The Faith of Jesus - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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The Faith of Jesus


... of self-exaltation, of self-love. The Fall of Babylon In between the two falls of Jerusalem we find the history of Babylon's fall. – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: The Faith of Jesus

The Faith of Jesus
  • The Pioneer and Perfecter of Faith
  • Fred Bischoff

Review of Study 4
  • The "faith of Jesus" is vital for Adventists,
    those living in the final day of Atonement just
    before Christ's second coming.
  • This faith can be seen in each of the six
    messages that have come "in their order" to
    prepare for the end of this world's kingdoms, and
    the final establishment of God's everlasting

Review of Study 4
  • The "faith of Jesus" is explicitly stated in the
    climax of the Third Angel's Message, on an
    equality with the commandments of God.
  • In Advent history, this faith was overlooked and
    not understood. It was not presented with equal
    importance as the commandments, "the law and the
    gospel going hand in hand."

Review of Study 4
  • The Loud Cry message was given to unite the faith
    of Jesus with the commandments of God, but the
    light was resisted and to a large degree kept
    from the world.
  • This faith is still Adventism's missing landmark,
    which alone will reverse the unbelief and
    insubordination that has delayed Christ's return.

Summary of Study 4
  • The faith of Jesus
  • Adventism Missing Landmark

Key Text
  • Heb. 122 Looking unto Jesus the author and
    finisher of faith who for the joy that was set
    before him endured the cross, despising the
    shame, and is set down at the right hand of the
    throne of God.

  • Now as never before we need to keep the faith of
    Jesus, to see things as God sees them.
  • Because His word is completely trustworthy, by
    flooding our minds with Scripture, interpreted by
    the Spirit, with our hearts sensitive and
    submitted to Him, we can come to grasp how God
    views us, His initiative, His purpose, His plans,
    His joy, His heart.

  • We have no hope of an eternal future without
    gaining this perspective.
  • By beholding Him, by perceiving His faith working
    by love, we are changed into the same image.
  • At this time in earth's history there is a
    special work Christ is doing to accomplish this
    goal, in a final way.

  • He has called everyone who has an ear to hear, to
    the glorious, joyful mission of spreading this
  • Have you heard Him? Can you see what He sees?
    Have you entered into His joy?
  • Let us spend some time listening and looking. He
    longs for us to do this more than we do.

Overview of Studies
  • 1. "endured the cross" gospel
  • 2. "looking unto Jesus" seeing
  • 3. "for the joy set before" future
  • 4. "finisher of faith" end-time
  • 5. "endured the cross" endurance

The Faith of Jesus
  • 5. Enabling End-time Endurance

Purpose of Study 5
  • How did faith empower Jesus to endure?
  • 122 says He "endured the cross"
  • The cross was God's clear judgment against sin.
    Can we learn how to endure by the faith of Jesus
    the "hour of His judgment" in our day?

Purpose of Study 5
  • So how will this faith give us strength to
  • 121 "run with patience/endurance the race"
    during this Day of Atonement (noun form of verb
    in verse 2)?
  • 1036 have "endurance" (same noun)?
  • 1038 "live by faith" -- "not draw back"?
  • The faith of Jesus results in enabling end-time

Faith During Judgment
  • We have noted that each time the "faith of God"
    was mentioned (Mark 1122 Rom. 33), it was in
    the context of judgment.
  • We saw how Jesus counseled His disciples to have
    this faith to avoid the fig tree's fate.

Faith During Judgment
  • We saw that in this judgment God's faith will be
    vindicated as effective as He is justified as
    true and faithful.
  • We began to see that it is by keeping both the
    commandments of God and the faith of Jesus that
    those endure when the Three Angel's Messages are
    proclaimed during "the hour of His judgment."

Basics of Judgment
  • In order to understand better how the "faith of
    Jesus" is the essential element for this final
    judgment, let's explore the basic elements of
  • The pattern for judgment is seen first in Gen. 3,
    as God came to Adam and Eve after they sinned.

