Title: Understanding Our Times and Knowing What to Do
1(No Transcript)
2Understanding Our Times and Knowing What to Do
And the sons of Issachar, men who understood the
times, with knowledge of what Israel should do
Cf. Lk 12.54-56
3How Shall We Now Live?
The Role of Women
Various Questions of Application
4Questions re. the Church
- Can a woman speak at all in church?
- What do quietly receive instruction (1 Tim
2.11) and keep silent in the churches (1 Cor
14.34) mean?
5Questions re. the Church
- Can a woman speak at all in church?
- What do quietly receive instruction (1 Tim
2.11) and keep silent in the churches (1 Cor
14.34) mean?
1 Tim 2.11
Let a woman quietly receive instruction with
entire submissiveness
6Questions re. the Church
- Can a woman speak at all in church?
- What do quietly receive instruction (1 Tim
2.11) and keep silent in the churches (1 Cor
14.34) mean?
1 Cor 14.34-35
Let the women keep silent in the churches for
they are not permitted to speak, but let them
subject themselves, as the Law also says. And if
they desire to learn anything, let them ask their
own husbands at home for it is improper for a
woman to speak in church.
7Questions re. the Church
- Can a woman speak at all in church?
- What do quietly receive instruction (1 Tim
2.11) and keep silent in the churches (1 Cor
14.34) mean?
- Do these mean absolute silence?
- Same word as vs.2 (cf. 1 Thes 4.11-12 2 Thes
3.12 Acts 11.18 1 Pet 3.4). Not absolute
silence, but a general disposition
8Questions re. the Church
- Can a woman speak at all in church?
- What do quietly receive instruction (1 Tim
2.11) and keep silent in the churches (1 Cor
14.34) mean?
- Do these mean absolute silence?
- Same word as vs.2 (cf. 1 Thes 4.11-12 2 Thes
3.12 1 Pet 3.4).
1 Timothy 22
Prayers, etc for kings and all who are in
authority, so that we may lead a tranquil and
quiet life in all godliness and dignity.
9Questions re. the Church
- Can a woman speak at all in church?
- What do quietly receive instruction (1 Tim
2.11) and keep silent in the churches (1 Cor
14.34) mean?
- Do these mean absolute silence?
- Same word as vs.2 (cf. 1 Thes 4.11-12 2 Thes
3.12 1 Pet 3.4).
1 Thes 411
Make it your ambition to lead a quiet life, to
mind your own business and to work with your
hands, just as we told you
10Questions re. the Church
- Can a woman speak at all in church?
- What do quietly receive instruction (1 Tim
2.11) and keep silent in the churches (1 Cor
14.34) mean?
- 1 Cor 14.34 remain silent
- hold your piece about a certain matter -- Lk
9.36 20.26 Acts 12.17
Lk 9.36
And when the voice had spoken, Jesus was found
alone. And they kept silent, and reported to no
one in those days any of the things which they
had seen.
11Questions re. the Church
- Can a woman speak at all in church?
- What do quietly receive instruction (1 Tim
2.11) and keep silent in the churches (1 Cor
14.34) mean?
- 1 Cor 14.34 remain silent
- hold your piece about a certain matter -- Lk
9.36 20.26 Acts 12.17
Lk 20.26
And they were unable to catch Him in a saying in
the presence of the people and being amazed at
His answer, they became silent.
12Questions re. the Church
- Can a woman speak at all in church?
- What do quietly receive instruction (1 Tim
2.11) and keep silent in the churches (1 Cor
14.34) mean?
- 1 Cor 14.34 remain silent
- hold your piece about a certain matter -- Lk
9.36 20.26 Acts 12.17
- In vs.27-28 Addressing the congregation
1 Cor 14.27-28
If anyone speaks in a tongue, it should be by
two or at the most three, and each in turn, and
one must interpret but if there is no
interpreter, he must keep silent in the church
and let him speak to himself and to God.
13Questions re. the Church
- Can a woman speak at all in church?
- What do quietly receive instruction (1 Tim
2.11) and keep silent in the churches (1 Cor
14.34) mean?
- 1 Cor 14.34 remain silent
- hold your piece about a certain matter -- Lk
9.36 20.26 Acts 12.17
- In vs.29-30 Addressing the congregation
1 Cor 14.29-30
Let two or three prophets speak, and let the
others pass judgment. But if a revelation is made
to another who is seated, the first one must keep
14Questions re. the Church
- Can a woman speak at all in church?
- What do quietly receive instruction (1 Tim
2.11) and keep silent in the churches (1 Cor
14.34) mean?
- 1 Cor 14.34 remain silent
- hold your piece about a certain matter -- Lk
9.36 20.26 Acts 12.17
- In vs.34 Addressing the congregation
1 Cor 14.34
The women are to keep silent in the churches
for they are not permitted to speak, but are to
subject themselves, just as the Law also says.
15Questions re. the Church
- Can a woman speak at all in church?
- What do quietly receive instruction (1 Tim
2.11) and keep silent in the churches (1 Cor
14.34) mean?
- 1 Cor 14.34 remain silent
- hold your piece about a certain matter -- Lk
9.36 20.26 Acts 12.17
- In vs.27-28 Addressing the congregation
- In vs.29-31 Addressing the congregation
- In vs.34-36 Addressing the congregation
- Cf. as the Law also says to Nu 27.1-11
- Speak leading or addressing the assembly
- What about, If any woman desires to learn
- Perhaps referring to passing judgment as in
16Questions re. the Church
- Can a woman teach if given permission by the men
or elders?
- How can elders give permission to do what Paul
forbids? (1 Tim 2.11-12)
- Giving permission does not negate the
teacher/leader authority.
- Even a man needs permission, so how different?
17Questions re. the Church
- Women teaching men one-on-one in a private
- No authority is such situations cf. Acts
- A woman can teach a man cf. 1 Cor 14.34 to 2
Kings 22.14-20
- Can a woman lead in prayer when everyone takes
turns, but men present?
Therefore I want the men males to pray in
every placeLikewise I want the women to adorn
themselves.Let a woman quietly receive
instruction with entire submissiveness. But I do
not allow a woman to teach or exercise authority
over a man, but to remain quiet
18Questions re. the Church
- Women teaching men one-on-one in a private
- No authority is such situations
- A woman can teach a man cf. 1 Cor 14.34 to 2
Kings 22.14-20
- Can a woman lead in prayer when everyone takes
turns, but men present?
- Can women participate in business meetings? --
Acts 15.22
- Woman deacons (deaconesses)?
- Servants, with no authority over a man -- Rom
16.1 1 Tim 5.9-12
19What Can Women Do?
- Raise the children and take care of the home 1
Tim 5.14 Tit 2.4-5 2 Tim 1.5 3.15
- Frees them to do their job -- Cf. Acts 6.3-4
- Help their husbands Gen 2.18
- Teach other women Tit 2.3-5
- Be involved in evangelism Phil 4.3 Acts 18.26
- Serve in other ways 1 Tim 5.9-11 Acts
9.36-39 12.12 Rom 16.1 Lk 8.1-3
20Next Week
What is True Male Leadership?