Title: Deterministic BIST
1Deterministic BIST
Project Presentation for ELE6306 (Test des
Circuits Electronics)
- By
- Amiri Amir Mohammad
- Professor
- Dr. Abdelhakim Khouas
2Deterministic BIST
- Schemes To Discuss
- I. DBIST Schemes Based On Reseeding of LFSR
- A. General DBIST Scheme
- B. Implicit Encoding (Re-ordering Of Patterns)
- C. Implicit Encoding(Reordering 2Of Test cubes
next-bit) - II. DBIST Schemes Using Internal Patterns
- A. Bit-Flipping BIST (BFF)
- B. Improved BFF BIST (SMF)
- III. Others
- SMF with Multiple Scan
- DBIST with TPI
- Random patterns by LFSR with P(x)
- Signature Analysis by MISR
- Large number of Patterns to achieve FC
- Delay performance issues
- Deterministic
- Complex Algorithms
- Increased Complexity for larger and complex
circuits - Many patterns needed to achieve desired FC
- Delay and Costly
4Deterministic BIST
- What?
- Improved BIST scheme
- Why?
- Increase FC in Scan-Based Design
- Improve test application time and performance
- How?
- Random Patterns Deterministic
- Initially random patterns
- Generated by Internal LFSR
- Random resistant faults not detected
- Followed by Deterministic Patterns
- Generated by ATPG
- Tend to detect hard-to-detect faults (random
5I. DBIST (LFSR Reseeding)
- A. General Scheme
- k-bit MP-LFSR Programmable
- 2k distinct patterns
- x primitive polynomials gt x different sequences
of patterns depending on initial value (seed) - ATPG-generated deterministic pattern encoded into
n-bit word - q-bit gt Poly. Id (2q Polynomials)
- (n - q) bit gt LFSR seed
- m-bit Scan Register
6I. DBIST (LFSR Reseeding)
- Behavior
- LFSR loaded with seed value
- Poly ID identifies FeedBack configuration
- LFSR output bits serially shifted into the Scan
Register in m-clocks - Generated pattern consistent with encoded
deterministic pattern - Original Test Cube - - 0 0 - - - 1 - 0
- Generated pattern 1 1 0 0 101 1 0 0
7I. DBIST (LFSR Reseeding)
- Encoding Of Test Cubes
- Size of seed depends on number of carebits in
Test Cube C - carebit gt specified bit either 1 or 0, not x
- A set of test cubes T C1, C2,, Ci
- S(Ci) indice of carebits in test cube Ci
- s(Ci) Number of carebits in test cube Ci
- smax(T) maximum number of specified bits in
set T - Example T C1 , C2 , C3
- C1 x1xx0x11xx , C2 xxx10xx1xx, C3
0x1xxxx0xx - S(C1) 2 , 3 , 5 , 8 s(C1)4 s(C2)3 s(C3)
3 smax(T) 4 - ai consistent with ci
- ci ai (a(0). Mi )1 (a(0).Mi-k1 )k
- Companion matrix M
8I. DBIST (LFSR Reseeding)
- Encoding Of Test Cubes (continued..)
- To encode C into a seed a
- Solving s(C) system of non-linear equations in
terms of seed variables(a0, , ak-1) polynomial
coefficients (p0,,pk-1 ), obtained from - Two way to solve
- 1. Fixing seed variables, and finding the
corresponding P(x) - System of non-linear equations (complex to solve)
- 2. Fixing P(x), and finding seed variables
- Simpler to solve
- Less computation time in general
- If no solution with P1(x), choose next polynomial
- average of polynomials analyzed slightly
greater than one
9I. DBIST (LFSR Reseeding)
- Example Given P (x) x4 x3 1
- p01 p10 p20 p31
- C x 1xx 0xx 11x gt S(C) 1,2,5,8 and s(C)
4. - For each index i in S(C), calculate a(0). Mi
- (M i-k1 )k Calculated for each i and k
- Subscript k indicates kth position in the set of
seed variables a(0)
10I. DBIST (LFSR Reseeding)
- Only 4-bit encoding for 10 bit test cube
- (4 q)-bit stored in Memory
11I. DBIST (LFSR Reseeding)
- General Scheme
- Efficient Encoding
- Probabilistic Analysis show Very high probability
of successfull encoding with s 4 bits ( 16
polynomial LFSR ) - Area Overhead
- N Patterns gt N x (s q) bits of storage
- Control Logic For configuration
- Optimization possible in terms of storage area
12I. DBIST (LFSR Reseeding)
- B. Implicit Encoding Scheme (1)
- Modified Reseeding Scheme
- Re-ordering of Test Cubes
- Reduced Storage Size
- No storage for poly id
- Periodic Operation
- Mod-p counter
- p is the period of the sequence of polynomials (p
feedback polynomials) - Addition of Random Patterns to complete periods
- High Computational Effort
13I. DBIST (LFSR Reseeding)
- B. Implicit Encoding Scheme (1) (Continued..)
