Title: Model Checking Programs with Java PathFinder
1Model Checking ProgramswithJava PathFinder
Willem Visser Peter
Mehlitz NASA Ames
Research Center
- 1997 Deep Space 1 Remote Agent
- 1999 Honeywell DEOS IMA O/S
- Model extraction by hand doesnt scale
- Automated Program Model Checking
- Translation-based model checking is only has good
as the target model checker - Java to PROMELA translation for SPIN
3Program Model Checking
- 10 years ago
- Almost no one did it
- 5 years ago
- Just a handful of tools existed
- Now
SPIN 4, Verisoft, CMC, ZING, etc.
- What is JPF?
- A model checker for Java Bytecode
- Getting Started with JPF
- Downloading, Installation and Running
- Examples Part 1
- Deadlock in the Remote Agent
- K9 Rover
- Internal workings of JPF
- Model Java Interface
- Listeners
- Dynamic Partial-order reductions
- Choice Generators
- Extensions
- Regression tests (JUnit Integration)
- Examples Part 2
- Stoned Hippies in three variations
- Race Detection
- Numeric Exceptions
9h00 10h30
11h00 13h00
5What is Java PathFinder (1)
- explicit state model checker for Java bytecode
- focus is on finding bugs in Java programs
- concurrency related deadlocks, (races), missed
signals etc. - Java runtime related unhandled exceptions, heap
usage, (cycle budgets) - but also complex application specific assertions
6What is JPF (2)
- goal is to avoid modeling effort (check the real
program), or at least use a real programming
language for complex models - implies that the main challenge is scalability
- JPF uses a variety of scalability enhancing
mechanisms - user extensible state abstraction matching
- on-the-fly partial order reduction
- configurable search strategies "find the bug
before you run out of memory" - user definable heuristics (searches, choice
generators) - key issue is configurable extensibility overcome
scalability constraints with suitable
customization (using heuristics)
7Key Points
- Models can be infinite state
- Unbounded objects, threads,
- Depth-first state generation (explicit-state)
- Verification requires abstraction
- Handle full Java language
- but only for closed systems
- cannot directly handle native code
- no Input/output through GUIs, files, Networks,
- Must be modeled by java code instead
- Allows Nondeterministic Environments
- JPF traps special nondeterministic methods
- Checks for User-defined assertions, deadlock and
user-specified properties
8JPF Status
- developed at the Robust Software Engineering
Group at NASA Ames Research Center - currently in its fourth development cycle
- v1 Spin/Promela translator - 1999
- v2 backtrackable, state matching JVM - 2000
- v3 extension infrastructure (listeners, MJI) -
2004 - v4 symbolic execution, choice generators - 4Q
2005 - open sourced since 04/2005 under NOSA 1.3
license - its a first no NASA system development hosted
on public site before - 11100 downloads since publication 04/2005
9Getting and Installing JPF
- Getting JPF
- svn co https//svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/javapat
hfinder javapathfinder - Compiling JPF
- Go to the JPF root directory
- Type build-tools/bin/ant
- Compiles JPF
- Adding run-tests will also run the regression
tests - The Eclipse Route
- Get Eclipse 3.2
- www.eclipse.org
- Install Subclipse
- Goto Help Software Updates Find and Install
Select New Features - Type the following in the url field
http//subclipse.tigris.org/update_1.2.x - Follow the instructions
- Create a new SVN project by selecting Checkout
Projects from SVN - Create a new repository for https//svn.sourceforg
e.net/svnroot/javapathfinder - Select trunk
- It will automatically download and compile in
Eclipse - Hint
10How To Run JPF
- generally speaking like a VM (java
replacement) bin/jpf main class - BUT lots of configuration (classes) and
parameterization (booleans, integers etc.) - JPF is an open system
- need for flexible, extensible configuration
system - quite powerful, but can be somewhat confusing
11JPF Configuration
12Some Examples
- Remote Agent
- K9 Rover (real model, size)
13Remote Agent
- oldclassic.java
- Simplified version of the deadlock encountered in
the Remote Agent - Fixing oldclassic!
