Title: High School Student Consumer Knowledge Quiz
1High School Student Consumer Knowledge Quiz
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- Provided by
- The Credit Education Bureau
- 585-256-6080
21. If a person cosigns for a friend, then that
32. Full payment is due upon the receipt of the
monthly statement for which card?
43. Funds are immediately withdrawn from a
consumers bank account when a purchase is paid
with a
54. How are installment loans usually repaid?
65. The MOST important factors that lenders use
when deciding whether to approve a loan are
76. Federal law allows lenders to deny credit for
which of the following reasons?
87. What does a credit bureau do?
9- A Credit Report
- Your Payment Report Card
- 5 Basic Elements
- Personal Identification
- Public Records
- Inquiries
- Collection Agency Accounts
- Credit Accounts
- Reporting Periods
- 2 years - Inquiries
- 7 years - Negative information
- 10 years - Bankruptcy (CH. 7)
108. If an individual believes that there is
incorrect information in his/her credit bureau
file, then that individual has the right to
119. The BEST indicator of the cost of a loan is
1210. Which of the following institutions usually
charges the highest rate of interest?
1311. If a credit card account has a balance
carried over from the previous month, when will
interest charges usually begin on a new credit
1412. The owner of a credit card that is lost or
stolen is legally responsible for
1513. If a consumer fails to pay personal debts, a
creditor is allowed to do all of the following
1614. Nonprofit credit counseling services usually
assist debtors by
17National Average
- Consumer Credit
- Overall Score
- 39
18Lucky Number
19Lucky Number