Flexible Reasoning with Functional Models - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Flexible Reasoning with Functional Models


Flexible Reasoning with Functional Models J. William Murdock Intelligent Decision Aids Group Navy Center for Applied Research in Artificial Intelligence – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Flexible Reasoning with Functional Models

Flexible Reasoning with Functional Models
J. William Murdock Intelligent Decision Aids
Group Navy Center for Applied Research in
Artificial Intelligence Naval Research
Laboratory, Code 5515 Washington, DC
20375 bill_at_murdocks.org http//bill.murdocks.org
Presentation at Ohio State University April 15,
General Motivation
  • Complex dynamic environments demand quick and
    flexible behavior.
  • Specialized software is quick but not flexible.
  • Generative planning, reinforcement learning, etc.
    are very flexible but very slow.
  • Functional models provide the power of
    specialized software and the flexibility of AI.

Specific Objectives (Outline)
  • Retrospective adaptation
  • A system encounters a new constraint during
  • It uses a model of itself to redesign itself.
  • Proactive adaptation
  • A system is told to perform a new, unknown task.
  • It must redesign itself before it can do an
  • Models for existing, similar tasks may be
  • Or new models may be built from scratch.
  • Self-explanation
  • A system uses models of its reasoning process and
    products to explain itself and justify its
  • Explanation of threats
  • A system has a model of enemy behavior.
  • Uses that model to explain a potential threat and
    help a user decide whether that that threat is

TMK (Task-Method-Knowledge)
  • TMK models encode knowledge about a process
    (e.g., a computer program, a military activity).
  • TMK encodes
  • Tasks functional specification / requirements
    and results
  • Methods behavioral specification / composition
    and control
  • Knowledge Domain concepts and relations

Partial History of TMK
Key Influences
Functional Representation (Sembugamoorthy
Chandrasekaran 1986)
Generic Tasks (Chandrasekaran 1986)
SBF Models (Goel, Bhatta, Stroulia 1997)
ZD (Liver and Allemang 1995)
TMK Projects
Autognostic Failure-driven learning (Stroulia
Goel 1995)
Interactive Kritik Self-Explanation (Goel
Murdock 1996)
SIRRINE Retrospective Adaptation (Murdock Goel
REM Proactive Adaptation (Murdock 2001)
ToRQUE Scientific Cognition (Griffith 1999)
AHEAD Explanation of Threats (Murdock, Aha,
Breslow 2003)
SIRRINERetrospective Adaptation
  • Self-Improving Reflective Reasoner Integrating
    Noteworthy Experience
  • A shell for adaptive software systems.
  • Systems encoded in SIRRINE contain a TMK model of
  • Used to automate adaptation in response to new
    constraints for a known task.

SIRRINE Functional Architecture
Meeting Scheduling Agent
  • Example agent which schedules a regular weekly
  • Given a length of time and a list of schedules,
    it produces a time slot that fits into those
  • It has a set of time constraints which require
    that meetings be held from 9AM to 5PM on Monday
    through Friday.

Diagrams of TMK Models
Model Animation
Example Problem
  • Research group needs to schedule a 90 minute
    meeting. There are no available 90 minute slots
    between 9AM and 5PM on Mondays through Fridays.
  • The agent fails for this problem. Feedback is
    given stating that the meeting should be held on
    Tuesdays from 430PM to 600PM.
  • Credit assignment process identifies the
    find-next-slot task as one which could have
    produced the desired result.
  • Modification process alters that task.

Knowledge forCredit Assignment
  • Feedback State what the overall results should
    have been.
  • Trace State what the results actually were also
    used to localize failure
  • Models indicate differences between what the
    results should have been and what they were
    drive the modification process

Credit Assignment Process
  • Heuristics guide search through trace
  • Causal proximity temporally closest to end first
  • Functional abstraction most abstract first
  • Model used at each step of the search
  • When a potential contradiction is found, a
    particular type of credit is assigned
  • task-does-not-produce-value, method-does-not-produ
    ce-value, primitive-generates-invalid-state,
  • Result Localization of credit

  • Library of modification strategies indexed by the
    type of credit assigned and characteristics of
    the task or method
  • In the example
  • Type of credit task-does-not-produce-value
  • Localized to the find-next-slot task (a
    primitive task implemented by a LISP procedure)
  • SIRRINE selects the fixed value production by
    task decomposition strategy.

Fixed Value Productionby Task Decomposition
  • Existing task is divided into two methods a base
    method and an alternate method.
  • The base method invokes a single task whose
    behavior is identical to the existing task.
  • The alternate method invokes a new task
  • Primitive that produces a single fixed value
  • Example 430PM to 600PM on Tuesdays
  • Applicability conditions on the alternate method
    require that it be invoked only in the same
  • Same defined by bindings in the trace that are
    referenced in the model of the existing task.