- Or rather trying to fix
14K9 Rover
- Executes flexible plans for autonomy
- branching on state / temporal conditions
- Multi-threaded system
- communication through shared variables
- synchronization through mutexes and condition
variables - Main functionality 8KLOC, C/JAVA
15Directory Structure
16Under the Hood - Toplevel Structure
- two major concepts Search and VM
- Search is the VM driver and Property evaluator
- VM is the state generator
17Under the Hood - Search
18Extending JPF - Listeners
- preferred way of extending JPF Listener
variant of the Observer pattern - keep extensions
out of the core classes - listeners can subscribe to Search and VM events
19Extending JPF - SearchListener
public interface SearchListener  / got the
next state /Â Â void stateAdvanced (Search
search) Â / state was backtracked one step
/ Â void stateBacktracked (Search search) Â Â /
a previously generated state was restored Â
 (can be on a completely different path)
/ Â void stateRestored (Search search) Â Â /
JPF encountered a property violation / Â void
propertyViolated (Search search) Â Â / we get
this after we enter the search loop, but BEFORE
the first forward / Â void searchStarted
(Search search) Â Â / there was some contraint
hit in the search, we back out could have been
turned into a property, but usually is an
attribute of the search, not the application /
void searchConstraintHit (Search search) Â Â /
we're done, either with or without a preceeding
error / Â void searchFinished (Search search)
20Extending JPF - VMListener
public interface VMListener   void
instructionExecuted (JVM vm) // VM has executed
next instruction  void threadStarted (JVM vm)
// new Thread entered run() method    void
threadTerminated (JVM vm) // Thread exited
run() method    void classLoaded (JVM vm)
// new class was loaded    void objectCreated
(JVM vm) // new object was
created    void objectReleased (JVM vm) //
object was garbage collected    void gcBegin
(JVM vm) // garbage collection mark
phase started    void gcEnd (JVM vm)
// garbage collection sweep phase
terminated    void exceptionThrown (JVM vm)
// exception was thrown   void nextChoice (JVM
vm) // choice generator returned new
21Extending JPF - Listener Example
public class HeapTracker
extends GenericProperty implements VMListener,
SearchListener class PathStat .. int
heapSize 0 .. // helper to store
additional state info PathStat stat new
PathStat() Stack pathStats new Stack()
public boolean check (JVM vm, Object arg)
// GenericProperty return (stat.heapSize maxHeapSizeLimit) public void
stateAdvanced (Search search) //
SearchListener if (search.isNewState()) ..
pathStats.push(stat) stat
(PathStat)stat.clone() .. public void
stateBacktracked (Search search) //
SearchListener .. if (!pathStats.isEmpty())
stat (PathStat) pathStats.pop() public
void objectCreated (JVM vm) .. //
VMListener ElementInfo ei
vm.getLastElementInfo() ..stat.heapSize
ei.getHeapSize() .. public void
objectReleased (JVM vm) //
VMListener ElementInfo ei
vm.getLastElementInfo() ..stat.heapSize -
ei.getHeapSize() .. ...
22Extending JPF - Listener Configuration
- listeners are usually configured, not hard coded
- per configuration file search.listener
MySearchListener vm.listener MyVMListener
jpf.listener MyCombinedListenerMySecondListener
... - per command line jpf ... jpf.listenerMyCom
binedListener ... - hard coded MyListener listener new
MyListener(..) .. Config config
JPF.createConfig( args) JPF jpf new JPF(
config) jpf. addSearchListener (listener)
jpf. addVMListener ( listener) jpf.run()
23Going Native - Model Java Interface
- JPF is a state-tracking JVM, running on top of a
general JVM - Java Native Interface (JNI) analogy execute one
level lower - Model Java Interface (MJI) execute in the host
VM that runs JPF itself
24MJI - Why?
- one obvious reason running native Java methods
in JPF(otherwise we couldnt run apps using
standard libraries, which have lots of native
methods) - specific use of native methods interface library
methods to JPF runtime system (e.g.
java.lang.Thread - ThreadInfo) - enables usage of specialized verification API in
app, interfacing to JPF functionality
int input gov.nasa.jpf.jvm.Verify.randomInt(10)
- but also useful for scalability reasons
- native methods can save state space
- native methods are executed atomically
- native methods execute much faster
- example java.io.RandomAccessFile
25MJI - Components
- Model class has native method declaration,
executed by JPF - NativePeer class native method implementation,
executed by JVM - MJIEnv native method calling context (to get
back to JPF)
26MJI - How
27MJI - Example
- application calls method to intercept ..
