Title: Model Checking Multithreaded C Code with SPIN
1 Model Checking Multithreaded C Code with
SPIN Anna Zaks Rajeev Joshi SPIN
2008 10 August, Los Angeles, USA
2The Goal Check Multithreaded C Code
/ Peterson's algorithm (adapted from Wikipedia)?
/ static int sh_f0, sh_f1, sh_last void
run_thread0 () struct pa_desc d d.f0
sh_f0 d.f1 sh_f1 d.last 1
for () (d.f0)1 sh_lastd.last
while ((d.f1)1 (lastd.last))
/ busy wait / / critical
section / d.f00
bool turn, flag2 active proctype run_thread0
() again flag0 1 turn 1
(flag1 0 turn 0) -gt
/ busy wait / / critical section /
flag0 0 goto again ...
express design as a PROMELA model
- Limitations
- need to redo manual translation whenever
implementation changes - the absence of errors in the design does not
guarantee that the implementation (the
executable) is error free
3Model-Driven Verification
Embed C code within PROMELA - C code is executed
by SPIN during search
static int sh_f0, sh_f1, sh_last void
run_thread0 () struct pa_desc d d.f0
sh_f0 d.f1 sh_f1 d.last 1
for () (d.f0)1 sh_lastd.last
while ((d.f1)1 (lastd.last))
/ busy wait / / critical
section / d.f00
c_decl extern void run_thread0 (void )
extern void run_thread1 (void )
...active proctype main() init()
do choose(thread0) -gt c_code run_thread0
() choose(thread1) -gt c_code
run_thread1 () ... od
- Main drawback
- Not useful for verification of multithreaded C
programs - Need to explore the interleavings within the
Ref Model-Driven Software Verification,
G.J.Holzmann R.Joshi, SPIN 2004
4Our Solution Introducing pancam
- Build pancam interpreter that can be embedded
within an existing model checker - pancam inherits all SPIN optimizations and future
enhancements - bit-state verification
- hash compression
- multi-core checking
- pancam does not rely on any customization of SPIN
5The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
- pancam interprets optimized LLVM bytecode (a
typed bytecode language) - catches errors that manifest themselves only
after the optimization phase
/ Peterson's algorithm (adapted from Wikipedia)?
/ static volatile int sh_f0, sh_f1, sh_last
void run_thread0 () struct pa_desc d
d.f0 sh_f0 d.f1 sh_f1 d.last
1 for () (d.f0)1
sh_lastd.last while ((d.f1)1
(sh_lastd.last)) / busy wait /
/ critical section /
Ref LLVM compiler (originated from University of
Illinois Urbana-Champaign), http//llvm.org
6The pancam Checker
Spin (pan.c)
take_step (thread_id, granularity, state)
- SPIN orchestrates the state space search
- - decides which thread to execute next
- - stores visited states in the hash
- - restores to the previous step during DFS
backtracking - pancam computes the transition by code
interpretation - - can execute any number of instructions of a
specific thread - - can check predicates at any point
7Spin Model for pancam
active proctype main() c_code
init_thread(0, run_thread0)
init_thread(1, run_thread1) do
c_expr is_enabled(0) -gt c_code
take_step(0) c_expr is_enabled(1)
-gt c_code take_step(1) od
8Program State csN
global state
system heap
program stack
c_track cs N Matched active proctype
main() c_code pancam_init(petersons
.bc) init_thread(0, run_thread0)
init_thread(1, run_thread1)
do c_expr is_enabled(0) -gt c_code
take_step(0) c_expr is_enabled(1)
-gt c_code take_step(1) od
9Addressing State Space Explosion
- Three Strategies
- support user-defined abstraction functions
- use context-bounded checking
- do on-the-fly partial-order reduction
10User Defined Abstractions
system heap
program stack
user defined
global state
Abstract StateasK
Concrete State csN
as is populated through the user defined
function compute_abst(void as)
- cs is stored on Spins stack, which is used for
DFS backtracking - as is used for state hashing
c_track cs N UnMatched c_track as
K Matched
11Context-Bounded Checking
- Enforce upper bound on number of allowed
preemptivecontext-switches - a switch from p to q is preemptive provided p is
enabled - explore state space exhaustively with
increasingly larger bounds - works well in practice - most concurrency bugs
can be triggered with a small number of switches
Ref Iterative context bounding for systematic
testing of multithreaded programs, M. Musuvathi,
S. Qadeer, POPL 2007
12pancam Implementation of Context Bounding
- Implemented as an optional extension
- requires no modification to Spin
13Experimental Results Context Bounding
peterson.c without abstraction
14On-the-fly Partial-order Reduction
take_step (th_id, s)
- pancam transitions have no structure
- c_code take_step (th_id, s)
- Spins traditional partial-order reduction
doesnt apply - even if we modified Spin, computing independence
relation is too hard - Shift the burden to pancam by
- increasing the granularity of a pancam step
- hiding unnecessary states from Spin
15On-the-fly Partial-order Reduction
take_step (th_id, s)
- pancam transitions have no structure
- c_code take_step (th_id, s)
- Spins traditional partial-order reduction
doesnt apply - even if we modified Spin, computing independence
relation is too hard - Shift the burden to pancam by
- increasing the granularity of a pancam step
- hiding unnecessary states from Spin
- Example
- execute a thread until it accesses a global
variable or the shared heap - Can we do better?