Model Zoom
Relevant Portions of the Model
Modification to the Model
ExampleWeb Browsing Agent
  • A mock-up of web browsing software
  • Based on Mosaic for X Windows, version 2.4
  • Imitates not only behavior but also internal
    process and information of Mosaic 2.4

Example PDF Viewer
  • The web agent is asked to browse the URL for a
    PDF file.
  • Mosaic 2.4 not have any information about
    external viewers for PDF.
  • The system cannot display the file.
  • The user provides feedback indicating the command
    for the correct viewer.
  • Adaptation Strategy Fixed Value Production by
    Primitive Modification

SIRRINE User Interface
REM Proactive Adaptation
  • Reflective Evolutionary Mind
  • Like SIRRINE, REM is a shell for adaptive
    software systems using TMK models.
  • Unlike SIRRINE, REM is able to address new tasks.
  • It can retrieve and adapt methods for known
    tasks, or it can build new methods from scratch.
  • Off-the-shelf generative planning and
    reinforcement learning techniques are used to
    build new methods

REM Functional Architecture
Task-Method-Knowledge Language (TMKL)
  • A new, powerful formalism of TMK developed for
  • Uses LOOM, a popular off-the-shelf knowledge
    representation framework concepts, relations,

REM models not only the tasks of the domain but
also itself in TMKL.
Sample TMKL Task
  • (define-task communicate-with-www-server
  • input (input-url)
  • output (server-reply)
  • makes
  • (and
  • (document-at-location (value server-reply)
  • (value
  • (document-at-location (value server-reply)

  • local-host))
  • by-mmethod (communicate-with-server-method))

Sample TMKL Method
  • (define-mmethod external-display
  • provided (not (internal-display-tag (value
  • series (select-display-command
  • compile-display-command
  • execute-display-command))

Decision Making in REM Q-Learning
  • Popular, simple form of reinforcement learning.
  • In each state, each possible decision is assigned
    an estimate of its potential value (Q).
  • For each decision, preference is given to higher
    Q values.
  • Each decision is reinforced, i.e., its Q value
    is altered based on the results of the actions.
  • These results include actual success or failure
    and the Q values of next available decisions.

Q-Learning in REM
  • Decisions are made for method selection and for
    selecting new transitions within a method.
  • A decision state is a point in the reasoning
    (i.e., task, method) plus a set of all decisions
    which have been made in the past.
  • Initial Q values are set to 0.
  • Decides on option with highest Q value or
    randomly selects option with probabilities
    weighted by Q value (configurable).
  • A decision receives positive reinforcement when
    it leads immediately (without any other
    decisions) to the success of the overall task.

ExampleDisassembly and Assembly
  • Software agent for disassembly operating in the
    domain of cameras
  • Information about cameras
  • Information about relevant actions
  • e.g., pulling, unscrewing, etc.
  • Information about the disassembly process
  • e.g., decide how to disconnect subsystems from
    each other and then decide how to disassemble
    those subsystems separately.
  • Agent now needs to assemble a camera

Adaptation UsingRelation Mapping
  • Requires a model for an existing agent which has
    a task similar to the desired task.
  • e.g., disassembly is similar to assembly
  • Effects (makes slot) of the two tasks must match
    except for one term, and that one term must be
    connected by a single relation.
  • e.g., disassembly produces a disassembled state
  • assembly produces an assembled state
  • (inverse-of disassembled assembled) is known.
  • Uses the relation to alter tasks and methods

Pieces of ADDAM which are key to Disassembly ?
Plan Then Execute Disassembly
Adapt Disassembly Plan
Execute Plan
Hierarchical Plan Execution
Topology Based Plan Adaptation
Make Plan Hierarchy
Map Dependencies
Select Next Action
Execute Action
Select Dependency
Assert Dependency
Make Equivalent Plan Nodes Method
Make Equivalent Plan Node
Add Equivalent Plan Node
New Adapted Task inDisassembly ? Assembly
COPIED Plan Then Execute Disassembly
COPIED Adapt Disassembly Plan
COPIED Execute Plan
COPIED Hierarchical Plan Execution
COPIED Topology Based Plan Adaptation
COPIED Make Plan Hierarchy
COPIED Map Dependencies
Select Next Action
INSERTED Inversion Task 2
Execute Action
COPIED Select Dependency
INVERTED Assert Dependency
COPIED Make Equivalent Plan Nodes Method
COPIED Add Equivalent Plan Node
INSERTED Inversion Task 1
COPIED Make Equivalent Plan Node
Task Assert Dependency
  • Before
  • define-task Assert-Dependency
  • input target-before-node, target-after-node
  • asserts (node-precedes (value
  • (value target-after-node))
  • After
  • define-task Mapped-Assert-Dependency
  • input target-before-node, target-after-node
  • asserts (node-follows (value
  • (value target-after-node)))

