Title: Vulnerability in Socially-informed Peer-to-Peer Systems
1Vulnerability in Socially-informed Peer-to-Peer
- Jeremy Blackburn
- Nicolas Kourtellis
- Adriana Iamnitchi
- University of South Florida
2Social and Socially-aware Applications
Internet Applications
Mobile Applications
Applications may contain user profiles, social
networks, history of social interactions,
location, collocation
3Problems with Current Social Information
- Application specific
- Need to input data for each new application
- Cannot benefit from information aggregation
across applications - Typically, data are owned by applications users
don't have control over their data - Hidden incentives to have many "friends" social
information not accurate
4Our Previous Work Prometheus
- A peer-to-peer social data management service
that - Receives data from social sensors that collect
application-specific social information - Represents social data as decentralized social
graph stored on trusted peers - Exposes API to share social information with
applications according to user access control
Prometheus User-Controlled Peer-to-Peer Social
Data Management for Socially-Aware Applications,
N. Kourtellis et al, Middleware 2010
5Prometheus A P2P Social Data Management Service
6Social and Peer Networks in Prometheus
7Social and Peer Topology
8Applicable to Other Systems
- Socially-informed search
- Contextually-aware information dissemination
- Socially-based augmentation of risk analysis in a
money-lending peer-to-peer system (such as
prosper.com) - Unifying characteristics
- Socially-informed routing of messages between
nodes in the peer-to-peer network
- What is the vulnerability of such a network?
- What design decisions should be considered?
- Background
- Model
- Vulnerability to
- Malicious users
- Malicious peers
- Experimental Evaluation
- Setup
- Results
- Lessons
- Summary
11Malicious Users
- Directed graph limits vulnerability
- Even if reciprocal edge created, label and weight
requirement limit effects - Lessons for writing social inference functions
that use the social graph representation
12Malicious Peers
- Several attack mechanisms that are difficult to
prevent - Modifying results sent back to other peers
- Dropping/changing/creating fake requests
- We focus on the results sent back by a peer
- Question how much damage can a peer do in terms
of the fraction of requests it can manipulate?
13Experimental Setup
- Social networks
- Synthetic social graph
- Real networks (results not presented in the
paper) - Worst case scenario
- Networks have reciprocal edges
- No weight or edge label restriction
- Requests flood neighborhood of radius K
- Mapping users on peers
- Social map communities to peers
- Random
14Socially-informed P2P Topologies
P2P topology formed by the 25 highest social
bandwidth connections between peers
Social mapping
Random mapping
15Synthetic Social Network
- 1000 users, 100 peers
- Communities identified with Girvan-Newman
algorithm - Lessons
- Social mapping more resilient
- Replication level irrelevant for vulnerability
16Mappings Users to Peers in Real Social Networks
- Used a recursive version of the Louvain algorithm
for fast community detection - Much more scalable than GN
- For the random mapping
- Keep community size same as social
- Reshuffle the community members
17Communities in Real Networks
Social Network Number of Users Number of Communities with average size S (in users) Number of Communities with average size S (in users) Number of Communities with average size S (in users)
Social Network Number of Users S10 S50 S100
gnutella04 10,876 1,088 218 109
gnutella31 62,561 6,256 1,246 619
enron 33,696 3,370 674 337
epinions 75,877 7,564 1,485 727
slashdot 82,168 8,207 1,607 794
18Lesson 1 Network Size Matters
Malicious nodes influence a larger percentage of
the network in smaller networks
19Lesson 2 Social Network Topology Matters
- Size is not an accurate predictor of
vulnerability - epinions networks are smaller than slashdot
networks - yet vulnerability in epinions is lower
20Lesson 3 Grouping Matters
- Social user grouping
- always less
- vulnerable than
- random grouping
21Lesson 4 Size of Group Matters
- 50 users/peer, 674 peers in enron
- 100 users/peer, 619 peers in gnutella31
- yet enron more vulnerable
- More users on peer
- means more
- influence on
- requests
- (random or social)
- Mapping of users onto peers influences system
vulnerability - Socially-aware mappings more resilient
- Replication does not significantly affect
vulnerability - Malicious peers can be more effective in small
networks - Size of network is not an accurate predictor of
vulnerability - Hub peers are most damaging
- A study on the vulnerability of a
socially-informed peer-to-peer network to
malicious attacks - Problem motivated by our previous work but of
more general applicability - Socially-aware design is tricky
- Social mapping increases resilience
- Yet peer hubs (an outcome of social mapping)
decrease resilience