Title: Model Checking with SPIN LTL Properties
1Model Checking with SPINLTL Properties
- by
- Wishnu Prasetya wishnu_at_cs.uu.nl
- www.cs.uu.nl/docs/vakken/pv
- This pack
- Briefly about SPIN
- Abstract model of programs
- Temporal properties
- Verification (via model checking) algorithm
- Concurency
- Further ahead
- More about SPIN
- Allows you to
- model a concurrent program
- express temporal properties you expect from it
- verify the model. Fully automatic!
- Concurrency is a hot area again, with the
multi-cores coming... - Or a bit more innovative applications
- AnWeb a system for automatic support to web
application verification, Di Sciascio et al, in
14th conf. on Soft. Eng. and knowledge eng.,
2002. - Privacy and Contextual Integrity Framework and
Applications, Barth et al, in IEEE Symposium on
Security and Privacy, 2006.
4Some SPIN examples
byte x 1
active proctype P2 () x--
active proctype P1 () x assert
5Some SPIN examples
chan c 0 of byte
active proctype S () byte x do
x c!x od
active proctype R () byte y do
c?y od
E.g. you may want to verify whether this system
wont deadlock. But how to express this!?
6Frontend XSpin
view edit () model
Messages sequence viewer (from simulator)
specification editor
7Abstract Model
- Well temporarily back off from concrete SPIN
level, and look instead at a more abstract view
on the problem. - We will model a program as a finite automaton.
- We are more interested in run-time properties
(as opposed to e.g. Hoare triples) - Whenever R receives, the value it receives is
never 0. - SR wont deadlock.
- Called temporal properties
- An automata-theoretic approach to automatic
program verification, by Vardi and Wolper. 1st
IEEE Symp. on Logic in Comp. Science, 1986. - On nested depth-first search, by Holzmann et al,
1996 - Linked from PV site.
- Acknowledgement some parts of the slides are
taken from Luciano Serafinis course on Logics
for Knowledge Representation and Reasoning,
Trentino, Italy.
9Kripke Structure
- A finite automaton, represented by a tuple ( S,
s0, R, V ) - S finite set of states
- s0 initial state
- R S ? 2S transition relation R s N ? N
is the set of possible next state from s - V S ? Prop
- No explicit terminal states. States with no
successor can be thought as terminal.
Represented by (S, s0, R, V) where S
0,1 s0 0 R such that R 0
0,1 R 1 1 V ...
0 x -1
1 x 1
A computation (execution) a sequence u of
states, such that u0 s0, and ui1 ? R ui.
Basically, a path through the automaton.
- Actual state of a program is too verbose (we
dont want to care about e.g. content of various
registers and stacks). - State from programmers view the values of the
programs variables at a given point. - How the actual SPIN implementation operates.
- But abstractly, we may not be interested in all
variables... - State, very abstractly just an integer. We can
still distinguish one state from another, but we
lose all info about program variables. - Too abstract.
12Abstract state
- For now lets opt for an abstract notion of states
in our automata, e.g. integer. - But we provide a set Prop of relevant
propositions we want to observe on our states. - The function V specifies how to interpret the
propositions on each state V s p0, p1, ...
Also called atomic propositions.
The set of propositions which are true on the
state s.
If we take Prop x-1, x1 V 0
x-1 V 1 x1
x -1
But we can also take Prop isOdd x, xgt0
V 0 isOdd x V 1 isOdd x, xgt0
x 1
14Computation / Execution
- Well tweak our notion of computation a bit.
- Computation is an infinite sequence ? just to
simplify the formal treatment later. - Each computation induces an abstract
computation, which is a sequence of subsets of
Prop which are true on the corresponding
states.So, if u is a computation, the abstract
computation ? it induces is
Hey, an abstract computation is an infinite
sentence over 2Prop.
V(u0) , V(u1) , V(u2) , ...
x -1
Prop isOdd x, xgt0 V 0 isOdd x
V 1 isOdd x, xgt0
x 1
Computation 0, 0, 1, 1, ...
Induce abs-comp isOdd x , isOdd x, isOdd
x, xgt0, isOdd x, xgt0 , ...
- Recall that we want to express run-time
properties ? well use temporal properties from
Linear Temporal Logic (LTL) - Originally designed by philosophers to study the
way that time is used in natural language
arguments ?Based on a number of operators to
express relation over time - Brought to Computer Science by Pnueli, 1977.