Task Make Equivalent Plan Node
  • define-task make-equivalent-plan-node
  • input base-plan-node, parent-plan-node,
  • output equivalent-plan-node
  • makes (and
  • (plan-node-parent (value

  • (value parent-plan-node))
  • (plan-node-object (value

  • (value equivalent-topology-node))
  • (implies (plan-action (value
  • (type-of-action
    (value equivalent-plan-node)

  • (type-of-action (value base-plan-node)))))
  • by procedure ...

  • define-task inserted-reversal-task
  • input equivalent-plan-node
  • asserts (type-of-action
  • (value equivalent-plan-node)
  • (inverse-of
  • (type-of-action
  • (value

Adaptation UsingGenerative Planning
  • Does not require a pre-existing model
  • Requires operators and a set of facts (initial
  • Invokes Graphplan
  • Operators Those primitive tasks known to the
    agent which can be translated into Graphplans
    operator language
  • Facts Known assertions which involve relations
    referred to by the operators
  • Goal Makes condition of main task
  • Translates plan into more general method by
    turning specific objects into parameters
  • Stores method for later reuse

Adaptation UsingSituated Learning
  • Does not require a pre-existing model
  • Does not even require preconditions and
    postconditions of the operators
  • Creates a method that
  • Performs any action
  • Checks whether the desired state is achieved
  • If not, loops to the start.
  • During execution, all decision making is done
    using Q-learning policy.
  • Over time, the Q-learning mechanism selects
    actions that tend to lead to desirable results.

ADDAM Example Layered Roof
Roof Assembly
Situated Learning
Generative Planning
Relation Mapping
Modified Roof Assembly No Conflicting Goals
Situated Learning
Relation Mapping
Generative Planning
Combining Proactive Retrospective Adaptation in
  • Proactive adaptation techniques have been the
    primary focus of REM
  • However, REM also has facilities for
    retrospective adaptation
  • inherited from SIRRINE
  • REM can use SIRRINE-style analysis of traces to
    localize an opportunity for adaptation to a
    particular subtask.
  • It can then use a proactive technique to build a
    new method for that subtask.

  • As I have discussed, TMK models are useful for
    automated adaptation.
  • This implies that they encode important knowledge
    about processes.
  • This suggests that TMK may be an effective
    mechanism for explaining processes to human
  • Some TMK research has investigated this idea.

Interactive KritikSelf-Explanation
  • Objective Interactive explanation and
    justification for conceptual design of physical
  • Input Functional specification for a device
  • Output Model of a device that meets the
    specification and a graphical explanation of how
    the device was designed
  • Knowledge Library of functional models of
    devices and a graphical model of the design
  • Reasoning Kritik2 (Goel, Bhatta, Stroulia,
    1997) performs case-based design. Interactive
    Kritik adds graphical presentation of the
    reasoning process and product.

Part of a behavior of an acid cooler
Water at 25º
Heated to 50º
By clicking on the transition, a user can jump to
the part of the acid cooling behavior that is
enabled by the heating of the water
That task is accomplished by a reasoning method.
The top level task of Interactive Kritik is
The method decomposes the task into subtasks.
Some subtasks have methods that further decompose
AHEADExplanation of Threats
  • Analogical Hypothesis Elaborator for Activity
  • Objective Helping intelligence analysts
    understand and trust hypotheses about detected
    hostile activity
  • e.g., organized crime, terrorism
  • Input Hypothesis about hostile activity
    related evidence.
  • Output Arguments for and/or against the
  • Knowledge TMK models encode how hostile actions
    are performed and what they are intended to
  • Reasoning First, MAC/FAC (Forbus Gentner 1991)
    maps the hypothesis to a TMK model. Then, TMK
    simulation guides analysis of hypotheses using

AHEAD Functional Architecture
FIRE Analogy Server
Link Discovery Tools
Hypothesis/Model Mapping
TMK Models (Qualitative, Functional)
Trace Extractor
Evidence Extraction Tools, Existing
Model Trace
TIA, Assorted EELD Tools, etc.
Argument Generator
AHEAD User Interface
Statement of the hypothesis (input)
Red and black icons indicate qualitative
certainty for arguments and evidence
Arguments against the hypothesis have missing or
contradictory evidence
Arguments for the hypothesis are backed by
Hyperlinks to original sources for evidence.
A key allows users to quickly see what each icon
Preliminary User Study
  • Partial implementation handmade output files.
  • Tested the interface and content of AHEAD.
  • In some trials, users were given hypothesis
  • i.e., inputs to AHEAD
  • In other trials, users also given arguments for
    and arguments against.
  • Users with arguments showed better performance.
  • Difference in error in judgment statistically

