Title: Test Input Generation with Java PathFinder
1Test Input Generation with Java PathFinder
- Author Willem Visser, Corina S. Pasareanu,
and Sarfraz Khurshid (ISSTA 2004) - Presented by Jongbhin Park
- University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
- Some slides from Willem Visser
2Test input generation
- Test input generation for code that manipulates
complex data structures is not easy (Java
TreeMap) - Test Input generation technique
- Strait model checking
- model checking used in a black-box test input
generation - model checking used in during white-box test
input generation - Contribution to show how efficient white-box
test input generation can be done for code
manipulating complex data
3Red-Black Tree (for case study)
Self-balancing Binary Search Trees Java TreeMap
repOk() conditions (1)-(4)
(2) The root is BLACK
(4) All paths from a node to its leaves contain
the same number of black nodes.
(3) If a node is red, then both its children are
(1) Every node is either red or black
4Test input generation for treemap My experience
- Statement coverage is just 2 for testing TreeMap
library using AgitarOne. Vendor declare 80 code
coverage or better - (AgitarOne is a commercial tool for automated
test case generation tool ) - Test cases for put and remove method generated by
public void testPut() throws Throwable
TreeMap treeMap new TreeMap() Integer
key new Integer(-100) Object result
treeMap.put(key, key) assertEquals("treeM
ap.size()", 1, treeMap.size())
assert something public void
testRemove() throws Throwable Object
result new TreeMap().remove("")
assertNull("result", result)
Simple Test Input
Just Once
5Java PathFinder
- explicit state model checker for Java bytecode
6Symbolic Execution
- Using symbolic values, instead of actual data
- representing the values of program variables as
symbolic expressions - As a result, the outputs computed by a program
are expressed as a function of the symbolic inputs
7Symbolic Execution Tree
x 1, y 0 1 gt? 0 x 1 0 1 y 1 0 1 x
1 1 0 0 1 gt? 0
Concrete Execution
Symbolic Execution Tree
8Generalized Symbolic Execution
- model checker generates and explores symbolic
execution tree - off-the-shelf decision procedures check path
conditions - Lazy Initialization
- it initializes the components of the method
inputs on an as needed, on demand basis - Conservative Precondition
- For evaluating partially initialized structures
- Returning false only if the initialized fields of
the input structure violate a constraint in the
9Case Study
- What to test
- Class java.util.TeeMap
- Method Some helper method for put and remove
- repOK class invariant
- Checks if the input is red-black tree
- Returns true for valid structures, otherwise
false - assume this definition can be encoded as a Java
predicate, called repOk()
10Test Input Generation for Complex Structures
- Test adequacy measured by branch coverage
- Model Checking and Symbolic Execution
- Black-box over repOk()
- White-box over implementation code
11Testing by Model Checking
- Encode environment of code under test as a
nondeterministic program and model check - Testing for TreeMap methods
public static int N 5 public static
TreeMap t new TreeMap() public static
Integer elems static elems new
IntegerN public static void main(String
args) while (true) if
(Verify.randomBool()) t.put(elemsVerify.
random(N-1)) else
analyzing all sequences of put and remove calls
on a set with maximally N elements
12Black-box TIG Symbolic Execution
- Symbolic execution of repOk()
- Generate new structures only when repOk() returns
true - Limit the size of the structures generated
- Only correct structures will be generated
- repOk() returns true after all nodes in the tree
have been visited, hence they must all be
concrete - symbolic (partial) structures can fail repOk()
13White-box TIGSymbolic Execution
- Consider code coverage criterion when generating
test inputs - Use conservative repOk as a precondition during
symbolic execution of source code - Use repOk to concretize input
14repOk() x 2abstract and concrete
During Lazy Initialization check conservative
Symbolic Execution of Code
Concretize inputs by symbolic execution of
(Concrete ) repOk() over symbolic structures -
as with Black-box TIG -
When coverage is achieved, solve the symbolic
constraints to create concrete inputs
Conservative repOk() Symbolic Structure
true,false,dont know
Concrete repOk() Symbolic Structure
Concrete Structure
15Conservative repOk()
- Eliminate symbolic structures that cannot be
converted to a concrete structure that satisfy
repOk() - Can accept symbolic structures that could lead to
illegal concrete structures, i.e. it is
conservative - Conservative repOk() can return TRUE, FALSE or
Dont Know - if FALSE, eliminate structure
- if TRUE or Dont Know, continue ...
- Example (2) Red nodes have only black children.
Dont Know
16White-box TIG cover branches in
deleteEntry(Entry p)
/ precondition p.repOk() / private void
deleteEntry(Entry p) if (p.left ! null
p.right ! null) Entry s successor(p)
swapPosition(s, p) Entry replacement
(p.left ! null ? p.left p.right) if
(replacement ! null) replacement.parent
p.parent if (p.parent null) root
replacement else if (p p.parent.left)
p.parent.left replacement else
p.parent.right replacement p.left
p.right p.parent null if (p.color
BLACK) fixAfterDeletion(replacement) ...
17Symbolic Execution for white-box TIG
18Experimental Results
- Three helper method (called by put or remove
method) - deleteEntry(del)-Optimal BC(branch coverage) 86
- fixAfterDeletetion(fixD)-Optimal BC 100
- fixAfterInsertion(fixI) 88
- All results were obtained using the JPF model
19Model Checking
20Black Box
Showed how to use symbolic execution and method
preconditions to do efficient black- and
white-box test input generation for code
manipulating complex data
- Current limitations
- Code instrumentation for symbolic execution by
hand - Cannot detect dead-code
- Need to deal with loops
23JPF Status
- developed at the Robust Software Engineering
Group at NASA Ames Research Center - currently in its fourth development cycle
- v1 Spin/Promela translator - 1999
- v2 backtrackable, state matching JVM - 2000
- v3 extension infrastructure (listeners, MJI) -
2004 - v4 symbolic execution, choice generators - 4Q
2005 - open sourced since 04/2005 under NOSA 1.3
licenseltjavapathfinder.sourceforge.netgt - its a first no NASA system development hosted
on public site before - 11100 downloads since publication 04/2005
24Getting and Running JPF
- Getting JPF
- svn co https//svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/javapat
hfinder - Compiling JPF
- Running JPF generally speaking like a VM
(java replacement) - The Eclipse
- Using Subclipse
- Or import downloaded JPF
25Sample Output (TreeMap)