Title: How to compile a legal register case study
1How to compile a legal register - case study
- Alice Young BSc MSc AIEMA
- 6th September 2007
- The Olive Consultancy
- ayoung_at_consultolive.com
- Company overview
- Step by step process
- Legal register template
- Further information
3Chas A Blatchford Sons Ltd
- Founded in 1890
- Design manufacture of Prosthetics Orthotics
- Basingstoke head office
- 3 sites 100 employees
4Step by Step
- Identify organisation activities / aspects
- Determine legal other requirements
- Where how legislation applies
- Assess organisation compliance
In order to avoid.
51. Identify Activities / Aspects
raw materials water energy chemicals packaging
products emissions discharges waste transport
cutting shaping moulding carving heating assembly
62. Legal other requirements
Regulated activities
LAPC/IPC, IPPC, discharge consents, abstraction
Other Activities/Aspects
Duty of Care, Hazardous Waste, Water Acts, Oil
Other requirements
Codes of practice, industry standards, client
73. Applicable legislation
- Determine how and why legislation applies
- Look at thresholds / requirements of legislation
- ? Oil Storage Regs store gt 200 litres
- ? Hazardous Waste Regs not exempt
- Only include legislation which is relevant to
your organisation!
84. Assess Compliance
- Regular checks to ensure organisation is
complying with legislation - (records, staff awareness, monitoring, audits)
- Regular checks for new legislation amendments
- (e-newsletters, websites, consultancy)
9Template example
Environmental Protection (Duty of Care)
Regulations 1991 Environmental Protection Act
1990, section 34
- Could also include
- Person responsible for compliance
- Links to full legislation/further guidance
- Penalty for breach of legislation
- Date of effect
10Further Information
- www.netregs.gov.uk
- www.environment-agency.gov.uk
- www.cedrec.info
- www.opsi.gov.uk
11Thank you for listening,Any Questions?
- Alice Young
- The Olive Consultancy
- 02380 111440
- ayoung_at_consultolive.com