16Superstep Reduction Key Ideas
- Unlike classical POR, which considers subsets of
enabled transitions from state s, we consider
subsets of enabled finite paths from s -
17Superstep Reduction Key Ideas
- Unlike classical POR, which considers subsets of
enabled transitions from state s, we consider
subsets of enabled finite paths from s - Each selected path is replaced with a single
superstep transition -
18Superstep Reduction Key Ideas
- Unlike classical POR, which considers subsets of
enabled transitions from state s, we consider
subsets of enabled finite paths from s - Each selected path is replaced with a single
superstep transition - The conflicts (dependencies) are computed
19Superstep Requirments
- Compute superstep ?i for each enabled thread i
- a superstep is finite and nonempty
- only the last transition in a superstepmay
conflict with transitions in other supersteps - only the last transition of a superstepcan be
From these, we can show thatsuperstep reduction
is sound and complete for checking any LTL
property without the next-time operator
Can be seen as an extension of the Cartesian
partial-order reduction to LTL
Ref Cartesian partial-order reduction, G. Gueta,
C. Flanagan, E. Yahav, M. Sagiv, SPIN 2007
20Efficient DFS Implementation
- DFS is essential for liveness support
- Precomputing the supersteps leads to run time
overhead - Supersteps are computed on-the-fly using a scheme
that maintains bookkeeping information across
Spin backtracking steps - no modification to SPIN is required
21Experimental Results Superstep Reduction
robots.c benchmark
22Other Related Work
- Modex tool extracts PROMELA models from C
implementations - A practical method for verifying event-driven
software, G. Holzmann, M. Smith, SE1999 - Java Pathfinder integrates model checking with
the virtual machine - Model checking programs, W. Visser, K.
Havelund, G. Brat, S. Park, F. Lerda, ASE 2003 - VeriSoft God97 and Inspect YCGK07 tools are
state-less model checkers for C - Model checking for programming languages using
VeriSoft, P. Godefroid, POPL 1997 - Dynamic partial-order reduction for model
checking software, C. Flanagan, P. Godefroid,
POPL 2005 - CHESS model checker for concurrent C code checks
for livelocks - Fair stateless model checking, M. Musuvathi, S.
Qadeer, PLDI 2008 - CMC explicit-state model checking requires manual
translation from C - A pragmatic approach to model checking real
code, M. Musuvathi, et al., OSDI 2002 - In CodeSurfer tool, program analysis is applied
to a model constructed from an executable - Wysinwyx What you see is not what you execute,
G. Balakrishnan, et al., VSTTE 2005
- First version of pancam completed
- implements abstraction support, context-bounding,
superstep reduction - applied to several small programs (200 lines of
C) - applied to an inter-process communication module
(2800 lines of C) - fixed bug in Wikipedia implementation of
Petersons protocol - extended the tool to support liveness properties
- Ongoing work
- reduce the size of a concrete state
- combine superstep reduction with static POR
- make some conservative approximations to reduce
overhead of POR - reduce run time overhead
25Cap Sets
- Unlike classical POR, which looks at subsets of
enabled transitions from state s, we look at
subsets of enabled finite paths from s - Given a state s, choose Cap(s) - a subset of
finite prefixes of paths from s - ?? ? ? paths from s (? ?, ? ? ? Cap(s) ? ? ?
ext(?) ??? ? ? )
26Reduced System
- Given a transition state graph M ? S, T, S0, L
? - The reduced graph M ? S, T, S0, L ?, such
that - T s ? ? s?S, ??Cap(s) , where s ? ?
is a superstep transition summarizing execution
of path ? - If M and M' are stuttering equivalent, for any
LTL formula Af without the next time operator,
and every initial state s - s Af in M if and only if s Af in M'
27Independence Requirement
- ?? ? ? paths from s (? ?, ? ? ? Cap(s) ? ?
? ext(?) ? ? ???) let ? ??? - Independence Requirement
- transitions of ? ? ? are independent from ?
- ? ? ? ? ? is enabled at s, and results in the
same state as ? - then choose ? ? ? ? ? ?
? ? ?
28Visibility Requirement
- have to show that ( ? ? ? ) ? ( ?? ??? ? ? )
- Visibility Requirement
- both ? and ? have the same visible transition and
at most one is allowed - All states on the paths ? and ?? ??? can be
partitioned into two sets Seq and Req - ? s ? Seq L(s) L(s)
- ? r ? Req L(r) L(r)
29Visibility Requirement
- have to show that ( ? ? ? ) ? ( s??? ??? ? ? )
- Visibility Requirement
- both ? and ? have the same visible transition and
at most one is allowed - All states on the paths ? and ?? ??? can be
partitioned into two sets Seq and Req - ? s ? Seq L(s) L(s)
- ? r ? Req L(r) L(r)
- No need to show the intermediate states
- Path ? is substituted by one superstep transition