- X next
- always
- ltgt eventually
- U until
17Informal meaning
f // always f ltgt f // eventually
f X f // next f f U r //
until f R r // releases
chan c 0 of byte
active proctype S () byte x do
x c!x od
active proctype R () byte y do
c?y od
ltgt x0 indirectly implies absence of deadlock.
(x0 ? X(x1)) Not valid.
19Very expressive!
- ( p ? ltgtq ) // whenever p
holds, eventually q will hold - p U ( q U r )
- ltgt p //
eventually stabilizing to p
20Now formally...
- Syntax
- ? p // atomic proposition from
Prop - ?? ? /\ ? X ?
? U ? - Derived operators
- ? \/ ? ?(?? /\ ??)
- ? ? ? ?? \/ ?
- Interpreted over computations.
21Defining the meaning of temporal formulas
- First well define the meaning wrt to a single
abstract computation - ?,i ? ? holds on the sufix ?i..?
- ? ? ? holds on the entire ? ? ?
?,0 ? - If P is a Kripke structure,P ? ? holds
on all computations of PP ? (??
? is a comp. of P ? ? )
- Let ? be an (abstract) computation.
- ?,i p p ? ?(i) // p ? Prop
- ?,i ?? ? (?,i ?)
- ?,i ?/\? ?,i ? and ?,i
? - ?,i X? ?,i1 ?
- ?,i ? U ? there is a j?i such that ?,i
?, and for all h, i?hltj, ?,i
isOdd x
isOdd x , xgt0
Consider abs-comp ? isOdd x , isOdd x,
isOdd x, xgt0, isOdd x, xgt0 , ...
? isOdd x U xgt0
However, this is not a valid property of the
24Derived temporal operators
- ltgt? true U ?
- ? ?ltgt??
- ? unless ? ? \/ (? U ?)
Also known as weak untill ? W ? Almost
similar to release ? R ?
25Past operators
- previous?,i Y? igt0 and ?,i-1 ?
- since ?,i ? S ? there is a j, 0?j?i
and ?,j ?, and for all k, jltk?j, ?,k
?. - Unfortunately, not supported by SPIN.
26Ok, so how can I verify P ? ?
- Prove it by hand? Expensive.
- Use computer to check all possibilities.
- Problem we defined the meaning of temporal
properties in terms of all computations of P. - Even a small program may have infinitely many
computations. - Even checking if ? holds on a single computation
is problematical, because the computation is
27Borrowing ideas from language theory
- Let P be a program, represented by a Kripke
structure. - Recall that a computation of P induces an
abstract computation, which can be seen as an
infinite sentence over 2Prop ?. - View P as a sentences generator. Define
L(P) ? ? is an abs-comp of P
the sentences over 2Prop generated by P
28Representing ? to an automaton
- Let ? be the temporal formula we want to verify.
- Suppose we can find an automaton A? that
accepts exactly those infinite sentences over
2Prop where ? holds. - Define
L(A?) the set of sentences accepted by A?
So L(A?) ? ? ?
29Re-express the problem as a language problem
- Well, P ? iff
- There is no ??L(P) which will violate ?.
- In other words, there is no ??L(P) that will be
accepted by L(A??). - So
P ? iff L(P) ? L(A??) ?
30Buchi Automaton
- A Buchi automaton is represented by a tuple ( ?
, Q , ? , I , F ) - Q set of states
- ? set of labels of the transitions
- ? Q???2S transition relation
- I ? Q set of initial states
- F ? Q set of acceptance states
Represented by (?,Q,?,I,F) where ? a,
b Q q1, q2 I q1 F
q1 ? (q1,a) q1 ? (q1,b) q2
? (q2,a) q1 ? (q2,b) q2
32Automaton for accepting sentences
- A (finite) sentence ? is accepted by A if it
induces a path over A, starting in an initial
state, ending in a final state.E.g. in the A
on the right, aba and aa is accepted bb
is not accepted. - But this is for finite sentences, we need a bit
different accepting criterion for infinite
33Acceptance criterion for Buchi
- Let A (?,Q,?,I,F) be a Buchi automaton.
