Title: Assignment Reminders
1Assignment Reminders
- Read pages 773 777 by next Wednesday.
- We will be returning to Computer Lab 201 on
Monday and Computer Lab 206 on Friday of next
week. Put these in your agendas. - School Pictures will be made on Monday.
- First ThinkLink test is First Block Tuesday.
2August 24, 2007 Journal Entry
- Odysseus treated Polyphemus as a monster. How do
we as a society treat the so-called handicapped
as monsters? - Why do people react as they do stare at, laugh
at, try to embarrass, - toward those who are
different from them?
3The Iliad Story of the Trojan War
4 5Invocation
- Prayer to Calliope by Homer
- Calliope, the goddess of ideas, music, and poetry
6Calypso and Hermes
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9Odysseus in Poseidons Ocean
Io, the water nymph
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- Odysseus tells adventures to King Alcinous and
his Phaeacians.
12Odysseus Adventures in Flashbacks
13First Stop after Troy
Cicones Key Words Horses Massacre 200 men lost
14Zeus and Poseidon join forces
Nine Days Storm, throwing the crew thousands of
miles off course
15Lotus Eaters
The Lotus Flower makes all who eat thereof
forget everything and lose all hope.
16Lotus Flower in bloom and at its most edible for
the Island of Lotus population.
Lotus Plant Beds Their star shapes were thought
by the islanders to indicate their mystical
powers actual stars that had fallen from the
17Polyphemus, the Cyclops
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20Polyphemus Moth