Three Phases
  • 1. Questions (opening the books / investigation)
    Gen. 39 where? 11 who? 13 what?
  • 2. Decision (verdict / sentence) 14 Serpent 16
    Woman 17 Adam
  • 3. Execution 21 blood covering 23, 24 out of

Judgment on City
  • What is the city that is judged in Revelation
    that had fallen once in Bible history?
  • Babylon
  • What is the other city in Revelation that fell
    twice in Bible history?
  • Jerusalem
  • We considered it in the fig tree story in "Seeing
    as God Sees" study.

Jerusalem's Falls
  • Just as 2 of the final 6 messages, so the story
    of Jerusalem's falls are for those people who
    have identified with God.

Jerusalem's Falls
  • Daniel lived through the first fall of Jerusalem.
  • John lived through the second fall of Jerusalem.
  • Both understood what was happening.

Jerusalem's Fall 1
  • Recorded in 2 Chron. 3612-21. Observe the 3
  • 1. Mocked the messengers (who had opened the
    books on them) 12, 16
  • 2. No remedy 16
  • 3. King of the Chaldees, destroyed 17

Jerusalem's Fall 2
  • Recorded in Matt. 2329-36 Acts 751, 52
  • 1. Witnesses 2331, 32 resist the Holy Spirit
  • 2. Left desolate 2338
  • 3. (not recorded in Bible)

Why Jerusalem Fell
  • In a spiritual sense, we could say that Jerusalem
    had identified with Babylon (Matt. 2335 cf.
    Rev. 1824 John 1915), and that is what led to
    her fall.

Why Jerusalem Fell
  • That which Babylon has come to symbolize (pride,
    self-exaltation, self-salvation, the confusion of
    mixing truth with error, the amalgamation of the
    truth with the lie), had so become the spirit of
    Jerusalem, God's own people, that Jerusalem fell.

Why Jerusalem Fell
  • Jerusalem, the city whose very name means "the
    teaching of peace" and that was intended through
    her sanctuary and people to reveal
    self-sacrificing love, became filled with the
    strife, unrest and violence of self-exaltation,
    of self-love.

The Fall of Babylon
  • In between the two falls of Jerusalem we find the
    history of Babylon's fall.

The Fall of Babylon
  • Dan. 5 very clearly outlines these same 3
    elements or phases of judgment in describing the
    fall of Babylon. Recall the story--Daniel did not
    immediately interpret the handwriting!
  • 1. opened the books (history) 18-23
  • 2. verdict sentence (handwriting) 24-28
  • 3. execution (Belshazzar killed Darius took
    kingdom) 30, 31

The Fall of Babylon
  • This is why Dan. 5 is so important to our
    proclaiming effectively the Second Angel's
    Message and its context. We must explain the
    issues and the process of judgment--tell and
    demonstrate the missing, essential dynamic.

Faith of Jesus Stands
  • Since we are studying what it is that enables
    end-time endurance, in other words, what empowers
    us to stand and not fall, it is vital that we
    understand that the "faith of Jesus" is the
    opposite of the spirit of Babylon.

Faith of Jesus Stands
  • As revealed to us in Jesus Christ, this faith is
    the spirit of self-sacrificing love. Those "that
    keep the commandments of God and the faith of
    Jesus" are those who have come out of Babylon,
    who have allowed God to take Babylon out of their
    hearts. It is only those who will endure, and
    whom God can use to proclaim these final messages
    of mercy.

Who is Judged
  • The first and the last of these six judgment-hour
    messages are explicit regarding who is being
    judged. Now it is not just a local city in
    Chaldea (Babylon) or a local city in Palestine
    (Jerusalem). The message is to go to "every
    nation, kindred, tongue, and people" (First
    Angel's Message)--"the earth" (Loud Cry).

Advent Mission Phase 12
  • Adventism's mission is to preach the everlasting
    gospel, thus explaining what will stand
    everlastingly, and what will fall. God has raised
    up messengers to begin proclaiming phase 1 2 of
    judgment against the global system that has
    developed as the final incarnation of Rome.

Why Babylon Falls
  • This system is called the 4th kingdom in Daniel
    and Babylon in Revelation.
  • The Advent Movement mission is to show that it is
    falling as did Babylon of old and due to the same
    issues that caused the fall of Jerusalem twice.

