Title: The Development and Use of Registers in Finland
1The Development and Use of Registers in Finland
- Royal Statistical Society, Statistics User Forum
Annual Conference - 16 November 2006, Riitta Harala, Director,
Population Statistics
2Statistics Finland
- National Statistical Office
- Founded in 1865
- Responsible of 77 per cent of the production of
official statistics - Under the Ministry of Finance
- Personnel about 1000 persons
- 6 statistics production departments, 3 supporting
3Register-based data collection
- Long experience, since the 1970 population census
- first in social and demographic statistics,
nowadays more and more also in business
statistics - about 96 of input data comes from
administrative sources (as measured in number of
statistical units times number of variables) - direct data collection also very inportant
- these two methods are complementary to each other
4Register-based statistics production Key
- Legal basis
- Acceptance of the population
- cost efficient
- reduces response burden
- Unified identification code systems
- Comprehensive and reliable register systems
developed for administrative needs - Cooperation among administrative authorities
5Ways of utilising administrative data
- Direct use of register data
- Register estimation
- Combined use of survey and register data
- additional information from registers
- use as sampling frame
- non-response control
- imputation
- determining the structure of non-response
6Examples of totally register-based statistics in
Statistics Finland
- Population statistics
- Population censuses
- Building and dwelling statistics
- Statistics on housing conditions
- Regional employment statistics
- Statistics about justice and crime
- Election statistics
- Income statistics
7Examples of surveys in which register data are
- Income distribution statistics
- Household budget survey
- Labour force statistics
- Wage and salary statistics
- Enterprise statistics
8Authorities delivering administrative data
- Population register centre
- Taxation authorities
- Central Pension Security Institute
- The State Treasury
- Municipal Pension Institution
- National Pension Institute
- Ministry of Labour
- Ministry of Justice etc.
9- The best example of the use of administrative
data sources in Statistics Finland is the
register-based population and housing census
10Development of the use of registers in Population
- took 20 years
- step by step
- full support of the Ministry of Finance and the
management of Statistics Finland
11Use of administrative register data in Population
and Housing Censuses 1950-2000
12Most important reasons for beginning to build a
totally register-based census system
- costs
- administrative registers were sufficiently
developed - growing need for statistics
13(No Transcript)
14Estimated costs/person of the censuses in 2000
(in euro)
15Statistical basic registers
16Units belonging to the Register-based Population
Census System
and links between units
Map coordinates
Register of Buildings
and Dwellings
(Population Register
Population Register
(Population Register
Business Register
(Statistics Finland)
17Examples of the registers used in defining the
main type of activity of persons
- Population information system
- Register of Job Applicants
- Pension registers
- Study Aid Register
- Joint Selection Register
- Private sector employment register
- Central government sector employment register
- Local government sector employment register
- Social Insurance Institutions employment
- Evangelical Lutheran Church employment register
- Bank of Finland employment register
- Provincial Government of Ã…land employment
register - University of Helsinki employment register
- Employment registers of certain major cities
- Register of Conscientious Objectors
- Register of Conscripts
- Personal Tax Register
- Customer database
- Employers annual notifications
- Wage statistics
- Register of Completed Education and Degrees
- Student Register
- Business Register
20Advantages of register-based statistics production
- Total coverage for lower costs (1980 Finnish
Census cost EUR 34 million, 2000 Census EUR
0,84). - Because of the identifying codes it is possible
to compile the flow-statistics - Possibility to produce more data (for instance
multiple activities) - Possibility to link with other material
- No subjective opinions gt All the cases are
handled in the same way - No additional burden to respondents
- Fewer personnel problems
- Confidentiality advantages
21Disadvantages of register-based statistics
- Only variables covered by registers are available
- New variables by combining data from several
registers - Some restrictions on definitions of units and
variables - Example Dwelling households only
- Vulnerable to changes in legislation and
practices - Census no longer a tool for ad hoc data
collection - Dependence on data suppliers
22New opportunities and challenges
- Release of data for research purposes
- New kinds of statistics
- Small area statistics and GIS
23Release of micro data for research purposes
- Register-based databases are the goldmines of
empirical research, for instance sociological,
health and economic analysis - The challenge protection of confidentiality vs.
providing researchers with the relevant data
cost-effectively - according to the Statistics Act confidential data
may be released for purposes of scientific
research in unidentifiable form
24Forms of release of micro data
- Off-site release of unidentifiable samples to
outside researchers, about 200 cases a year
(mostly population statistics - On-site Statistics Finlands research
laboratory, mostly business statistics data and
combined employee-enterprise data (about 20 cases
a year) - Plans for on-line researcher services
25Data files for research purposes
- Longitudinal data files (from which samples can
be released to researchers) - Longitudinal data file on population and housing
censuses 1970-2005 - longitudinal data file on employment statistics
1987-2003 - longitudinal data file of family formation
1970-2003 - longitudinal data file of the impacts of labour
policy measures 1987-2003 - longitudinal data file of living conditions and
causes of death (1970-2003)
26- Only to be used in the Research laboratory
- FLEED data file Finnish Longitudinal
Employer-Employee Data - Financial statements panel
- R D panel
- ICT panel
- Industrial statistics panel
27New kinds of statistics
- Flow statistics
- linking unit data from consecutive years
- possibility to describe how peoples activities
and conditions change over time, for instance - the entry of graduates into the labour market
(placement statistics) - the development of employment of immigrants
- the rise of social status
- changes of jobs or labour market status etc.
28Immediate transition to education of
matriculation examination graduates 2004
29(No Transcript)
30Employment of graduates year after graduation by
level of education 2003 and 2004
31(No Transcript)
32(No Transcript)
33Small area statistics and GIS
- Traditionally the most important regional unit in
statistics has been the administrative area - map coordinates for buildings were collected in
the 1970 census and has been maintained since in
the Population Register Centre - the Finnish register-based statistical system is
point-based rather than area-based
34- the link connections
- person -gt dwelling -gt building -gtmap coordinate
- employed -gt enterprise -gt establishment -gt
building -gt map coordinate - excellent basis for small area statistics and use
of GIS
35Buildings coordinates are aggregated to
grids. This enables all data linked to buildings
to be aggregated to grids.
36The threat of depopulation in Pirkanmaa by sq.
km grids
Sq. Km grid where the youngest inhabitant is
aged 50 or over
Sq. Km grid where the youngest inhabitant is aged
under 50
37Industrial work places in Lohja by sq. km grids
38The population in Lohja by 250 m x 250 m grids
39The population in the impact area of of a
motorway by 250 x 250 meters grids
40- Use of Registers and Administrative Data Sources
for Statistical PurposesBest Practices of
Statistics Finland - Can be downloaded in pdf-format in