- Periodic Operation Example
- T C1, C2, C3, C4 set of Polynomials P(C)
where P (Ci) contains all the polynomials that
can generate Ci - P (C1) p1, p4, P (C2) P (C3) p1, p2, p3,
p4 P (C4) p2, p3 - p1 and p2 can generate all the patterns
- (C1, C2) by p1 (C3, C4) by p2
- Therefore ( C1, C2, C3, C4 ) Implies Sequence of
Polynomials (p1, p1, p2, p2) - Re-ordering (p1, p2, p1, p2) gt ( C1, C3, C2,
C4 ) minimum period 2 - adding random patterns to make perfect ordering
not necessary (i.e counter can be stopped in last
period at any time) - Can insert more polynomial from P(Ci ) at the
expense of AREA
14I. DBIST (LFSR Reseeding)
- B. Implicit Encoding Scheme (1) (Continued..)
- Issue
- achieve a re-ordering of the polynomials such
that all the test cubes are covered, and so by
having a sequence of polynomials with minimum
period - Therefore Need An Algorithm to reduce the list
of test cubes generated by each polynomial and
hence reduce period - TestCube Compaction
- To improve time of test application and the
efficiency of encoding - Techniques
- Simplification Removal of Ci from T if Ci is a
subsets of Cj - Merging consistent test cubes combined such
that s(mrg(C1C2Ci)) s(T) is met. - Concatenation CiCjCz if s(concat(..))
15I. DBIST (LFSR Reseeding)
- B. Implicit Encoding Scheme (1) (Continued..)
- TestCube Compaction (Example)
- Simplification And Merging
16I. DBIST (LFSR Reseeding)
- B. Implicit Encoding Scheme (1) (Continued..)
- TestCube Compaction (Example..)
- Concatenation
- Only 3 encoding needed as opposed to 4.
- Therefore, Reduced Encoding and consequently
improved time of test application can be obtained
17I. DBIST (LFSR Reseeding)
- B. Implicit Encoding Scheme (2)
- Modified Reseeding Scheme
- Re-ordering of Test Cubes
- Reduced Storage Size
- Seed grouping
- Storage required for Next-bit
- q-bit counter
- Each state of Counter correponds to a feedback
configuration - No Balancing needed in the number of seeds
- (smax 1) x N storage for N patterns
18II. DBIST Scheme Using Internal Patterns
- A. Bit Flipping BIST (BFF) (Continued..)
- Pattern mapping
- Useless random patterns converted into
deterministic - BFF block is combinational and responsible to
flip an output bit of LFSR at particular states
19II. DBIST Scheme Using Internal Patterns
- A. Bit Flipping BIST (BFF) (Continued..)
- Efficient Mapping
- Pr and Pd with minimum humming distance
- Minimum cost (least number of minterms)
- Random Pattern Pr
- Pr f ( LFSR states )
- On-set(Pr) Modifiable bits
- Off-set(Pr) fixed bits (consistent with Pd )
- Fix-set
- On-, Off-, Fix-sets contain LFSR states
- s0, s1, , s k-1
20II. DBIST Scheme Using Internal Patterns
- A. Bit Flipping BIST (BFF) (Continued..)
- BFF function
- Constructed iteratively starting with BFF0 ending
with BFFR in R iterations - At each iteration r ( 0 r R )
- New Pd embeded in BFF
- More Hard-to-detect faults coverd
- New set of Hard-to-detect faults F identified
- Final BFFR covers all faults
- Fix0 set of LFSR states, whose random patterns
detect some faults
21II. DBIST Scheme Using Internal Patterns
- A. Bit Flipping BIST (BFF) (Continued..)
- Example 3-bit LFSR, 5-bit Scan Register, F
f1, f2, f3, f4, f5, primitive P (x) generating
s0-s6 as below.
- Assume P1 11xxx and P2 0xx1x Covering f1, f2,
f3 - Fix1s5, s6Fix2s3, s6and Fix0 Union(Fix1,
Fix2 s3 , s5 , s6
- BFF0 Ø and Fix0 s3 , s5 , s6
- A determinstic pattern Pd 11 x 01 covering f4,
f5 - Hence, need to map Pd onto a Pr in the list
22II. DBIST Scheme Using Internal Patterns
- A. Bit Flipping BIST (BFF) (Continued..)