Why Babylon Falls
  • These issues, which manifest an absence of the
    "faith of Jesus," can be summarized as
  • 1. Did not humble the heart
  • 2. Resisted the Holy Spirit

Fall Out of the Circuit
Patience, Endurance, Stand (Saints)
Keep the commandments of God and the faith
of Jesus
God's faith working by love.
Did not humble the heart
Resisted the Holy Spirit
Fall (Babylon)
Judgment in Messages
  • In this light of understanding the core character
    issue of sin, and how God uses these three phases
    of judgment to deal with sin, we see that the 4
    angels (Rev. 14 18) which picture the final
    messages to the world are all involved with
    declaring parts 1 2 of this 3-phase judgment on
    the final Babylon

Judgment in Messages
  • 1. The First Angel's message announces the hour
    of judgment, and opens the books back to Gen. 1,
    revealing God's faith working by love from the
    very beginning. He is declared worthy fear Him
    and worship Him!

Judgment in Messages
  • 2. The Second Angel's message declares the
    verdict on Babylon and opens the books on her,
    showing the absence of the faith of Jesus and its
    resultant law-keeping.

Judgment in Messages
  • 3. The Third Angel's message explains the
    sentence against the final human phases of
    Babylon. It is in the context of this message
    that the endurance resulting from the faith of
    Jesus is highlighted to John. The burden of this
    message is to highlight a people who avoid the
    sentence against Babylon.

Judgment in Messages
  • 4. The Loud Cry ("of the Third Angel" per our SDA
    pioneers) repeats the 2nd Angel's message in an
    entire chapter, declaring again the verdict and
    opening the books on Babylon by describing at
    length her spirit of self-glorification (vs. 7)
    with its oppressive merchandising (vs. 13) and
    violent coercion (vs. 24), and the executive
    judgment that comes against such faithlessness.

Who will Stand?
  • 6th seal Rev. 617 "For the great day of his
    wrath is come and who shall be able to stand?"
    And so in our day, God is preparing a people to
    stand in the "great day of His wrath" when the
    devil will throw everything he can at them, and
    they will stand.

How Will They Stand?
  • And God Himself will hide His face from them for
    a moment, and they will stand.
  • And God will bring judgment against great Babylon
    which falls all around them, and they will stand.
  • How does this happen? It is not a miracle saved
    just for some future end-time crisis.

How Will They Stand?
  • He is now restoring to the human race the
    understanding and experience of how He designed
    them to function. The description of that ideal
    is law, and the method of restoration is gospel,
    revealed to us in "the faith of Jesus."

How Will They Stand?
  • Those who
  • -receive these two gifts (law gospel) that have
    been given at infinite cost
  • -keep them
  • -cherish them
  • -internalize them by the Spirit, come what may,
  • It is those who will endure. (Rev. 1412)

How Will They Stand?
  • They have received the two judgment-hour messages
    given especially to the messengers--

Judgment for Messengers
  • Midnight Cry--
  • They have received abundantly of the oil of the
    Spirit, becoming wise virgins (cherishing His way
    of seeing and doing)

Judgment for Messengers
  • Laodicean Message--
  • They have purchased from the True Witness (not
    from other merchants like the foolish virgins
    did) the gold tried in the fire (which clothed
    them with His perfection and enabled them to see
    what He sees).

Endurance for Mission
  • It is with such an endurance that the messages of
    enduring love and falling self-love are
    proclaimed to the world.
  • Consider again this endurance connected to the
    final preaching of "this gospel."
  • Matt. 2414 is frequently quoted, but the context
    is ignored.

"This Gospel"
  • "And this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached
    in all the world for a witness unto all nations
    and then shall the end come." What is meant by
    "this gospel"?
  • We need the previous two verses--
  • "And because iniquity shall abound, the love of
    many shall wax cold.
  • "But he that shall endure unto the end, the same
    shall be saved."