- A sentence is a sequence over ?. // labels of
arrows - Were interested in infinite sentences.
- Let ? be an infinite sequence. A run over ? is a
sequence ? of states, such that ?0?I and
?i1 ? ?(?i , ?i )
A run ? is accepting if there is an accepting
state f?F that occurs infinitely many often in ?.
34Acceptance criterion for Buchi
- An (infinite) sentence ? is accepted by A if it
has an accepting run over it. - The language of A is just the set of sentences
accepted by it L(A) ? ? is accepted
by A
- abab ? not an infinite sentence
- ababab ? accepted
- abbbb ? not accepted!
36Expressing temporal formulas as Buchis
The key idea is to use 2Prop as the ?. So, each
arrow-label is a subset of Prop. Note that such a
Buchi will accept infinite sentences over 2Prop
! Example ?Xp ( X?p)
Indirectly saying that p is false.
Well take Prop p
We can drop this, since we only need to (fully)
cover accepted sentences.
37Adding some helpful notations
?Xp, using Prop p
So we have 4 subsets.
Stands for all subsets of Prop that do not
contain p thus implying p does not hold.
?Xp, using Prop p,q
Stands for all subsets of Prop that contain p
thus implying p holds.
Formula p U q
Formula p U ?Xq
Formula ?(p U q)
- You can drop the else part any sentence that
follow it are not accepted anyway. - The automaton is incorrect ? ? exercise.
?(? U ?) ?? unless ?? /\ ?? ?(?
unless ?) ?? U ?? /\ ??
40Always and Eventually
41Systematic construction
- How about formulas like (Xp) U q (p U q) U
rTheir Buchi is not trivial to construct. - Still, any LTL formula can be converted to a
Buchi. SPIN implements an automated conversion
algorithm unfortunately it is quite complicated.
42Check list
P ? iff L(P) ? L(A??) ?
- How to construct A?? ?? ? Buchi ?
- We still have a mismatch, because P is a Kripke
structure! - Fortunately, we can easily convert it to a Buchi.
- We still have to construct the intersection.
- We still to figure out a way to check emptiness.
43Converting Kripke to Buchi
- Let ( S, s0, R, V ) be a Kripke structure, we
convert it to this Buchi (2Prop, S , s0 , ?
, S ) t ? ? (s,Z) iff t ? R s and Z
V s
Entire S as the accepting states so that any
infinite computation is accepted by this Buchi.
isOdd x
isOdd x , xgt0
isOdd x
isOdd x
isOdd x, xgt0
45Computing intersection
- Rather than directly checking L(AP) ? L(A??)
?We check L(AP ? A??) ?
The Buchi version of Kripke P ?
So we need to figure out how to construct this
intersection of two Buchis.Computation over this
intersection is also called a lock-step
46Constructing Intersection, example
p isOdd xq xgt0
Ap ? A?ltgtq
47Intersection, formally
- Let M and A be Buchis over the same alphabet ?
furthermore all states of M are accepting M
(?, Q1, ?1, I, Q1) A (?, Q2, ?2, J, G) - M ? A (?, Q1?Q2, ? , I?J , Q1?G ) (s,t)
? ? ((s,t), a) iff s ? ?1 s and t ? ?2
- So it comes down to checking L(AP ? A??)
? - Sufficient to have an algorithm to check if L(C)
?, for some Buchi automaton C! - So, it comes down to a cycle finding in a finite
graph! Can be done in finite time.
L(C) ? ? iff there is a finite path from the
initial state of C, leading to an accepting state
f , followed by a cycle back to f
Moreover, when such a pathcycle is found, this
is also your counter example!
49Cycle detection
- Let C AP ? A?? , we want to check if C is
non-empty. - Approach 1
- Calculate all strongly connected component (SCCs)
of C, each has at least one accepting state. - Check if there is an SCC reachable from Cs
initial state. - Requires full graph of P to start (thus full
state space).
50Cycle detection
- Approach 2 using (double) depth-first
- state space can be constructed on-the-fly
- is used by SPIN
if assertionError(s) then report
dfs(s) add s to Statespace for
(t ? suc(s) ) if ? t ? Statespace
then dfs(t)
(?a t ? ?(s,a))
This is just a base algorithm. It wont find
cycles but it can generate Cs state space. We
can use it to check assertions.