System.out.println(a message) - model class declares the method we want to
intercept (doesnt have to be native), is
executed by JPF public class PrintStream ..
.. public void println (String s) .. //
usually native method - native peer has the method implementation that
gets executed by host VM (not simulated by JPF)
class JPF_java_io_PrintStream .. public
static void println__Ljava_lang_String_2 (MJIEnv
env,int objRef,
int strRef)
0 getstatic 2 3 ldc 3 5 invokevirtual
28Scalability - Partial Order Reduction
- concurrency is major contributor to state space
explosion - reduction of thread interleavings is paramount
for scalability - JPF employs on-the-fly Partial Order Reduction
mechanism - leveled approach that makes use of JVM
instruction set and infrastructure (memory
management) - completely at runtime (on-the-fly)
29POR - Scheduling Relevance
30POR - Shared Objects
- to detect races, we have to identify read/write
access to objects that are visible from different
threads - expensive operation, BUT can piggyback on
garbage collection - two phase approach
- mark root set with thread id (statics are shared
by default) - traverse marked objects - if another thread id is
reached, mark as shared - problem GC based on reachability, not
accessibility - need to break on certain fields
31Choice Generator Motivation
32JPF Perspective
State consists of 2 main components, the state of
the JVM and the current and next choice
Generator (i.e. the objects encapsulating the
choice enumeration that produces new transitions)
Transition is the sequence of instructions that
leads from one state. There is no context
within a transition, it's all in the same thread.
There can be multiple transitions leading out of
one state
Choice is what starts a new transition. This can
be a different thread, i.e. scheduling choice,
or different random data value.
33Role of Choices
In other words, possible existence of Choices is
what terminates the last Transition, and
selection of a Choice value precedes the next
Transition. The first condition corresponds to
creating a new ChoiceGenerator, and letting the
SystemState know about it. The second
condition means to query the next choice value
from this ChoiceGenerator (either internally
within the JVM, or in an instruction or native
- JPF was built to be extended
- Architecture is such that the core classes can be
left alone when doing an extension - Add code to the extensions directory that
follows the same layout as the core classes
Numeric Extension to check for errors such as
Overflow Most of this extension was provided by
Aleksandar Milicevic and Sasa Misailovic from UIUC
35Regression Tests with JUnit
36JUnit Example
package gov.nasa.jpf.mc import
org.junit.Test import org.junit.runner.JUnitCore
import gov.nasa.jpf.jvm.TestJPF public class
TestOldClassicJPF extends TestJPF static
final String TEST_CLASS "gov.nasa.jpf.mc.oldclas
sic" public static void main (String args)
icJPF") _at_Test public void testDFSearch ()
String args TEST_CLASS
runJPFDeadlock(args) _at_Test public void
testBFSHeuristic () String args
uristicSearch", "search.heuristic.classg
TEST_CLASS runJPFDeadlock(args)
- Extends junit.Assert
- Interface methods
- runJPFDeadlock(args)
- Expects a deadlock
- runJPFassertionError(args)
- Expects an assertion violation
- runJPFnoAssertionError(args)
- Dont want to see an assertion violation
- runJPFException(args)
- Expects an exception
- runJPFnoException(args)
- Dont want to see an exception
38More Examples
- Stoned Hippies
- Regular version
- Using MJI
- Using a Listener
- Race Detection
- A more sophisticated use of a Listener
- Numeric Extensions
- With Junit integration
- Partial Trace Analysis
- Recording a path and then re-analyze from the end
of the path
39Stoned Hippies
40Stoned Hippies
41Stoned Hippies
42Stoned Hippies
43Stoned Hippies
44Symbolic Execution
- Explicit-state model checking cannot handle large
data domains - Want to generate test cases for systems that
manipulate complex data structures
Collaborators Corina Pasareanu Sarfraz
Khurshid Saswat Anand
45Concrete Execution Path (example)
x 1, y 0 1 ? 0 x 1 0 1 y 1 0 1 x
1 1 0 0 1 ? 0
int x, y if (x y) x x y y x
y x x y if (x y 0)
46Symbolic Execution Tree (example)
x X, y Y
int x, y if (x y) x x y y x
y x x y if (x y 0)
class Node int elemNode nextNode
swapNode() if (next ! null) if
(elem next.elem) Node t next
next t.next t.next
this return t return
48Challenges in Generalizing Symbolic Execution
- how to handle fields in dynamic structures?