"This Gospel"
  • The self-sacrificing love of many will sadly wax
    cold as the demands increase of iniquity
    (lawlessness resulting from self-love). But those
    who endure (those who choose to continue to
    express faith working by love in the face of
    abounding lawlessness) to the end will give a
    witness to the entire world of this gospel they
    will be saved. Then the end will come.

Love Waxing Cold
Love wax cold
Our faith and love expressed to others
Their faith and love response
Iniquity abound
Love Enduring to End
Our faith and love expressed to others
Their faith and love response
Iniquity abound
"This Gospel"
  • "This gospel" that will go to all the world as a
    witness, is the preaching and living of the cross
    at the end time. "This gospel" will be enduring
    love in the face of abounding lawlessness.
  • "This gospel," this love is that expressed by
    Christ Himself who by faith "endured" to the end.
    (Heb. 122, 3 uses the same word as in Matt.

Advent Mission Needs FOJ
  • Don't forget the explicit connection of this to
    our history as we saw in our last study. Here are
    two more powerful connections that show this
    end-time setting, and what God is attempting to
    do, described 127 years ago

"John Sees a People"
  • "Elder E. J. Waggoner had the privilege granted
    him of speaking plainly and presenting his views
    upon justification by faith and the righteousness
    of Christ in relation to the law. This was no new
    light, but it was old light placed where it
    should be in the third angel's message. What is
    the burden of that message? John sees a people.

"John Sees a People"
  • "He says, 'Here is the patience of the saints
    here are they that keep the commandments of God,
    and the faith of Jesus' (Rev. 1412). This people
    John beholds just before he sees the Son of man
    'having on his head a golden crown, and in his
    hand a sharp sickle' (verse 14)." (1888 p. 211)

"Our Strength"
  • "God has opened to us our strength, and we need
    to know something about it and be prepared for
    the time of trouble such as never was since there
    was a nation. But here is our strength, Christ
    our righteousness.

"Our Strength"
  • "Let us ask Isaiah who is to be our strength.
    Well, he answers, and it comes echoing down along
    the lines to our time 'For unto us a child is
    born, and unto us a son is given and the
    government shall be upon his shoulder and his
    name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor, the
    mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of
    Peace' Isa. 96.

"Our Strength"
  • "Is not that enough for us? Cannot we cover
    ourselves all over with it? Do we need any of our
    own self esteem? No, we cannot have that. We must
    hide in Christ, and we can hide in the mighty
    strength of Israel's God.

"Our Strength"
  • "Thus we work to meet the powers of darkness. We
    fight not against flesh and blood, but against
    principalities and powers, and spiritual
    wickedness in high places. And it is only in
    Christ that we can meet them." (1888 p. 347)

Prophecy and Parable
  • Let's look at a sampling of Bible texts,
    prophecies, parables, and other counsels that
    show the need of faith (the faith of Jesus)
    during the judgment in progress and coming
    against faithlessness.

"When Judged"
  • Rom. 33, 4
  • "faith of God without effect?" - "mightest
    overcome when Thou God art judged"
  • God's faith is not made ineffective by a response
    of unbelief by His faith God will be justified
    and will overcome when judged.
  • If you keep God's faith you will also be
    justified and overcome in the judgment.

"Withered Away"
  • Mark 1121-25
  • "the fig tree which Thou cursedst is withered
    away" - "have the faith of God"
  • If you have God's faith, you will not wither
  • If you have God's faith, you will say, you will
    believe, you will forgive.

"Take Account"
  • Matt. 1823-25
  • Take account judgment (23)
  • No Faith insist on payment tormentors "if ye
    from your hearts forgive not" (26, 28, 34, 35)
  • Faith compassion, forgiveness (27, 33)
  • Keeping the faith of Jesus to you means you will
    demonstrate it to others. Without it, you reject
    the King's gift.

God's Faith Covers
  • In this Day of Atonement God wants to cover us.
    This is what His faith does. If we reject the
    covering, how can we expect to stand in the
  • The covering is not given merely to clear our
    debt, but to make us like Him. If we don't treat
    others like He treats us, we have rejected His
    gift and insisted on our own measure.