Simulating DFS
Stack is used to maintain the current path
leading to the current node so that when error
is found, you can report this execution path.
52SPINs Double DFS
dfs(s) if error(s) then report add
(s,0) to Statespace for (t ? suc(s) )
if ? (t,0) ? Statespace then dfs(t) if
isAccepting s then seed s ndfs(s)
ndfs(s) // the nested dfs add (s,1) to
Statespace for (t ? suc(s) ) if
? (t,1) ? Statespace then
ndfs(t) else if sseed
then report cycle
Or if s?stack of the outer dfs
When 2nd dsf finds a node in the stack of outer
dfs, this implies an accepting cycle.
Simulating nested DFS
Finding a reachable accepting cycle! Error.
54On-the-fly generation
- In SPIN we dont actually have AP ? A?? in the
memory - This would imply that we already have generated
the full state space ? we can do better. - We have
- P , operating on concrete states (instead of a
Kripke structure) - The automaton A??, in a slightly different
form, but quite close to Buchi. - We wont actually construct the automaton have
AP ? A?? .
55On-the-fly generation
This generates the state space on the fly.
dfs(s) if error(s) then report add
(s,0) to Statespace for (t ? suc(s) )
if ? (t,0) ? Statespace then dfs(t) if
isAccepting s then seed s ndfs(s)
s, and t are states of combined automaton AP ?
A?? so they are pairs s (s1, s2) and
t (t1, t2) Replace the check t ? suc(s)
with (?? ? is an action of P, enabled in
s1 t1? ? s1) and (?a (?f?a f
holds in s1) and (?f?P/a ?f hold in s1) t2 ?
A?? t1)
- Consider
- How does a concurrent execution of P and Q
proceed?? - Depend on the underlying runtime system
- We will assume an interleaving execution model
- More abstract ? simplify formal treatment
- Put a constraint on the runtime system
x is initially 0
P x x
Q print x
57Interleaving model
- A system consists of a set of interacting and
concurrent processes. - For simplicity, each process is sequential (no
nested concurrency). - Abstractly we can think each process sequentially
execute actions, and each action is assumed to
be terminating and atomic. - Under this view, concurrent executions (of the
processes) can be modeled by sequential but
interleaving executions of the underlying actions.
58Interleaving model
print x
- What statement can be executed atomically depends
on the runtime system - x usually no problem
- xgt0 ? yx ok, if we can lock both x and y
- 0?S ? foundtrue not possible if S cant be
locked may not be preferred, even if S
can be locked.
60Incorporating interleaved execution in SPIN
dfs(s) add (s,0) to Statespace
for (t ? suc(s) ) if ? (t,0) ? Statespace
then dfs(t)
Now quantify over all actions of all processes,
which are enabled in s1. States like s1 are now
system states.
Represent s and t as pairs s (s1, s2) and
t (t1, t2) Replace the check t ? suc(s)
with (?? ? is an action of P, enabled in
s1 t1? ? s1) and (?a (?f?a f
holds in s1) and (?f?P/a ?f hold in s1) t2 ?
A?? t1)
- Consider this concurrent system Is it
possible that print x is ignored forever? - The runtime system determines which fairness
assumption is reasonable - No fairness
- Weak fairness an action cannot be forever
enabled and forever ignored. - Strong fairness an action cannot be infinitely
often enabled and forever ignored. - There are other variations
- A fair execution an execution respecting the
assumed fairness condition.
P do x od
Q xgt10 ? print x
62Fairness in SPIN
Is it possible that P is continually ignored?
SPINs default is yes. However we can impose
process level weak fairnessWhen a process is
continually enabled (it has at least one runnable
action), it will eventually be executed. More
elaborate fairness assumptions can be encoded an
LTL formulas.
active proctype P () do (xlt3) -gt
x (x3) -gt Lab0 x0 (xgt0)
-gt Lab1 yx od active proctype Q ()
- ((ltgt x3) ? ltgtP_at_lab0)
- ltgtxgt0 ? ltgtP_at_lab1
But gives additional overhead to verification.
63Closing remarks
- The application of this technique is not limited
to SPIN! - Java PathFinder ? a model checker for Java
- Java PathExplorer
- Can be integrated to automated testing
- Excellent experimentation project try this on
our home grown T2 tool