rats perform
    well above chance
  • If allowed to explore two tracks, performance is

Latent Inhibition, Perceptual Learning, and
Cognitive Mapping
  • OKeefe and Nadel place learning is subserved by
    a special learning and memory system, the local
    system, whereas response leaning, route learning
    and classical conditioning are part of the taxon

Latent Inhibition, Perceptual Learning, and
Cognitive Mapping
Latent Inhibition, Perceptual Learning, and
Cognitive Mapping
  • In associative learning, exposure to a situation
    may retard acquisition that is, it can lead to
    latent inhibition. In contrast, exploring novel
    items in a familiar space is assumed to allow an
    animal to update its cognitive map.
  • pre-exposure enhances discrimination (ie
    perceptual learning occurs) when the locations to
    be learned are similar, while latent inhibition
    occurs when they are very different.

Learning About Redundant Cues Competition or
Parallel Processing
  • Does overshadowing and blocking occur in spatial
  • Rescorla-Wager model describes trade-off among
    potential cues, but redundancy makes more sense
    for important tasks like getting home redundant
    cues could be used as backup if the primary cues
    were unavailable. Eg experience homing pigeons

  • The act of checking or adjusting (by comparison
    with a standard) the accuracy of a measuring
  • Many species of animals appear to calibrate
    orientation methods against one another.
  • Most commonly seen in migratory birds who adjust
    their magnetic compass against the sun compass or
    celestial cues.
  • Why would they adjust a magnetic compass to the
    sun compass or celestial cues?

  • Because the earths magnetic field changes in
    strength from one place to another (the sun
    compass and celestial cues are more accurate).

  • Studies
  • Able (1991), Able Able (1990) Savannah
    sparrows raised indoors would orient based
    entirely upon magnetic cues. After different
    groups of the birds were subjected to different
    directional cues (sun, celestial, and
    artificially altered magnetic field), the birds
    adjusted (calibrated) their magnetic compasses to
    a different extent depending on which cues they
    had been exposed to.

  • Fig 7.21

  • Emlen (1970) Raised 3 groups of indigo buntings
    indoors with no view of the sky. 2 of the groups
    were then exposed to the sky in a planetarium
    One group an accurate representation of it, the
    other an altered view in which the axis of
    rotation centered on Betelgeuse.
  • All 3 groups were later tested under a stationary
  • The group with no experience did not use
    celestial cues to orient
  • The group with accurate experience oriented
    properly based on the position of the North Star
  • The 3rd group oriented as if Betelgeuse was the
    North Star

Current Research
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