- how to handle aliasing?
- how to generate tests?
- satisfy criteria
- satisfy precondition
- are inequivalent
49Generalized Symbolic Execution
- model checker generates and explores symbolic
execution tree - non-determinism handles aliasing
- explore different heap configurations explicitly
- concurrency
- off-the-shelf decision procedures check path
conditions - lazy initialization
- initializes programs inputs on an as-needed
basis - no a priori bound on input sizes
- preconditions to initialize inputs only with
valid values
50Algorithm (lazy initialization)
- to symbolically execute a method
- create input objects with uninitialized fields
- execute!
- follow mainly Java semantics
- initialize fields as-required
- add constraints to path condition
51Algorithm (aliasing)
- when method execution accesses field fif (f is
uninitialized) if (f is reference field of
type T) non-deterministically
initialize f to ? null ? a new
object of class T (with uninitialized fields)
? an object created during prior field
initialization (alias) if (f is
numeric/string field) initialize f to a
new symbolic value
52Algorithm (illustration)
consider executingnext t.next
53Implementation via Instrumentation
decision procedure
continue/ backtrack
program instrumentation
instrumented program
model checking
original program
correctness specification
counterexample(s)/test suite heapconstraintthre
ad scheduling
54Testing with Symbolic Execution
- Focus on programs that manipulate complex data
- Java container classes, e.g. java.util.TreeMap
- Black box test input generation
- Using structural invariants
- Using API calls
- With symbolic data, i.e. kind-of gray-box
- White box
- Completely symbolic execution over structures
55Red-Black Trees
Self-balancing Binary Search Trees Java TreeMap
repOk() conditions (1)-(5)
(1) The root is BLACK
(3) All paths from a node to its leaves contain
the same number of black nodes.
(2) Red nodes can only have black children
(4) Acyclic (5) Consistent Parents
56repOk() Fragment
boolean repOk(Entry e) // root has no parent,
root is black, // RedHasOnlyBlackChildren
workList new LinkedList() workList.add(e)
while (!workList.isEmpty()) Entry
current(Entry)workList.removeFirst() Entry
cl current.left Entry cr current.right
if (current.color RED) if(cl !
null cl.color RED) return false
if(cr ! null cr.color RED) return false
if (cl ! null) workList.add(cl) if
(cr ! null) workList.add(cr) // equal
number of black nodes on left and right
sub-tree return true
57Black-box TIG Symbolic Execution
- Symbolic execution of repOk()
- Generate new structures only when repOk() returns
true - Limit the size of the structures generated
- Only correct structures will be generated
- repOk() returns true after all nodes in the tree
have been visited, hence they must all be
concrete - symbolic (partial) structures can fail repOk()
- Similar to Korat
- Not based on symbolic execution
- Cannot deal with constraints on primitive data
- Korat uses custom algorithms and is much faster
58Symbolic Execution of repOk() Example
public static boolean repOk() if (root
null) return true if (root.color
RED) return false
59White-box TIG Symbolic Execution
- Consider code coverage criterion when generating
test inputs - Use repOk() as a precondition during symbolic
execution of source code
60repOk() x 2abstract and concrete
During Lazy Initialization check Abstract repOk()
Symbolic Execution of Code
Concretize inputs by symbolic execution of
Concrete repOk() over symbolic structures - as
with Black-box TIG -
When coverage is achieved, solve the symbolic
constraints to create concrete inputs
61Abstract repOk()
- Eliminate symbolic structures that cannot be
converted to a concrete structure that satisfy
repOk() - Can accept symbolic structures that could lead to
illegal concrete structures, i.e. it is
conservative - Abstract RepOk() can return TRUE, FALSE or Dont
Know - if FALSE, eliminate structure
- if TRUE or Dont Know, continue ...
- Example (2) Red nodes have only black children.
Dont Know
62White-box TIG cover branches in
deleteEntry(Entry p)
/ precondition p.repOk() / private void
deleteEntry(Entry p) if (p.left ! null
p.right ! null) Entry s successor(p)
swapPosition(s, p) Entry replacement
(p.left ! null ? p.left p.right) if
(replacement ! null) replacement.parent
p.parent if (p.parent null) root
replacement else if (p p.parent.left)
p.parent.left replacement else
p.parent.right replacement p.left
p.right p.parent null if (p.color
BLACK) fixAfterDeletion(replacement) ...
