Title: History Project
1History Project
By Nicholas Page Lucas Trevisi
2Building an Empire
Roman Army
Rivals for Trade
The End
3Roman Army
One of the reasons for Romes success was its
army. At first only rich citizens could be
soldiers. They copied the Greek army and fought
on foot with long spears. When the war ended and
they were sent back home, they had to pay for
their armour.
Each time the Roman army had to fight further
away from their homes. So being a soldier became
a full time job. These soldiers were better
disciplined and trained.
4- Soldiers were grouped into legions.
- Apart from fighting the legions built roads,
forts, etc. - The actual fighting was done by soldiers called
auxiliaries. - After about AD 100, the Empire stopped growing.
- Tribespeople were put into regiments called
Roman Fort
Roman Soldiers
5Roman dagger
Roman swords
Roman armour
6Rivals for Trade
Rome was able to control what was bought and sold
in Italy.
Greek traders
Found they had trading rivals.
Set up in Italy and Sicily. Tarentum and Syracusa
were two importan Greek cities.
Carthage was another important city along the
Mediterranean sea.
Called trade.
The Carthaginian people were skilled sailors and
ship buiilders.
Soon they were at war with Rome.
- Rome captured Sicily.
- To make for the loss of Sicily, the Carthaginian
general, Hannibal, catured some cities in Spain. - Hannibal led his army across the Alps into Italy.
- Roman defeated at the Battle of Lake Trasimene
and Cannae. - Roman general Fabius Maximus avoided any more
great battles and took refuge in central Italy. - Then Rome captured the cities of Carthage in
Spain and moved onto the city of Carthage itself. - Hannibal was forced to leave Italy and was
defeated at the Battle of Zama. - Rome totally destroyed Carthage.
8Carthage at Sundown
Map of Carthage
Carthaginian coin
Carthiginian coin
Hannibal, Carthiginian general
9End of Presentation