"To See the Guests"
  • Matt. 2211-13
  • "... the king came in to see the guests, he saw
    there a man which had not on a wedding garment"
  • "Friend, how camest thou in hither not having a
    wedding garment?"
  • See, "Friend, how?" investigation
  • Cast sentencing
  • No Faith no garment provided by king

Receive and Give
  • This shows also the importance of continuing the
    process. We can accept the invitation to the
    kingdom, but if we reject putting on the garment,
    this is the same as rejecting becoming like the
    King. We are rejecting God's faith, which see us
    in His image again.

"If Any Man Draw Back"
  • Hab. 24 in the LXX says this. This is quoted in
    Heb. 1038.
  • "Now the just shall live by faith but if any man
    draw back, my soul shall have no pleasure in
  • Don't draw back. Keep the faith! Don't let it go.
    Wear it. Treat others the same way.

"Cast Not Away"
  • Earlier Heb. 10 said
  • "Cast not away therefore your confidence." (35)
  • The faith of Jesus is our confidence.
  • Eph. 312 "boldness and access with confidence by
    the faith of Him."
  • He has given it to you. You have accepted it.
    Don't cast it away!

"Need of Patience"
  • "For ye have need of patience" (Heb. 1036)
  • Same word as is in Rev. 1412. It comes from
    keeping the faith of Jesus.

No Patience
  • If we give up the faith of Jesus, God will still
    be shown true by His faith and love, but the
    judgment will show us faithless liars who spurned
    His faith and love and gave a false witness about
  • Let's consider the basis of our confidence and
    endurance in the words of one of the messengers
    from the 1890's--

Enduring Confidence
  • "You have been, and you are, thankful that you
    have confidence in God. This is well for it is a
    great thing to have doubt and uncertainty
    removed, and confidence in God established in the
    mind and heart. It is, therefore, a thing really
    to be thankful for, that you have confidence in

Enduring Confidence
  • "Yet there is a greater thing than this to be
    thankful for, and that is that God has confidence
    in you. Indeed, it is God's confidence in us that
    is all the ground of our confidence in him.

Enduring Confidence
  • "Considered solely upon the merit of the
    question, it is indeed a very little thing that
    we should have confidence in him while it is a
    thing great beyond all comparison that he should
    have confidence in us.
  • "Just think what we were,a people laden with
    iniquity, alienated from God, and enemies in our
    minds, by wicked works.

Enduring Confidence
  • "Yet when we were all this, God deliberately
    invested in us all that he had,the great 'price'
    of his dear Son, in whom dwelleth all the fulness
    of God. this is a marvelous display of

Enduring Confidence
  • "And thus is established and illustrated the
    divine principle that confidence begets
    confidence yea, that confidence to the extent of
    what seems recklessness will beget confidence
    even to what seems recklessness

Enduring Confidence
  • "for no person can fairly and seriously
    contemplate the marvelous confidence that God has
    shown in us, without being won to a confidence in
    God that is a perfect abandon of trust,a trust
    that holds firm and stead through every
    vicissitudefire, flood, suffering, persecution,
    death itselfthat this world can possibly know."
    (A. T. Jones, RH, January 4, 1898, p. 8)

"Before to Judgment"
  • If we keep the faith of Jesus, we will see more
    and more what God sees, and there will be less
    and less hidden. We will hide less and less. This
    is the very process of judgment in its first
  • 1 Tim. 524 "Some mens sins are open beforehand,
    going before to judgment and some men they
    follow after."
  • Are you willing to face you sins now?

"Saved" then "Destroyed"
  • Jude uses Israel's experience to warn us against
    not continuing to keep the faith of Jesus.
  • "...The Lord, having saved the people out of the
    land of Egypt, afterward destroyed them that
    believed not." (Jude 5)

Rejecting the Gospel
  • Rom. 116-18 describes what will happen if we
    reject the faith revealed in the Gospel.

"From Faith to Faith"
  • "For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ
    for it is the power of God unto salvation to
    every one that believeth to the Jew first, and
    also to the Greek. For therein is the
    righteousness of God revealed from faith to
    faith as it is written, The just shall live by

"Wrath" Judgment
  • "For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven
    against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of
    men, who hold the truth in unrighteousness."