63Symbolic Execution for white-box TIG
64API Based Testing
ENV (m,n) m is the seq. length of API calls n
is the number of values used in the parameters
of the calls
API put(v) del(v)
Evaluate different techniques for
selecting test-cases from ENV(m,n) to obtain
maximum coverage
SUT with minor instrumentation
Abstraction Mapping State Storage
Coverage Manager
66Environment Skeleton
M sequence length N parameter values A
abstraction used for (int i 0 i int x Verify.random(N - 1) switch
(Verify.random(1)) case 0 put(x)
break case 1 remove(x) break
67Symbolic Environment Skeleton
M sequence length A abstraction used for
(int i 0 i new SymbolicInteger(Xi) switch
(Verify.random(1)) case 0 put(x)
break case 1 remove(x) break
68Sample Output
Branch Number
Predicate Values
Unique ID for the test
Test case number 77 for '15,LRP-REDroot'
Test-case to achieve above coverage
Test case number 7 for '32,L-R-PRED'
Test case number 7 for '32,L-R-PRED' X2(0)
X1(0) X2(0) X0(1) put(X0)put(X1)remove(X2)
Path Condition with solutions
Symbolic TC
69Subsumption Checking
x1 x2 x2 x3 x2 x1
x1 x2 x2 x3 x2 x1
If only it was this simple!
70Existential Elimination
PC s1 s3 s4 s2 s7 s1
? s1,s2,s3,s4,s5 such that x1 s1 x2 s4
x3 s3 x4 s5 x5 s2 PC
x1 x2 x2 x3 x2 x1
71Results from ISSTA 2006 Paper
- We compared the following techniques (1st 3 are
exhaustive last 2 lossy) - Traditional Model Checking
- Model Checking using Symmetry Reductions
- Symbolic Execution
- Model Checking using Abstract Matching on the
shape of the containers - Random Testing
- Using the following container classes
- Binary Tree
- Fibonacci Heap
- Binomial Heap
- Tree Map
- In how well they achieve
- Statement coverage
- Predicate coverage
- As we increase the length of the sequence of API
calls - For the concrete cases we also increase the
number of parameters to be the same as the API
calls - We found the following general result
- Traditional Model Checking failed on all but the
most trivial tasks (i.e. statement coverage) - Model Checking with Symmetry reductions worked
much better here (scaled to much larger sequence
See examples/issta2006 folder under the SVN
repository to reproduce the experiments
72Symbolic Execution Demo
- Start by Running Saswat Anands symbolic
instrumenter on the SwapValues.java File - Then run it through JPF using symbolic execution
- We will use CVC-Lite as a decision since it is
the only decision procedure that currently
compiles under Windows!
73JPF Symbolic Execution - BEFORE
Omega Interface
Omega Java Version
74JPF Symbolic Execution - NOW
Collaborator Saswat Anand
Generic Decision Procedure Interface
Omega Maryland
CVCLite Stanford
Yices SRI
STP Stanford
75Communication Methods
- Issue
- JPF and the Interface code is in Java
- Decision procedures are not in Java, mainly C/C
code - Various different ways of communication
- Native
- Using JNI to call the code directly
- Pipe
- Start a process and pipe the formulas and results
back and forth - Files
- Same as Pipe but now use files as communication
76Optimization using Tables
JPF State Path Condition pc100
JPF State Path Condition X Y Z X
- Outside JPF
- Table of PCs
- X Y
- Z X
- X Y Z X
77Optimization Run DPs incrementally
- Some decision procedures support running in a
incremental mode where you do not have to send
the whole formula at a time but just what was
added and/or removed. - CVCLite
- Yices
78Decision Procedure Options
- symbolic.dp
- omega.file
- omega.pipe
- omega.native
- omega.native.inc
- inc - with table optimization
- yices.native
- yices.native.inc
- yices.native.incsolve
- incsolve - Table optimization and incremental
solving - cvcl.file
- cvcl.pipe
- cvcl.native
- cvcl.native.inc
- cvcl.native.incsolve
- stp.native
- If using File or Pipe one must also set
- Symbolic..exe to the executable binary for
the DP - For the rest one must set LD_LIBRARY_PATH to
where the DP libraries are stored
79Results TCAS
80Results TreeMap
STP took 1 hour
81State Matching in JPF
VM State Matchable Restorable
Stored State (hashed) Matchable
Collaborator Peter Dillinger
82Old Architecture
83New Architecture
84Old Scheme in the New Architecture
int set
85New Architecture
This is the default setting for JPF at the
moment vm.backtracker.class gov.nasa.jpf.jvm.De
faultBacktracker vm.restorer.class
gov.nasa.jpf.jvm.CollapsingRestorer vm.serializer.