- Example (cont..)
- on-set and off-set for all Pr w.r.t (Pd 11 x
01) - Candidates for mapping Pd P1, P2, P4. Why not
P3, P5 ? - P1 chosen, because minimum cost (humming distance
least of minterms ) - New BFF Union BFF0, on-set (Pd, P1) s0
- New FIX FIX1 Union FIX0, on-set (Pd , P1),
off-set (Pd , P1) s0, s1, s3, s4, s5, s6
23II. DBIST Scheme Using Internal Patterns
- A. Bit Flipping BIST (BFF) (Continued..)
- Minimizing BFF by considering s0 (on-set
elements) only
- New LFSR patterns gt
- Pd 11 x 01
- P1 11xxx P2 0xx1x
- Randomly modified
24II. DBIST Scheme Using Internal Patterns
- Extension of BFF
- Improves Area Overhead
- Autocorrelation between random patterns
- 1111- 0111-1011-1101-1110
- SMF f ( LFSR states, Bit-counter bits,
Pattern-counter bits) - Same procedure as BFF to get SMF function, except
state variables are different
25II. DBIST Scheme Using Internal Patterns
- B. Improved BFF (SMF) (continued..)
- Example Given 2-bit LFSR with P(x) with states
as below, test length 6, 5-bit Scan Register, and
need to generate - Pd1 00010 , Pd2 00011
- Looking at the table
- Minimum of 2 bits need to be modified for a
chosen Pr
26II. DBIST Scheme Using Internal Patterns
- B. Improved BFF (SMF) (continued..)
- Example (continued.. )
- Pd1, Pd2 are similar
- Pd1 maps onto P1 (minimum cost)
- On1 ( Pd1 , P1 ) 000 000 01, 010 000 01
- Off1 ( Pd1 , P1 ) 001 000 10, 011 000 01, 100
000 10 - logic minimization similar to BFF
- SMF1 xx0 xxx x1
- covering all terms of On1 ( Pd1 , P1 ) but none
of Off1 ( Pd1 , P1 ) - Fix1 Union On1 ( Pd1 , P1 ) , Off1 ( Pd1 ,
P1 ) - To map Pd2, repeated P1 (P4) is the candidate
27II. DBIST Scheme Using Internal Patterns
- B. Improved BFF (SMF) (continued..)
- SMF1
- With the new table, only 1-bit modification
possible for mapping Pd2 - On2( Pd2 , P4) 100 011 10
- Off 2(Pd2 , P4) 000 011 01, 001 01110, 010 011
11, 011 011 01 and FIX2 Union Fix1, Off
2(Pd2 , P4) , On2( Pd2 , P4) - SMF2 xx0 xxx x1, xx0 xx1 xx b0. (p0 t0)
28II. DBIST Scheme Using Internal Patterns
- B. Improved BFF (SMF) (continued..)
- Pd1 and Pd2 mapped efficiently with only two
29II. DBIST Scheme Using Internal Patterns
- B. Improved BFF (SMF) (continued..)
- Efficiency of the SMF over PRPG
- High FC compared to PRPG for
- Less Area than the 32-bit register used for PRPG
for the same FC - Less Area than BOTH (BFF and General)
30III. Others Schemes
- Improvement over single-scan SMF
- Breaking one large scan register into several
scan registers - Reduced time of test application (less FFs)
- Similar Synthesis process as single scan SMF ,
except at logic minimization step - Patterns feed several scan paths
- Pd can map onto any path
31III. Others Schemes
- DBIST with TPI
- BFF combined with TPI (Test point insertion)
- Improves
- Random testability
- Controllability and Observability
- 100 FC achieved with less area
32VI. Conclusion
- Reseeding of LFSR
- General DBIST Scheme
- High FC
- Efficient Encoding ( Less computational effort
for encoding of seeds) - Storage Area Overhead (seed poly id )
- Implicit Encoding (1)
- High FC
- Less Storage Area mod-p counter needed
- More Computational effort needed for encoding of
seeds - Re-ordering needed added Random Patterns for
balancing - Implicit Encoding (2)
- High FC
- next-bit p-bit counter (for p polynomials of
LFSR) - No balancing problem, hence no random patterns
need to be added
33VI. Conclusion
- Internal Pattern Generation
- High FC
- Pattern Mapping
- Less Area Overhead (No Storage required)
- Synthesis process
- SMF (single scan design)
- High FC
- Pattern Mapping
- Furthre improve BFF for area overhead (
reduced-size LFSR ) - Synthesis Process
- SMF with Multiple Scan Register
- improved time of test Application