"Hinder the Truth"
  • The righteousness of God has been revealed in the
    gospel, "from faith" seen there. But if it does
    not lead to our believing, "to faith," it means
    we have chosen to "hold the truth in
    unrighteousness." God's wrath is revealed against
    that. He will give us up to what we have chosen.

Worship the Creature
  • The end result is that we will have "worshipped
    and served the creature more than the Creator."
    (vs. 25)

"The Lie"
  • Rejecting the gospel, not keeping the faith of
    Jesus, refusing to let God's faith become my
    faith, means I am changing the truth of God into
    the lie. This is what the devil did when he
    "abode not in the truth" and thus speaks "the
    lie." (Connect Rom. 125 to John 844.)

Unbelieving Christian
  • If I am a Christian, but persist in unbelief, it
    means I am a foolish virgin with "no oil" (Matt.
    253) I am a Laodicean who rejects the "True
    Witness" and His merchandise (gold, white
    raiment, eyesalve).

Without FOJ at the End
  • As we face the gospel, the choice we have is to
    believe, receive, and keep the faith of Jesus
    revealed there, or not.
  • Without keeping the faith of Jesus, the only
    alternative will be to worship the beast and
    receive his mark.

To Endure
  • In contrast, to endure against the dragon, the
    beast and his mark, and the false prophet and his
    image to the beast (that is, to be part of those
    that do not worship these fallen powers Rev.
    152 204) my identity must be deeply and fully
    settled by two marvelous gifts of God

Keep the Two Gifts
  • His description of how He created me to function
    (law) and
  • His confidence in me (faith), revealed through
    Jesus, that I can be restored to the original
    ideal, His image (not the beast's).

Boldness in the Judgment
  • I will then be with those who keep the
    commandments of God and the faith of Jesus. His
    love which He, the Finisher, has perfected in me
    will give me boldness to stand in the judgment
    events, as it frees me from a self focus, and
    enables me to be consistently focused on His
    vindication. (1John 417-19).

"As He Is"
  • 1John 417 "Herein is our love made perfect, that
    we may have boldness in the day of judgment
    because as he is, so are we in this world."

  • The "faith of Jesus" will solve the sin problem
  • The "faith of Jesus" (as expressed on the cross
    and as spiritual eyesight) enables the sinner to
    see the consequence of sin leads to death with
    no hope of resurrection (John 1232 judgment of
    this world).

  • 2. The "faith of Jesus" (as expressed on the
    cross and as spiritual eyesight) enables the
    sinner to see how God views him (condemns sin not
    the sinner) and thus gives him security to allow
    God to open the books on him (face your sins)
    during the investigative judgment.

  • 3. The "faith of Jesus" (as spiritual eyesight
    and as joy set before) clarifies the fallenness
    of this world's system (Babylon with its
    self-exaltation is judged), so the sinner leaves
    it and calls others out of it, for a life of
    humble service and suffering for others.

  • 4. The "faith of Jesus" (as spiritual eyesight
    and as the joy set before) empowers the Advent
    Movement for its mission, and enables its
    individuals to stand against abounding iniquity
    and chaos, trusting God even when He appears to
    abandon us.

  • 5. The "faith of Jesus" (as expressed on the
    cross, as spiritual eyesight and as the joy set
    before) restores the principle upon which God's
    everlasting kingdom is based, the gold standard,
    and thus prepares people to live forever with Him
    who is self-sacrificing love.

  • For the "faith of Jesus" endures through the end,
    knowing that no matter how things appear, He is
    with us "even unto the end" and "forever." (Matt.
    2820 John 1416)

  • Q "When the Son of man cometh, shall he find
    faith on the earth?" (Luke 188)
  • A "Here is the patience of the saints here are
    they that keep the commandments of God, and the
    faith of Jesus." (Rev. 1412)

  • Are you committed to be in that group of people?
  • Do you choose to receive the faith of Jesus by
    studying it?
  • Do you want to tell God your plan is to keep
    these two gifts, come what may?

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