class gov.nasa.jpf.filter.FilteringSerializer vm
.storage.class gov.nasa.jpf.jvm.JenkinsStateSet
- By default captures the fundamental VM state
- i.e. with all known unnecessary information
removed - Can also ignore fields based on annotations
- _at_FilterField(condition"foo") static int mods
0 - Filters the field if the condition is true, the
condition statement is optional - Does garbage collection after erasing/filtering
fields - Does heap canonicalization to give (heap)
symmetry reductions - By default it eliminates fields like modCount
from the java.util classes - Otherwise even the most trivial example will have
an infinite state space - See the ModCount.java demo
- Can easily specify shape abstractions by
filtering out all non-reference fields from an
object - This will allow automatically doing the ISSTA
2006 shape abstraction
87New Architecture Revisited - Abstraction
This is the setting for the above
configuration vm.backtracker.class
gov.nasa.jpf.jvm.DefaultBacktracker vm.restorer.cl
ass gov.nasa.jpf.jvm.CollapsingRestorer vm.seria
lizer.class gov.nasa.jpf.abstraction.abstracting
Serializer vm.storage.class gov.nasa.jpf.jvm.Jen
- First does FilteringSerializer
- Also gives the ability to specify abstractions
that are not just deleting part of the state
(what FilteringSerializer does) - The parts of the VM state is converted to an
abstract state graph node - Graph based abstractions can then be performed
- Other examples include
- Rounding floating point to the nearest 0.001
- Include only difference of two variables
- Ignore ordering of values
- Adds support for sets modulo permutations, which
is currently only used for specifying the set of
threads - i.e. this now gives thread symmetry reductions
- K9 revisited
- Filtering visits many less states
- Abstraction doesnt give anything here since
there is no thread symmetry to exploit - ModCount example
- Infinite state without filtering
- Dining Philosophers
- Regular setup cannot go beyond 5 philosophers
- Abstraction is better than Filtering here, but
takes longer - There is a lot of thread symmetries here to
exploit - Filtering Fields
- Show the effect of removing fields through
90User-Interface Model Checking
- Extension to JPF to deal with UIs directly
- See extensions/ui directory
- Deals with swing and awt
- New JPF front-end for querying a UI to find its
structure - Allows the scripting of nondeterministic
executions using the structure of the UI - Very simple language right now but will be
extended in the future - This is work in progress, but it has been able to
find a serious problem in a prototype launch
sequencer to be used in the launch vehicle for
the ARES project (going back to the Moon and on
to Mars) - TestMe demo
- Run TestMe by itself and see if you can find a
bug! - Then run UIInspector on it
- JPF finds the bug
- Replays it on the real UI for TestMe
Collaborator Peter Mehlitz
91Something Completely Different
- Well, maybe not completely
- We developed a new static analysis tool for Java
over the summer - Aaron Tomb (USC) did all the hard work
- Problem we were addressing
- Static analyzers for finding defects are now
popular tools, even commercial successes - Coverity and KlockWork to name two
- But once they find a possible how do you know it
is a real bug - When we find a possible bug we want an input that
will lead us to the bug - Existing tools didnt give us a hook into the
internals to allow enough information to create
such an input - We developed a new tool based on symbolic
execution to do it - Hooked it into SOOT
- Used CVCLite as a decision procedure
- Once a constraint on the inputs is found that
leads to a possible bug, we solve the constraints
with POOC and run the code with those inputs - Highly customizable
- Allows intra- or inter-procedural analysis
- Heuristics for finding array bounds exceptions
- Etc.
- Again work in progress, but has found real NASA
Collaborator Aaron Tomb