Metric WithArgument WithoutArgument
Elapsed Time 518 555
Confidence 7.40 6.86
Error in judgment 1.83 3.01
Error in confidence 1.70 2.26
  • Retrospective adaptation SIRRINE
  • Encounters a constraint during execution
  • Uses trace to find a candidate for modification
  • Uses model to perform modification
  • Experiments in meeting scheduling and web
    browsing (etc.)
  • Proactive adaptation REM
  • User requests a new task
  • REM retrieves similar task and adapts the method
    for that task
  • Or REM uses Graphplan or Q-learning to build a
    new method
  • Can also use these techniques retrospectively on
  • Self-explanation Interactive Kritik
  • Presentation of design process and product using
  • Explanation of threats AHEAD
  • Models ? traces ? arguments for and arguments
    against hypotheses.
  • Arguments help analysts understand and trust

Backup Slides
Model Knowledge
Model Tasks and Methods
Tasks and Methodsof Web Agent
Process URL
Process URL Method
Communicate with WWW Server
Display File
Communicate with WWW Server Method
Display File Method
Request from Server
Receive from Server
Interpret Reply
Display Interpreted File
External Display
Internal Display
Execute Internal Display
Select Display Command
Compile Display Command
Execute Display Command
Web Agent Adaptation
External Display
Select Display Command
Compile Display Command
Execute Display Command
External Display
Compile Display Command
Execute Display Command
Select Display Command
Select Display Command Base Method
Select Display Command Alternate Method
Select Display Command Base Task
Select Display Command Alternate Task
Tasks in TMKL
  • All tasks can have input output parameter lists
    and given makes conditions.
  • A non-primitive task must have one or more
    methods which accomplishes it.
  • A primitive task must include one or more of the
    following source code, a logical assertion, a
    specified output value.
  • Unimplemented tasks have neither of these.

  • (define-task communicate-with-www-server
  • input (input-url)
  • output (server-reply)
  • makes
  • (and
  • (document-at-location (value server-reply)
  • (value
  • (document-at-location (value server-reply)

  • local-host))
  • by-mmethod (communicate-with-server-method))

Methods in TMKL
  • Methods have provided and additional result
    conditions which specify incidental requirements
    and results.
  • In addition, a method specifies a start
    transition for its processing control.
  • Each transition specifies requirements for using
    it and a new state that it goes to.
  • Each state has a task and a set of outgoing

Simple TMKL Method
  • (define-mmethod external-display
  • provided (not (internal-display-tag (value
  • series (select-display-command
  • compile-display-command
  • execute-display-command))

Complex TMKL Method
  • (define-mmethod make-plan-node-children-mmethod
  • series (select-child-plan-node
  • make-subplan-hierarchy
  • add-plan-mappings
  • set-plan-node-children))
  • (tell (transitiongtlinks make-plan-node-children-mm
  • equivalent-plan-nodes
  • child-equivalent-plan-nod
  • (transitiongtnext make-plan-node-children-mm
  • make-plan-node-children-mm
  • (create make-plan-node-children-terminate
  • (reasoning-stategttransition

  • make-plan-node-children-terminate)
  • (about make-plan-node-children-terminate
  • (transitiongtprovided
  • '(terminal-addam-value (value

Knowledge in TMKL
  • Foundation LOOM
  • Concepts, instances, relations
  • Concepts and relations are instances and can have
    facts about them.

Knowledge representation in TMKL involves LOOM
some TMKL specific reflective concepts and
Some TMKLKnowledge Modeling
  • (defconcept location)
  • (defconcept computer
  • is-primitive location)
  • (defconcept url
  • is-primitive location
  • roles (text))
  • (defrelation text
  • range string
  • characteristics single-valued)
  • (defrelation document-at-location
  • domain reply
  • range location)
  • (tell (external-state-relation
  • document-at-location))

Sample Meta-Knowledge in TMKL
  • relation characteristics
  • single-valued/multiple-valued
  • symmetric, commutative
  • relations over relations
  • external/internal
  • state/definitional
  • generic relations
  • same-as
  • instance-of
  • inverse-of
  • concepts involving concepts
  • thing
  • meta-concept
  • concept

Planning and REM
  • REM is not a planning system, its an agent
  • Agents in REM dont just decide what to do, they
    actually do things.
  • They may base their next action on the results of
    past actions.
  • Once they have taken an action, they may not be
    able to undo that action.
  • REM consists of two major modules execution of
    agents and adaptation of agents.
  • However, research on REM has involved many
    planning issues.
  • Agents in REM are represented as hierarchies of
    tasks and methods thus execution of agents
    resembles HTN planning.
  • One mechanism for adaptation of agents is
    traditional generative planning.
  • Agents encoded in REM may perform planning.
  • An agent in REM can act in a deterministic
    logically-defined simulated environment such
    agents blur the distinction between deciding what
    to do and doing things.

