Title: Multiscale spatiotemporal modeling, analyzing and reasoning
1Seminar by Dr. Tao Cheng
Dr. Tao Cheng obtained her PhD in GIS from
the International Institute for Geo-Information
Science and Earth Observation (ITC). She was a
postdoctoral fellow in the Chinese university of
Hong Kong (1999 2000) and The Hong Kong
Polytechnic University (2003- 2005), a lecturer
in the university of Leicester (2001 2002) and
a part-time lecturer in Hong Kong University
(2002-2003). She is currently a lecturer in
Department of Geomatic Engineering, University
College London. Her research interests span
uncertainty in geographic information,
spatio-temporal data model, multi-scale modeling
and representing of spatial objects, and spatial
data mining, with applications on intelligent
transportation, coastal zone monitoring, epidemic
disease transmission and forest fire prevention.
She has over 70 publications and one on fuzzy
spatial objects received The U. V. Helava Award
for the Best Paper in the ISPRS Journal of
Phogrammetry and Remote Sensing in the year 2000
from the international Society for Photogrammetry
and Remote Sensing (ISPRS). View more
information on his research at
Multi-scale spatio-temporal modeling, analyzing
and reasoning
Tuesday 22nd August 2006 at 4.00pm in Hume
Building Conference Room, Third Floor
Check http//ncg.nuim.ie/ for details