Title: Picturing Jesus
1Picturing Jesus
- To represent an aspect of Jesus through art.
- An example of TASC planning
2Personalised Learning and Thinking Skills
Creative thinkers
Effective Participators
Independent Enquirers
Reflective Learners
Self managers
Team Workers
3 Stimulus What do we know about Jesus? quiet
reflection time to consider this jot down
notes/words to describe him. Read out the
traditional poem The Blind men and the elephant
What is it telling us? Pair share to
develop similes to your notes Jesus is like..
Images of Jesus Lay out all the pictures of Jesus
and Give students 10 minutes to organise
pictures into different groups to reflect the
different facets or aspects of Jesus
personality. Which aspect/facet do they feel
they most interested in? Stand with these pictures
Gather / Organise
TASC What do I know about this?
4Create groups from the pupil choices of the
different aspects Explain the task To produce a
piece of artwork representing your chosen aspect
of Jesus What is important to communicate
about this aspect of Jesus? Work together to
think of a colour, an emotion, an object, a
facial expression helps them to express this
TASC What is the task?
5- Criteria for Team Workers
- I can listen to and decide with others about the
best ideas to use in this task - I can listen sensitively to others ideas
- I can encourage people in my group to contribute
- I know what I have to do next for my group
- I can identify my strengths
- I can use my talents to help my group
- I can take on different roles in my group (even
if it is not my strength) - I can talk to others about how I am getting on
- I can listen to advice from other members of my
TASC What is the task?
6Groups generate ideas for producing their picture
Brainstorm ideas about the task. Teacher
facilitating learning Each group
needs to consider ideas/concepts the team
wish to portray images they wish to include type
of artwork materials tasks or roles
TASC How many ideas can I think of?
7Planning Prompt Sheet
TASC How many ideas can I think of?
What stories does your picture link to?
What symbols have you used? What do they mean?
What do you think your main contribution to the
group is?
What stories does your picture link to?
What symbols have you used? What do they mean?
What do you think your main contribution to the
group is?
What stories does your picture link to?
What symbols have you used? What do they mean?
What do you think your main contribution to the
group is?
What stories does your picture link to?
What symbols have you used? What do they mean?
What do you think your main contribution to the
group is?
What three adjectives could you use to describe
Jesus personality?
What emotion do you want the person looking at
your picture to feel? How will they feel that?
Is there anything you would like to have shown in
the picture that you cant think how to do?
What three adjectives could you use to describe
Jesus personality?
What emotion do you want the person looking at
your picture to feel? How will they feel that?
Is there anything you would like to have shown in
the picture that you cant think how to do?
What three adjectives could you use to describe
Jesus personality?
What emotion do you want the person looking at
your picture to feel? How will they feel that?
Is there anything you would like to have shown in
the picture that you cant think how to do?
What three adjectives could you use to describe
Jesus personality?
What emotion do you want the person looking at
your picture to feel? How will they feel that?
Is there anything you would like to have shown in
the picture that you cant think how to do?
What colours have you chosen. Why have you
chosen these?
Is there anything your group has decided to do in
the picture that you disagree with. Explain this.
How have you shown each adjective in your picture?
What colours have you chosen. Why have you
chosen these?
Is there anything your group has decided to do in
the picture that you disagree with. Explain this.
How have you shown each adjective in your picture?
What colours have you chosen. Why have you
chosen these?
Is there anything your group has decided to do in
the picture that you disagree with. Explain this.
How have you shown each adjective in your picture?
What colours have you chosen. Why have you
chosen these?
Is there anything your group has decided to do in
the picture that you disagree with. Explain this.
How have you shown each adjective in your picture?
8 - Subject Criteria
- Level 3
- Describe how your group has pictured an aspect of
Jesus - Make links between the symbols you have used in
your artwork and beliefs about Jesus - Make links between Jesus teaching or example and
your own ideas - Make links between the ways Jesus is shown in
your picture, and what Christians believe about
TASC Which is the best idea?
9 - Subject Criteria
- Level 4
- Compare your own picture of Jesus with one
created by another group What is different? - Explain what another group believes about Jesus
through their picture - Ask another group questions about their picture
and the reasons why they have included certain
images, referring to Christian beliefs
TASC Which is the best idea?
10 - Subject Criteria
- Level 5
- Respond to another groups piece of artwork
taking account of the views of others - Suggest reasons why there are similarities and
differences between the different images of Jesus
created in the class
TASC Which is the best idea?
11All ideas must be valued by the group. Each
idea to go on a card so it can be sorted,
discussed, negotiated diamond 9 or ranking
Opportunity to record observations of team ideas,
concept development and PLTs at this stage
Summary of negotiations to go in group folders
TASC Which is the best idea?
12 Group have decided on the key ideas, images and
style they wish to portray. They need to be able
to see a cohesion between individuals
contributions and components to form their final
picture Justify decisions and summarise
outcomes All in the group need to agree. Present
brief outline to the class. May use thinking hats
in audience to raise a selection of questions
about a groups proposals
TASC Which is the best idea?
13 Different Ways to Think!
Yellow Thinking Hat advantages, benefits,
positives, savings.
Red Thinking Hat emotions, feelings, hunches,
Blue Thinking Hat Thinking about the process of
thinking. How much should I think about the views
of others?
- Black Thinking Hat Caution, truth, judgment.
Will it work? Can it be done?)
White Thinking Hat Facts, figures, information.
Green Thinking Hat Exploration, proposals,
suggestions. (What can we do? Are there some
different ideas? Who is included and who is not
14 Think Timing and Tasks
TASC Lets do it?
15Use traffic light system to evaluate the success
of the team. Individuals to assess their
contribution. Peer assess in pairs or if
confident individuals may feedback and receive
comments from whole group.
TASC How well did I do?
16Individuals choose which aspect/picture they want
to go and look at. (They will need to look
briefly at all pictures before they decide which
to compare with their own) Pupils must be
encouraged to go visit all the groups if they
wish to achieve a level 5 Two stars and a
wish peer assessment strategy.
TASC Lets tell someone?
17Two Stars and a Wish Peer Assessment Sheet
Wishes for this piece of work
18Opportunity to evaluate their work based on
communication with the other groups, peer
assessment. Observations from peer evaluation of
the final pieces of artwork will be used to
inform their evaluation of performance and
outcomes. Evaluation Sheets Digital recording
of commentaries of pupil work to go with
photographs Made into class slide show assessed
Learn from experience
TASC What have I learned?