REM vs.Derivational Analogy
  • REM adapts models of tasks and methods.
  • Derivational analogy generally assumes some sort
    of universal process (e.g., generative planning)
    and only needs to represent and reason about key
    decision points.
  • Advantage of derivational analogy Models not
    needed traces alone enable reuse.
  • Advantage of REM Applicable to problems for
    which a universal process is not appropriate
    (e.g., 6 board roof example takes days using
    planning Q-learning).
  • REM demands more knowledge but makes effective
    use of that additional knowledge.

REM andCase-Based Reasoning (CBR)
  • Given a task, REM retrieves a method, applies it,
    and then (if necessary) adapts it. This process
    is a form of CBR.
  • Most CBR projects, however, adapt solutions not
    processes. Some problems require the latter.
  • Adaptation of processes can enable extending the
    efficiency benefits of CBR to problems which the
    case library does not directly address.

Recursion and Looping
REM vs.Case-Based Adaptation
  • REM reasons about and adapts an entire reasoning
  • Case-based adaptation restricts adaptation to one
    portion of a case-based process adaptation.
  • Being more focused is a substantial advantage for
    case-based adaptation.
  • However, for problems which require adaptation of
    different sorts of reasoning processes, it is
    useful to have models of these processes, as in

Q-Learning in REM
  • Decisions are made for method selection and for
    selecting new transitions within a method.
  • A decision state is a point in the reasoning
    (i.e., task, method) plus a set of all decisions
    which have been made in the past.
  • Initial Q values are set to 0.
  • Decides on option with highest Q value or
    randomly selects option with probabilities
    weighted by Q value (configurable).
  • A decision receives positive reinforcement when
    it leads immediately (without any other
    decisions) to the success of the overall task.

Monkey Bananas Tower of Hanoi Hybrid
Key Ideas for AHEAD
Objective Helping analysts understand and trust
hypotheses about detected hostile activity
Knowledge Functional models encode how hostile
actions are performed and what they are intended
to accomplish. Reasoning Analogy maps
hypotheses to models. Functional models guide
analysis of hypotheses in the context of
evidence. Product Structured arguments that
support and/or refute the given hypothesis.
ReasoningFIRE Analogy Server
  • Unified system for performing analogical
    reasoning from Ken Forbus group at Northwestern
  • SME Structure-Mapping Engine
  • Produces a mapping between source and target
  • Evaluates similarity based on these mappings.
  • Recommends candidate inferences, i.e., new
    elements for the target that would be analogous
    to elements in the source.
  • MAC/FAC Many are Called / Few are Chosen
  • Searches a library of cases for those that match
    a given target.
  • MAC step uses fast superficial matching to
    identify many candidates.
  • FAC step uses SME for more precise matching.
  • Additional related tools, e.g., a GUI knowledge
    acquisition tool based on SME.

Illustrative ExampleExtracted Trace
  • The trace shows
  • Steps in the model that were taken
  • Values the parameters were bound to
  • Pieces of evidence that support the steps and

TMK Model
AHEAD Functional Architecture Structured Argument
A hypothesis is a potential conclusion about what
happened in the world.
An argument against asserts that some part of the
relevant model was not performed.
An argument for is a asserts that some part of
the relevant model was performed.
Argument For
Argument Against
Argument Against
Argument For
Other argument against simply indicate a lack of
Some arguments against have explicit links to
evidence that supports them.
All arguments for are supported by references to
the original evidence.
Dashed lines in this figure indicate a connection
plus a qualitative confidence level.
Autognostic SIRRINE REM
Why To repair agents which fail to address the task for which they were designed To add new capabilities to an agent. To add new capabilities to an agent.
What Modifications to the model Modifications to the model and addition and modification of primitive computations Modifications to the model and addition and modification of primitive computations
How Collection of strategies which make specific types of changes. Collection of strategies which make specific types of changes. Collection of strategies which make specific types of changes, plus generative planning and reinforcement learning.
When After execution After execution Before and after execution
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