Title: Gifted and Talented provision and the socially vulnerable learner
1Gifted and Talented provision and the socially
vulnerable learner
2GT National Strategy
- Support schools in identifying and re-engaging
underachieving able pupils from vulnerable and
under-represented groups,
3(No Transcript)
4Conversion data from KS3 to GCSE
5Taking the level mountain to new heights
Starting point
6Showing them the mountain
Motivated pupils can catch the probability cable
car Requires pupil voice
7Headings for Personalising learning/ IQS
- Mainstream- part of the routine
- Effective teaching and learning
- Enabling curriculum entitlement and choice
- Assessment for learning
- School and College organisation
- Strong Partnerships
8Using the IQS and the CQS
- Ask the right questions
- Dig deeper
- Cover all aspects of provision
- Enables pupil voice
- Makes connections
- Ensures consistency of provision.
- Offer an alternative and positive view
9- What opportunities exist for socially vulnerable
learners to demonstrate their learning strengths
across the curriculum? - Do the opportunities give value to the learners
interest? - How are these learning strengths celebrated?
- What steps does the school take to meet the
social, cultural and emotional needs of the
socially vulnerable GT learner?
10What opportunities exist for socially vulnerable
learners to access, social, cultural, sporting
opportunities within the community? What support
structures are in place to enable the pupil to
overcome potential barriers? Is the GT cohort
fully representative of all groups including
socially vulnerable learners? How flexible are
the identification strategies for GT
11Whats missing?
12Providing Capital
- Where in the curriculum?
- Linguistic-Vocabulary of the system
- Social- FSM, Absence etc.
- Cultural- Do camels sink in the desert?
- Emotional- SEAL
- Physical
- Resources
13Potential Barriers
- Access to services
- Stability of schooling
- Lack off education beyond school
- Poor attendance
- Out of school experience /needs
- Perceptions of others- culture and ethos
14Important considerations
- Are not a homogeneous group.
- Require sensitivity and confidentiality at all
times - Have additional needs which should be accurately
identified and addressed. - Require abilities and learning strengths to be
identified and have a clear plan for when these
learning strengths can be expressed across the
curriculum. - Need to be involved in planning, assessing and
implementing their learning. - Benefit from consistency of provision across the
curriculum. - Should participate fully in celebration of their
15Using the Quality StandardsWith the socially
vulnerable learner to
- Give value
- Personalise learning
- Pupil voice
- To work with colleagues
- To focus
- Make connections
- Framework for whole school provision
- Contribute to developing body of knowledge.
- Ensure representation
- Raise Expectations